The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 71 - Vision

"You never truly cared about the bio-genetics, you always want to study them every chance you get, why change your theory now" she said with a skeptical look.

Hachiro's glasses cleared revealing his black eyes.

"Because you care for them Touka-san" he said with a smile against his lips.

Touka eyes widen at his words , before smiling, she playfully punch his shoulder.

"Well you do too now, Hachiro" she said sweetly.

He sweat drop behind his head.

"I believe that's not the case here" he said sternly, adjusting his glasses.


Yuki hidden behind the wall, she heard everything. 'Gets to the Sp3 stage?' she thought turning to continue her walk. 'That means he's still on the Sp2 stage' her looks darken. 'This explains everything... I have to-'


A loud voice came in her head, she held it in pain giving a silent cry going on her knees.

'Protect, Kimura Hiro!'

The voice boomed once more, her head hung down more in extreme pain, her eyes shaking in horror, blood trailed from her nose dripping on the metal floor.

'Must protect Kimura Hiro!!!'


Yuki gasps, the blood from her nose no longer drip on metal floor but on black floor, she slowly raised her head observing her surroundings but it couldn't be seen clearly because of how dark and blurry it was but something caught her attention, something right in front of her that caused chills to her spine.

There was someone in a tall, big glass cylinder tube, water inside, having long dull brown hair. Wires connected to the tube. The figure's face is covered with something that could not be seen clearly, inside it had feminine structure.


She was sure the voice came from that strange person, because the tube vibrates as she spoke.

'Protect, Kimura Hiro'

Yuki's violet eyes shakes at the words, it sounds deep in her head like a cracking ball. Her eyes widen in horror.

"Protect Kimura Hiro" Yuki said like it was a word recorded in her head.


Yuki gasps back to reality, her shaky eyes looks around with a start, her body then felt at ease, she uses the back of her hand to wipe the blood off her nose. She rose to her feet, her violet eyes filled with series of emotions she couldn't contain and all she could think of was Kimura Hiro, she continued her walk lost in her head.

Touka steps forward with a skeptical look, for a brief second she listened, was Yuki in pain or something? And what more... did she hear right?

"Protect Kimura Hiro?" She said puzzled.

"What's that?!" Hachiro asked coming behind her.

"It's nothing" Touka said haste.

"We should get going" she states as they both walk ahead.

Her mind still lingered to the strange girl Yuki, but she quickly shove it off, she had other things to worry about at the moment, keeping Hiro's condition a secret.


Hiro groaned as he stir awake, his head moving side ways, he felt a bit light headed, maybe it was because of the surgery, be used his left hand to feel the bandage around his eye but froze when he saw his hand through his senses, in a blue and red form. 'I can still' he thought shaky. 'I can still sense things!' He thought with joy about siting up but he felt heavy, more importantly his right-hand did. He quickly turns to it, his body stiffen feeling the strange aura, it was Yuki, sleeping soundly, she was seated, her head against the bed, resting on his hand.

'Great She's still here' Hiro thought sarcastically. But hold on a minute... he took his time, her aura it was getting... 'more stronger' he thought puzzled. He shakily observed her aura, the wave of it around her, a rare colour that seem to illuminate more than anything he has ever seen... the rare color  white.

She stirred awake groaning, she raised her head finding Hiro starring at her strangely, but it didn't seem to bother her much to Hiro's surprise.

"You're awake" she said in a simple tone.

"The surgery..."he began with anticipation.

"Was it a success?".

"Yes it was and luckily your senses still stayed" she said seating upright.

Hiro took a deep breath of relief, he was glad, at least fate wasn't so cruel to him this time.

"I'm glad" he said lying his head back down, a small smile found his lip.

Yuki eyes drift to the clock against the wall in the room, it read 3am... she had no idea the clock still worked.

"Could you..." Hiro began faintly.

She turns to him, she tilts her head to the side, when she observed him fighting with the right words to say.

"...take me to the room hall, my body feels heavy right now... and I have to be there so that I can train, training starts tomorrow right?"

"Today, it starts today, few more hours to go" she said.

"I see".

"And you can ask me anything, I'm still your eyes and anchor".

Hiro's eyebrow twitched.

"That isn't really necessary right now" Hiro said.

"Your anchor then" she urged.

He sweat drop behind his head, this girl was certainly all kinds of odd.

"And I'm not taking you to the room hall just yet... Dr. Touka said you should stay here and rest if you wanna attend the training" she lied with a straight face but Hiro didn't seem to notice, he was more pissed with the order.



Outside the room door, General Anzai stood, leaning against the wall, arms folded, a wide smile against his lips. 'I'm glad Hiro' he thought getting off the wall, the surgery was a success... there was no greater joy than that. He walked along the hall.

"General Anzai" Tori said, standing upright as always, he waited for him at the other end of the lobby, he blinks twice seeing the smirk against Anzai's lips.

"Let's get to it shall we" Anzai said in amusement, shoving a cigar between his lips, using his small case lighter to lit the bottom.

"We have a bunch of brats to train".

"General Anzai" Tori thought sweat dropping behind his head at his unpleasant words.

Anzai's smirk didn't seize his eyes beaming a dangerous red with the thoughts he had.

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