The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 70 - Unexplainable Theory

Weeks Ago

After the Bio-genetics Awakening

The Classroom

"Dr. Touka would you please" Prime Minster Kiyoshi said to the woman seated beside him, on a lab coat, wearing a slender black grown beneath.

"Yes, Kiyoshi-sama," Kimi Touka said, she had short light indigo hair, shorten in style, her dark yellow eyes averted to the kids.

"My name is Dr. Kimi Touka and I will give you a briefing of the virus!" she began facing the Bio-genetics at the video, all having stunned expression, they just received the shocking news that the world has ended, their loved ones gone and now this.

"The Sp-virus from our discovery known as 'Synthetic Proliferation' is a deadly virus that causes unimaginable mutation to the human cells, it's deadly to a point that it destroys all body cells in an instant, crumbling the body into nothing but molecule wastes. Although it destroys body cells it reacts differently to the different immune systems of the human body and you kids are proof of that theory. The Bio-genetics".

"In what we have been able to discover the Sp-virus has 4 stages. In the first stage known as Sp1 which is the early stage, you all experienced symptoms of coughing and bleeding from the mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. In the second stage, Sp2, your cells were altered, thereby mutating and changes of your cellular structure. The third stage, Sp3, evolved into the bio-genetics, possessing unimaginable abilities, the fourth stage Sp4, death".

'The Four Stages Of The Virus'


Present Day

"Hiro is still on the Sp2 stage!" Touka said sternly.

"He's still mutating" Hachiro said with shaky eyes.

Touka nods.

"This is glorious... completely glorious" he said amazed.

"Others have crossed to Sp3 stage... but Hiro is still mutating, he's still at the early stage were the rest once was... which is why we thought the virus was eating him up but it wasn't it was still..."

"Mutating in his body... or eyes rather" she finish for him.

"His eyes going off like a ticking bomb was just the after effects of the mutation not his actual ability, like a pool of energy releasing out in a raw form" she explained.

"This is amazing... truly amazing, this surpasses all laws of science" he said amazed.

"We still need to be on the safer side... we don't know what will happen when he actually cross to Sp3, his body will reacts differently, who knows what will happen when he becomes the actual Bio-genetic" she said frightened, who knows what will happen then, forget about the mutation, they were still dealing with an unknown deadly virus.


She faced him.

"This means... we have both been making mistakes" he states.

"The rest of the bio-genetics are all evolving differently without us knowing"

Her eyes widen in realization.



Yuki's gaze on the door.

"It should be about time now" she said rising to her feet.

That moment the door slide open as Touka steps out, her body tensed seeing her.

"Yuki" she said puzzled and surprised she was still here.

"You didn't carry out the surgery did you" she states certain.

Touka froze at her words.

"How did you...".

"You didn't take up to an hour in there and there are no blood on your gloves" she points out.

Touka was about to say something.

"We did carry out the surgery" Hachiro said stepping forward, disposing his gloves  in the bin, before Yuki caught sight of it.

"It was more of an extraction process than the actual dissecting" he adds with a stern look not breaking gaze with her.

'Hachiro' Touka thought with shaky eyes.

"The surgery was a success, seems like Hiro won't lose his high sense ability" he said.

"That's good news" Yuki said in an emotionless tone not taking her eyes off Hachiro.

"You can go wait in the other hall, Hiro will be out in a minute".

With a slight nod Yuki turns, walking away with an unreadable expression.

Making sure she was nowhere to be seen, Touka faced Hachiro.

"I know what you are about to say but i think its best we keep this to ourselves" he began in a serious tone.

"Are you being serious right now?" she said stunned.

"I hope you haven forgotten we are under the orders of the prime minister" she hissed.

"We can't Touka-san, we have to monitor his strange situation ourselves... let say we tell the prime minister about his condition and then what" he said sternly.

Touka bit her bottom lip understanding what he meant, her fist clenched hard at both sides.

"Yes Touka-san now you get the picture," his glasses shined blank white.

"He will be locked up in a room, experiment upon experiments will be carried out under the same orders of the prime minister... we are all desperate to understand the Sp-virus so we will obey, but this way, we get to monitor him without locking him up, we get to until he gets to the Sp3 stage and then everything will fall in place" he adds, adjusting his glasses.

"You never truly cared about the bio-genetics, you always want to study them every chance you get, why change your theory now" she said with a skeptical look.

Hachiro's glasses cleared revealing his black eyes.

"Because you care for them Touka-san" he said with a smile against his lips.

Touka eyes widen at his words, before smiling, she playfully punch his shoulder.

"Well you do too now, Hachiro" she said sweetly.

He sweat drop behind his head.

"I believe that's not the case here" he said sternly, adjusting his glasses.


Yuki hidden behind the wall, she heard everything. 'Gets to the Sp3 stage?' she thought turning to continue her walk. 'That means he's still on the Sp2 stage' her looks darken. 'This explains everything... I have to-'


A loud voice came in her head, she held it in pain giving a silent cry going on her knees.

'Protect, Kimura Hiro!'

The voice boomed once more, her head hung down more in extreme pain, her eyes shaking in horror, blood trailed from her nose dripping on the metal floor.

'Must protect Kimura Hiro!!!'

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