The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 67 - Distinct

Starring up a flame'. Tori thought amused. 'And seizing it that moment'. His eyes drifted to Anzai. 'That's Anazi-san for you'. He smiled. 'Always working with the heart of many, the will of a soldier, the soldier spirit'.

"Well seems like you kids have given up already, like I said be my guest," Anzai said in a bored tone turning about leaving.

"General Anazi!" Hiro hissed rising to his feet. Anzai halted but didn't turn.

"You call me sir, kid!" Anzai hissed with white eyes as an angry vein popped out of his head. Hiro gulps hard as beads of sweat hung his features.

"I mean sir!" Hiro hissed sweating.

"Please train me!" he hissed bowing his head in respect.

Anzai turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Sir please train me too!" Shino hissed rising to his feet, bowing.

"Me too!" Ten said standing, bowing.

"Well since everyone is saying it! I will like to be trained too" Sumi hissed.

"Me too!" Kaneki said. 

"Me too!" Mirai said.

"Me... too!" Yumi said.

"Me too!" Yuki said.

"Me too!" Kaname said along with Daiki, Haya, and the rest.

'THIS IS TOTALLY CRAZY!!!' Homura rose to his feet sweating ferociously.

They all had serious looks, with shaky eyes.

Anazi took a deep breath 

"Well this will be tiring," Anzai said in a bored tone as he scratched the back of his head.

They stared at him in confusion.

Uchida Anzai sighs.

"Now will have to babysit 51 kids, annoying" he adds.

Their eyes turned white as their mouth dropped.

He smirked darkly.

"Well I guess it can't be helped" he adds closing his eyes for a second and then opened them.

The bio-genetics stared at him with anticipation.

"Staring from right now, I'm your General, I won't tolerate nonsense, let that thought stick to your head," he said darkly.

They swallowed hard. 'Scary'. They all thought at the same time.

"Training will begin at first light, you all should be assembled in the hall. Tardiness won't be tolerated" he hissed dead serious.

"Yes sir!!!" they all hissed in unison.

"And one more thing" he began in a serious tone as his eyes lands on Hiro who stiffen when he sensed his stare.

"I will be training all of you except Kimura Hiro!" he states.

Hiro paled at his words, he saw red.

"What?!" he hissed.

Everyone froze at General Anzai's words, both stunned and confused.

"Why? Sir!" he demands, he needed an explanation for this unexpected news.

Tori was also lost, he gave Anzai a puzzled look before composing himself. 'What are you up to Anzai-san'.

"Because Kimura Hiro, you're blind, and also you're scheduled for an operation... seems like you didn't heed Dr. Touka's warning, your eyes are in critical condition, thereby I can't train you as a bio-genetics" he states sternly, his tone serious leaving no room for argument.

Hiro froze at his words as his fist tighten around the drip iron he held.

"Operation?" Ten said with shaky eyes. His mind flashed to when Hiro saved them, his eyes going off and then they bled. He gulps hard at the memory, as his eyes widen in realization. 'Hiro'

'Hiro' Shino thought with shaky eyes. 'He wasn't suppose to use his eyes and yet he saved us' he adds with sad eyes.

Whispers filled around the classroom. Yuki looks darken as her fist clenched hard. 'Idiot' she thought bitting her lip bottom lip. 'You really are an idiot'

"So Kimura Hiro, that's the reason" Anzai said sternly with dark looks his red eyes beaming dangerously.

"You're a liability" he adds.

Hiro's teeth clenched hard at his words, 'not again' he thought, once again he felt useless and it made his blood boil, he felt small and fragile, if only the ground could just open up and swallow him whole, right now... it was better than feeling this way.

"Alright Bio-genetics that will be all, to your room, get some rest, by tomorrow at first light assemble at the training facility, I'm sure you know your way" Anzai said sternly with deadly looks.

Scared at his dark looks, one by one the rest 50 Bio-genetics walks out of the classroom hall one by one, all sparing him a glance as they left.

