The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 69 - Surgery

"I won't be able to sense things around me anymore... I won't be able to make use of my eyes, how will I be stronger when I can't even see a damn thing" he said broken, the tears fell more.

"This is so unfair" he clenched his head tightly.

"I have to give up my only chance of survival just to live to see another day, what kind of cruel fate is this?... I didn't ask for any of this" he cried, this was more than he can bear, this was too much.

"How am I suppose to find the truth when I'm helpless" he sobbed and cried.

"I hate this" he cried more.

"I hate this", the tears dripping to the metal floor, making a faint tapping sound, his body trembling as he cried nonstop.

"Which is why I said I will stick by you" Yuki began.

His crying halts, as he faced her.

"I will be your eyes" she states facing him with an unreadable expression.

He stiffens by her words.

"I will be your anchor" she adds.

His teeth clenched tightly.

"Don't look at me like that! I can sense it" he hissed.

"Sense what?!"

"Like I'm someone you pity" he adds shaky.


He froze at her outburst as he faced her, he froze when he sensed her smile?... and it was the most beautiful thing, it only made her strange aura illuminate more and it gave him comfort.

He gulps hard.

"Even if you can sense things... you can't tell everything specifically" she said and then her looks turned serious, her smile gone like it was never even there to begin with.

"Kimura Hiro... go through with the operation"

His body trembled by her words, he faced forward as his head hung down, his expression darkens.

"Go through with it and live!".

His eyes shakes at her words, he held his head tightly.

"If I go through with this... everything will be gone" he said sad.

But this was the only way for him to live, so he made a choice.


*Heart Beat Slowly*

*Footstep Approaching*

Touka and Hachiro turns correspondingly at the sound, their bodies stiffen when they saw Hiro, Yuki beside him.

His fist clenched hard.

"I will like to go through with the operation!" He states boldly, although he was trembling like hell and couldn't contain his fear.

Touka smiled knowing he made the right decision.

Hachiro adjusted his glasses.

"Let's get right to it shall we?"


Level 20: Prime Minister Level

"I see" Prime Minister Kiyoshi said sighing in relief, it was Kashi who rely the new to him, he bows slightly before walking away, the door sliding shut.

"Well this is good news" Kiyoshi said facing Anzai, seated at the opposite of him.

Anzai shoved a cigar in his mouth.

"Lets hope for the best" Anzai said.

"The operation is 50:50 after all" he adds lighting up his the tip of his cigar with his small case lighter.

"Yes it is and it's also his best chance of survival, we are all hoping for the best" he states.

"Yes we all are" Anzai said with a heavy sigh, smoke blew off his lips.


Level 11: Special Facility

Yuki was seated on a iron bench in front of the metal door, the top lights lit, a writing on it, 'Operation In Progress'.

Her gaze drift to it. 'Hiro' she thought.


Touka and Hachiro were the ones perfecting the surgery, they were both dressed on scrubs, surgical caps, mask and gloves, ready to carry out the surgery.

Hiro was before them, unconscious on the high table bed, a breather on his nose and mouth giving him oxygen, his eyes still covered.

"Let's get this started" Hachiro said.

Touka nods reaching for the leather material that covers Hiro's eyes, her heart slamming loudly in her chest as she took it off... when she did, both of them paled at the sight.

"What is this..." Touka said sternly.

"It's like" Hachiro eyes shakes.

"The virus is eating up his eyes" he adds with a hissed.

The scene before them, Hiro's closed eyes were embodied with blue pulsing veins, along with the corner spreading to his ear lines, it was like a web of veins clustered around.

"No this is different" Touka states certainly.

"It's like it's protecting his eyes, Hiro from the start didn't want to go through with the surgery.... it could be... it could be his inner will is doing this without him knowing" she adds with shaky eyes.

"That's impossible Touka-san, in the past years of studying the virus no one... not even the bio-genetics can manipulate the virus to their will, the virus simply just runs its cost" he hissed.

"Look before you Hachiro... its happening before our eyes" she hissed back.

His body stiffen as his gaze lands on Hiro.

"This is... impossible... why" he said shaky.

"Let's not just stay still, we have to scan his brain, that cluster of vein will cause more complications if we try to even touch it" Touka said quickly rushing to bring the equipment.

"This is insane, If we don't run the surgery, he will die" he reasoned.

"And if we cut through that vein he most certainly will" she hissed, before carefully placing the wires around Hiro's head.

"Scanning his brain won't do anything right now, Touka-san, we have checked it number of times, the virus is flowing to his brain already" he states.

"Maybe we were looking at this at a different perspective, seeing the virus as an agent eating away his eyes and... what if... what if it was the opposite" she said sternly, her hand touching the transparent computer fast.

"The opposite?" He said puzzled as his gaze drift back to Hiro on the bed.

He froze as then his eyes widen in realization.

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes Hachiro... exactly what you are thinking" she states zooming in on his brain activity.

She turns to him with serious eyes.

"Hiro is still on the Sp2 stage!"

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