The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 48 - Those Who Stayed (Part 2)

*Wailing Screams*


They froze.

More and more gunshots could be heard and then screams, gunshots, and then nothing.

Asano's eyes shakes, everyone was stiff, their hearts slamming loudly, the same questions running in their heads, 'What could be out there?'

"Wh...what's happening outside!" Kaname said trembling, frighten to the core as he gulps hard.

Yuma shaking beside him.

"Whatever it is" Mary began with a dark expression.

"It can't be good" she adds.

"Fuck this!" Sumi said bringing out her gun cocking it.

"There's something out there" she adds her eyes laced with seriousness.

The silence grew as they begin to wonder if nothing was steering outside anymore as they heard before.

Suddenly a sound came in, they looked up to the slightly broken roof, they heard rumbles and movement but then it stop.

Anticipation uprising, yet another dead silence that got them shaking.

*Heart Beats Loudly*

A drop of sweat slides down Yuki's cheeks, her hands tightly against her gun.

*Continuous Thumping Heart Beat*

Kaname trembling vigorously.

"Wha-" before Yuma could finish his words the roofs came down with about twelve Kaiju's roaring at them, all on fours.

The rubble instantly crushed Yuma right in front of Kaname,

"AAAAHHHHHH" he screams in horror dropping to his butt.

"YUMAAAAA!" Ren shouts with tears in his eyes.

But that was the least of their concern because what stood before them, was worst than a nightmare.

It unlike anything they have ever seen stood, on all fours, It was 5 feet tall with long legs, having sharp large claws. Hunched back like position, having meat-like skin which was reddish-brown, no eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no shape, vibrating like a humming sound. Mouth wide with shark-like teeth, sharp and deadly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" a boy shouts in horror.

Before they could react or blink the clustered Kaiju's came at them, more dropping down from the rooftop. Those who had the courage brought out their gun shooting at it but it didn't give any effect on the skin only pushing the Kaiju's backward.

"EVERYONE RUN!" Yuki shouts as she fired at it while running, knowing the bullet didn't have much effect on them and staying will only result in their deaths.

They made a run for it, the Kaiju's kept coming, attacking, taking them one by one in a bloody mess, clawing and feasting on the remains in an instance.

"These things won't die" Sumi hissed shooting at the Kaiju's but it only just drew them backward.

"JUST RUN DAMMIT" Ren shouts at her but she didn't listen.

Her teeth clenched as her eyes changed, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended.

One of the Kaiju climbs on the wall before jumping at her but she quickly turns shooting at it, it drew it back up to the ceiling crashing into it.

"SHE WON'T LISTEN" Asano shouts.

Yuki zooms past her in speed.

"YUKI!" she shouts as she watches her shoot at the Kaiju's drawing them back.

A Kaiju claw slits Sumi's arm as she shouts, she drops to one knee.

"JUST KEEP SHOOTING" Kaname shouts as he and Ren kept firing but to no use, it didn't stop them.

Sumi growled raising her head as a Kaiju came for her aiming her head, her eyes widen in horror.

Instantly a red bullet from above shot down in force, hitting the Kaiju on the head, blood splashing, that moment Shino jumped down like a sharp bullet landing on the Kaiju with an extreme force that cracked the ground. Sounds of the Kaiju bones breaking could be heard.

"SHINO!" they shouted in shock.

Sumi froze where she was.

Three Kaiju's came at him, his bio-genetics eyes beamed as he cocks the gun and shoots at them, the shots wounding them as the impact from the gun drew him back but he held his ground.

The rest of the team came down from the roof shooting at many as they could.

"DIE KAIJU'S, DIE!" Ten shouts with white eyes shooting.

Yuki's team watch in shock.

"WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Shino shouts as he kept shooting at the heads of Kaiju's as they kept jumping towards them, the force pushing him backward but he held his ground, with clenched teeth.

"FOLLOW ME, I FOUND A TRAP DOOR!" Mirai shouts rushing in, Yumi beside her, they rushed towards them instantly.

"Come on" Shino growled grabbing a wounded Sumi by the arm as they rushed out as fast as they could ahead of the Kaiju.

Mirai lead them to another building that was buried, she raised the medium size boulder with her inhuman strength, Kaneki assists her along with Yumi and two others as the space opened, the remaining rushed inside. Shino sliding in with Sumi, Ten following behind with the rest, and then, Mirai, Yumi, Kaneki rushed in shutting the boulder.

The Kaiju's from a distance came rushing aggressively, passing mindlessly, their paws making loud thud sounds shocking the earth.



Yuki put on a small long device that brighten to white light, she hung it up, others did too as the light illuminated the wide-area containing the remaining 54 bio-genetics. Little sun rays reflected inside.

"We should be safe in here, for now, we still don't know what attracts the Kaiju's," Ten said taking harsh breaths, all this running around will surely be the death of him before the Kaiju's get the chance to claw his neck off.

Shino took harsh breaths as he sat on the ground, leaning his back on a plank of wood, his hands aching.

"Kaiju? What the hell is going on?!" Sumi hissed holding her wounded right arm, her body still shocking from what they experienced.

"Why the hell aren't you guys on your protective helmet" Kaname fired.

"To answer your first question" Ten began seating on building rubble, he adjusts his glasses, as they shined white.

All attention drifts to him.

"The word Kaiju is what we called those creatures that attacked us, we don't know where they came from, but I have a reason to believe the virus might have caused it," he said sternly.

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