The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 68 - A Choice

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

Ten laid on his bed, his gaze fixed on the white ceiling, he sighs lost in deep thoughts.

"Secluded for an operation huh?" he said under his breath as his eyes sadden, he turns to the empty bed a few distances away from his. 'Roomie' he thought with shaky eyes.


Ren stood in his room with an unreadable expression seeing the empty bed belonging to Tamaki Yuma, his roommate, now dead. His eyes sad and wistful, he walks in as the door slide shut.


Kaneki was seated on his bed, his gaze glued to the floor, his arms resting on his knees. He gave a heavy sigh before looking at the empty bed in front of him, belonging to Ida Ryoji. 'So lonely' he thought with shaky eyes. 'It feels so damn lonely in here'.


"Say Shino-san, is Hiro gonna be okay? Daiki knows a little about operations but Daiki can tell it isn't that good" he said with sad eyes.

Shino was seated on his bed lost in thought.

"He was in such a critical condition and yet he", his eyes shake.


"Are you still thinking about Hiro?" Ryoto, Kaname's roommate, asked.

Kaname nods his head slightly.

"Ha right you two attend the same school right?" he adds scratching the back of his head.

"He's always doing reckless things, even though he isn't supposed to," Kaname said faintly but Ryoto heard him.


Asano stared at Yuki's bed, she was worried having no idea where she was. 'Where are you, Yuki?!'


"There you go, Yumi," Mary said combing Yumi's short blond yellow hair, before packing it in two buns.

"Thanks, Mary-chan" Yumi said smiling brightly as she turned to her.

Mary turned to Mirai who was folding her sheets.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here for tonight," Mary said with a forced smile.

"There's no need to thank me," Mirai said nervously.

"No I insist, it would have been so lonely to stay in my room alone," Mary said as her looks sad.

"Mary-chan," Yumi said with a look of worry.

Mirai's eyes shake, she forced an encouraging smile. 

"Well it's late, let's have some sleep, we will be up by first light tomorrow," Mirai said. They turned to her nodding. 


Level 11: Special Facility

Hiro and Yuki step into the room as the door slide open.

"You should head back it's late, the rest of you have training tomorrow by first light," Hiro said.

"I will stay until after the operation" she states firmly leaving no room for argument.

Hiro sighed, not ready to spare her any more words, she was really sticking by him as she said, it was creepy.

"Hiro," Dr. Touka said stepping forward, on her lab clothes as usual.

"Are you ready? Remember this operation is a 50:50 chance, you might not survive, but still, it's the only way" she said worriedly.

"And if I do survive?" he asked with anticipation.

"Will I still be able to do that thing I do with my eyes?"

Touka gulps hard.

"I'm afraid not," Hachiro said stepping forward.

"This operation is based on saving your life, in order words, we are blocking the virus from gaining more passage around your eyes and affecting your brain" he states.

"But that means I won't be able to see anything, I won't be able to sense anything around as I do now... i... i... I will be useless" he said as his body trembling.

"It's saving your life Hiro" Touka hissed, this was the only way.

"MAYBE I DON'T WANNA BE SAVED!" he shouts, they froze at his sudden outburst, the light material around his eyes wetting with tears instantly, flowing down his cheeks.

"Hiro" Touka began.

But he turns, running away, Yuki went after him.

"The virus in his system didn't exactly flow well like the others, thereby no stable ability as a bio-genetic... his eyes were practically his only source of power, and now he's gonna lose that... I can understand how he feels" Hachiro states with blank white glasses.

"It's the only way to save his life, if we don't get the operation carried out, he will be brain damage for the rest of his life... he has to make a choice!" she said.

Yuki at the other end heard everything, before continuing her walk to find Hiro.


Sobs could be heard along the hallway. Hiro was seated on the ground crying, his back against the metal wall, his knees raised.

Yuki approached him as she slowly sat beside him in the same position.

"You have to go through with the operation" she began in a serious tone.

Hiro's teeth clenched hard as well as his fist.

"Or you will be brain damage for the rest of your life" she adds.

Hiro's tighten fist lessen.

"But..." he began faintly, the odds were against him.

"I won't be able to sense things around me anymore... I won't be able to make use of my eyes, how will I be stronger when I can't even see a damn thing" he said broken, the tears fell more.

"This is so unfair" he clenched his head tightly.

"I have to give up my only chance of survival just to live to see another day, what kind of cruel fate is this?... I didn't ask for any of this" he cried, this was more than he can bear, this was too much.

"How am I suppose to find the truth when I'm helpless" he sobbed and cried.

"I hate this" he cried more.

"I hate this", the tears dripping to the metal floor, making a faint tapping sound, his body trembling as he cried nonstop.

"Which is why I said I will stick by you" Yuki began.

His crying halts, as he faced her.

"I will be your eyes" she states facing him with an unreadable expression.

He stiffens by her words.

"I will be your anchor" she adds.

His teeth clenched tightly.

"Don't look at me like that! I can sense it" he hissed.

"Sense what?!"

"Like I'm someone you pity" he adds shaky.


He froze at her outburst as he faced her, he froze when he sensed her smile?.... and it was the most beautiful thing, it only made her strange aura illuminate more and it gave him comfort.

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