Yuki stood behind, others didn't notice.

"General Anzai" Tori said with a nudge of his head.

Anzai raised an eyebrow, his gaze on her.

"And you? Didn't you hear what I said" he states in a simple tone trying to read her, her expression was blank and very hard to read. 'What's with this kid?' He thought with a skeptical look, she was odd.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm staying behind with Hiro" she said firmly.

Anzai removed the cigar from his mouth briefly, blowing smoke hair before putting it back.

"Suit yourself then, but make sure you're at training by first light" he states as both he and Tori walks out of the classroom, the doors shutting close.

"General Anzai, why did you say that to Hiro?" Tori asked with sad eyes.

"He's a liability" Anzai said as they strolled along the hallway.

"More like a handicap, I watch the footage during their mission, his eyes is his only weapon he rely solely on and also his downfall, he doesn't have any skills, hell, he doesn't look like he could wield a gun".

"But he's General Kimura son, isn't he like a spitting image of him? Expert in all combat and deadly tactics along with weapons? Aren't kids suppose to take after their father's?" Tori said puzzled, even though he wasn't married or anything yet or didn't have any kids yet, he was sure that was the case between a kid and their parents, mostly with a father and a son. His granddad served in the old war along with his dad before they passed on.

Anzai halts instantly as did Tori behind him.

"General Anzai?"

Anzai's mind traveled to a week ago.


A Week Ago

Level 20: Prime Minister's Level

"Hiro grew up defiant of what his dad does, he never liked anything military, truly the opposite of Haruto" Prime minister Kiyoshi explained.

"I see" Anzai said sternly, funny enough he wasn't surprise to hear that, because he knew not all kids wanna follow in the same footstep as them, but Hiro's case was different, he was the son of a General, certain expectations was expected of him.

"What a shame" Kiyoshi said sighing before turning to Anzai who had an unreadable expression, he forced a smile.

"But assuming you were around I'm sure he would have taken a liking to it, it was really hard with Haruto not being around" he states bringing out something from his drawer.

Anzai gaze fell on it.

He brought out a white transparent light bag with a headset inside broken in two, it was black looking like neon, the buttons at the sidelined with red.

"Hiro was clinging to it tightly when they found him" he states.

"I think his dad gave it to him" he adds giving it to Anzai.

With sad eyes, he took it.

"I leave Hiro and the rest of the bio-genetics to you, Anzai" Kiyoshi said, his eyes laced with seriousness.

Anzai's grib tightens against the headset.


Present Day

"Not all of them Tori... not all of them" Anzai said.

Tori gulps hard at his words as they continued their work.



Hiro seated, his fist still clenching the iron drip hard, his head hung down as his body trembled.

Yuki hello seated beside him, but with a gap.

"Am I..." he began in a shaky voice.

Yuki turns to him with her usual unreadable expression.

"...a liability?" he adds with clenched teeth. He hated even saying the words, and he knew even when no one said it out loud he was actually one, he only had the power of his eyes which was deadly for him, the virus didn't flow properly to the rest of his body as it should, he wasn't strong like the others, with eyebrows raised in realization, General Anzai was right... he is...a liability.

"He's right" he began faintly.

"I am", his whole body trembled, he felt small, he felt insignificant, he felt weak.

"No... you aren't" she states.

Making Hiro body stiffen, he slowly raised his head, he was stunned he didn't expect her to say something positive.

"You aren't a liability" she adds her tone laced with seriousness and for once he felt her emotions through her aura... yes her aura... her different aura unlike anything he has ever felt... a rare and mysterious color to him.

He gulps hard at her words facing forward.

"You're just weak" she said sternly.

Hiro paled like a blank paper, with a sweat drop behind his head, he turns to her with eyebrow twitching. 'Isn't that the same thing?'

"Which is why I will stick by you, because you're weak and helpless" she states.

Hiro faced forward.

"You don't have to say it that way" Hiro murmured under his breath, this girl was all kinds of weird and worse she was sticking by him, why?

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