The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 82 - Countermeasure (Part 2)

The Training Hall

The bio-genetics were already gathered there, awaiting.

"I haven't seen Hiro all night" Ten said worried.

"I haven't seen Yuki too" Asano said rushing to Ten and Shino.

"Where could they be?" Shino said puzzled.

"Hmm" Ten made a sound rubbing his chin like in deep thought.

"Maybe they are making out somewhere" Kaname said from nowhere as he now stood in the center of them, making them jump a little.

"You and your dirty mind" Asano said grimacing.

Kaname shiny black eyes lands on her, he moved to her side in a speed of lightning making Shino and Ten sweat drop behind their head.

"Aren't you a pretty thing" Kaname said holding her hand, making her blush cherry red.

"Such soft delicate hands you have" he said huskily, his face inches away from her, Asano sweats profusely.

"I wonder what they can do"

From behind a hand grabs Kaname neck clenching tightly making him squealed in pain.

"Unhand her this instant" Ken Raiden said with a monstrous look. He had white shoulder length hair he packed behind, creamy eyes.

Kaname just shivers like a cold cat, Raiden was about two foot taller than him, so he was scared as hell.

Asano blinks between the two and then burst into a hard laughter, they paused their action as they turned to the laughing girl.

Raiden blushed slightly on hearing her beautiful laugh, it was like angels singing, not sparring Kaname a glance, he fling he like he weighted nothing.

Raiden moved close to Asano just to be near her.

"Shh... they are coming" Mary hissed alerting them, all form of humor died down instantly as they heard approaching footsteps.

"Geez... my body is still hurting" Anzai said scratching the back of his head as him and Tori headed for the training hall.

"Maybe we should skip training today" Tori said worried.

"Now, now where's the spirit Tori" Anzai said amused as the door slide open, they stepped in.

They froze as their eyes widen in shock when they saw the bio-genetics already in the hall waiting.

Anazi raised an eyebrow.

"Well this is new" Anzai said stepping forward. The looks he saw on their faces were intense. Anazi smiled as he brought out the hourglass placing it on the table, the sand drifting downwards.

"Seems like you guys are all fired up" he said amused, and he was too just by seeing the determined look in their eyes. His looks turned deadly.

"Now bio-genetics" he said taking off his jacket as he gave them a deadly stare.

"Ready for another beating" he add facing them.

"No!" Shino said sternly, the bio-genetics got ready to attack. As their eyes changed.

"You're going down sir!!!" Ten hissed.

"That sounds interesting" Anzai said in amusement, standing firmly, in place.

"Let's do this!" Ten said adjusting his glasses.

Other nodded in agreement, as their eyes changed.

'Changed at will, well that's new' Anzai thought.

About 10 came at Anzai at once, sending kicks and punches but he waved them off like it was nothing.

"Raiden!" Ten hissed.

"You got it" Raiden hissed going after Anzai in speed.

'Raiden is physically strong even without his abilities, but mixed up, he's a tank slamming at a surface' Ten thought smirking.

Raiden sent a punch to Anzai's elbows he put up in defense, as it connected to it, an intense pain shock through his body like a wave even though he deflected the energy, Anzai teeth clenched but he didn't back down.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he gave a loud battle cry as he waved the elbows open in force, standing upright.

Raiden gasps as the force pushed him to the wall making the metal deepen.

"Sumi!" Ten hissed.

From nowhere Sumi's legs wrapped around Anzai's neck from behind tightly, intending to strangle him.

"Shino!" Ten hissed.

Shino ran towards Anzai as he rotated a kick at him.

But then Anzai's red eyes beamed dangerously as he used his deadly strength to fling Sumi off him, using her to clash with Shino as they waved backwards in speed landing on the floor hard.

Shino and Sumi slide to where Ten was.

"Did we distract him enough?" Shino asked groaning in pain.

Ten smirks broadly with a thumbs up.

Anzai froze when he heard those words, his eyes widen in realization, this was their plan. Before he could think of what it could be, it was too late.

From nowhere Daiki and Yumi wrapped their frame around each of his leg, holding him in place.

An angry vein popped out Anzai's head at their childish action.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He hissed with white eyes.

"NOW!!!" Ten shouts.

Anzai regained his composure on hearing Ten's voice.

"General Anzai, look out!!!" Tori hissed with widen eyes moving out of place even though Anzai told him not to move, but he couldn't just stand there and watch him get beaten up by inhuman kids.

The rest of the bio-genetics who didn't get beaten up all jumped at him at once giving a battle cry.

Anzai tried to move but Daiki and Yumi held on tightly like their life depended on it.

'I see' Anzai thought as everything went in slow motion around him, for a moment his eyes lands on Ten, he smirks, 'A smart kid' he then faced what was coming for him. 'Now all of you understand the essence of teamwork' he thought satisfied. 'In that case then' he took a deep breath'

Ten with his sharp eyes caught this action, why was he so calm when he knew very well he didn't have the upper hand any longer. 'This strange feeling' he thought with shaky eyes.

'I guess I won't hold back just a little' Anzai thought exhaling out, he then flashed his beaming eyes open.

"Hmm!" he made a deep sound taking on step forward like in a fighting stance, making Daiki and Yumi froze at his action, there was no possible way he should be moving, they held him down with all they had, with their bio-genetics strength, how come?

Before they could act, one kick stance sent Daiki flying at the cluster of others on air coming for Anzai, as they stumbled backwards in force, the wave moved others backwards before they could even reach him.

'Impossible' Ten thought with shaky eyes.. 'There's no way the human body can release that much energy all at once!' he was petrified.

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