The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 81 - Countermeasure (Part 1)

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

With dark expressions, the bio-genetics all stepped out gathering in the corridor like in a meeting, the wide corridor contained all of them.

"I can't take this anymore" Kaneki said pissed.

"It's shocking that even with abilities we can't land a single punch on him" Shino said sternly, their fists tighten.

"It shows we really are weak despite our abilities" Mirai said sternly.

"We have to think of something" Shino said sternly, they nodded in agreement.

"We have to work together as a team, that's the only way, you all saw what Sand and Yuki were able to pull off... because they worked together" he adds in reason.

"As much as i like to disagree with everything you say... i have to agree" Sumi said in a dark tone.

"Let's work together to take him down" she adds.

Shino nods slightly.

"We were all just focus on hitting him, forgetting the most crucial thing. Teamwork" Shino said the last part clearly.

"Everyone" Ten said as he adjusted his glasses, they turned to him.

"I have a plan" he adds smirking darkly.

Yuki walking out of her room unnoticed to them, she was fully dressed on her training clothes, a towel around her neck, holding two can of water she took earlier.

She halts turning to the rest, seeing Ten talking to everyone, she caught on instantly.


Level 10: Training Facility

Yuki walks into the training hall, she walks towards the side Hiro was but then froze

as her eyes widen. Before her were about five punching bags on the ground compressed and broken from the chains due to the hard impact.

Hiro was seated on the floor, his back against the wall as he took harsh breaths, his knees raised, his hand on top, his fist bleed.

'He did all this with physical strength' Yuki thought with shaky eyes, she couldn't believe it, he only just took up a punching bag like an amateur not so long ago and yet he pulled this off. He must be pretty determine to overcome his weakness, with a small ghost smile against her lips, she approached him.

She took a seat beside him dropping the can of water at the side.

"You did a good job" she said with a straight face.

"But not good enough I'm nowhere halfway where the others are... or you" he states.

"Idiot" she said taking his hand.

He froze at her action, his heart slamming loudly in his chest, he didn't know why but he knew it was because a girl have never touched his hand, or sat this close to him before, he gulps hard.

Yuki brought out a white bandage from her pocket, as she began wrapping his bruised fists.

"The others have a plan to over power General Anzai" she began as she tired the bandage on his left hand, reaching for the right hand, repeating the action.

"A plan? What plan?" Hiro asked curiously.

"Didn't hear most of it" she said.

"But we can make our own plan" she adds.

Hiro stiffen at her words.

"You wanna make a plan, with me?" Hiro asked just to be sure, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes Hiro, what do you say?"

Hiro faced his now bandaged hand, his fist clenched hard.

"I guess i have no choice then" he said faintly.

"First i will teach you some moves" she said.

He faced her in awe.

"Are you crazy? It's only few hours till dawn..."

"Trust me" she cut him off.

He gulps hard. 'Crazy... this is crazy' he thought in his head.


The Training Hall

The bio-genetics were already gathered there, awaiting.

"I haven't seen Hiro all night" Ten said worried.

"I haven't seen Yuki too" Asano said rushing to Ten and Shino.

"Where could they be?" Shino said.

"Hmm" Ten made a sound rubbing his chin like in deep thought.

"Maybe they are making out somewhere" Kaname said from nowhere as he now stood in the center of them, making them jump a little.

"You and your dirty mind" Asano said grimacing.

Kaname shiny black eyes lands on her, he moved to her side in a speed of lightning making Shino and Ten sweat drop behind their head.

"Aren't you a pretty thing" Kaname said holding her hand, making her blush cherry red.

"Such soft delicate hands you have" he said huskily, his face inches away from her, Asano sweats profusely.

From behind a hand grabs Kaname neck clenching tightly making him squealed in pain.

"Unhand her this instant" Ken Raiden said with a monstrous look. He had white shoulder length hair he packed behind, creamy eyes.

Kaname just shivers like a cold cat, Raiden was about two foot taller than him, so he was scared as hell.

Asano blinks between the two and then burst into a hard laughter, they paused their action as they turned to the laughing girl.

Raiden blushed slightly on hearing her beautiful laugh, it was like angels singing, not sparring Kaname a glance, he fling he like he weighted nothing.

Raiden moved close to Asano just to be near her.

"Shh... they are coming" Mary hissed alerting them, all form of humor died down instantly as they heard approaching footsteps.

"Geez... my body is still hurting" Anzai said scratching the back of his head as him and Tori headed for the training hall.

"Maybe we should skip training today" Tori said worried.

"Now now where's the spirit Tori" Anzai said amused as the door slide open, they stepped in.

They froze as their eyes widen in shock when they saw the bio-genetics already in the hall waiting.

Anazi raised an eyebrow.

"Well this is new" Anzai said stepping forward. The looks he saw on their faces were intense. Anazi smiled as he brought out the hourglass placing it on the table, the sand drifting downwards.

"Seems like you guys are all fired up" he said amused, and he was too just by seeing the determined look in their eyes. His looks turned deadly.

"Now bio-genetics" he said taking off his jacket as he gave them a deadly stare.

"Ready for another beating" he add facing them.

"No!" Shino said sternly, the bio-genetics got ready to attack. As their eyes changed.

"You're going down sir!!!" Ten hissed.

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