The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 253 - Pressure

"Kazuya-san" she turned at the sound of her name, seeing an elderly woman holding onto a 4 years old boy, he had yellow hair and bright blue eyes.

Kazuya smiled warmly at him.

"Hello Sota"

He rubbed his eyes.

"He's been silent ever since I told him about his mother, I thought its best he knows right now than finding out later, our world is tougher than it already is," she said.

"I see," Kazuya said with sad eyes.

"Thank you Sango-san, I will take it from here, I will be Sota's new guardian"

"No worries, I heard from Aya before her untimely demise that you were her relatives next in line to take care of him if anything happens to her"

Kazuya smiled as she nod, almost teary.

"Yes I'm," Kazuya said.

"Odd I thought she had no one," Sango said dropping him down, his clothes were too big for him as he continued to rub his eyes.

Kazuya squats to his size.

"Come Sota".

Sota stopped rubbing his eyes, his blue eyes on her, he didn't make a move towards her, Kazuya knew it would take some time for him to adjust, but she will do everything in her power to look after him, that was what Aya would have wanted.

She embraced him in a hug.

"It's alright Sota, I will be here for you"

He buried his face in her neck, Kazuya smiled warmly knowing he recognizes her.


Level 20: Prime Minister's Level


"What... What are you saying Kiyoshi-sama" Anzai said stunned, he couldn't believe his ears.

"The Base can't continue to function, we are running out of power," Kiyoshi said sternly.

Anzai's eyes went wide, they had enough to deal with the Queen Kaiju and find out a way to end all this, and now this?

"This is Takahashi Kenji, he's our power supervisor" Kiyoshi intoned referring to the man beside him.

He bowed, he had black hair and grey eyes.

"Due to the outbreak and the multiple damages sustained, the power line is diminishing, we thought we had years but now we have months," he said sadly.

Anzai's eyes trembled.

"We need to find a way to move the civilians out of this base to Fukuoka," Kiyoshi said sternly.

"That's highly impossible Kiyoshi-sama!" Anzai snaps stunning him.

"There are Kaiju's crawling out there, letting the civilians out will be like a feast for them, this is probably what the Queen Kaiju want and we are nowhere in ending this war!"

"Calm down General Anzai!" Kiyoshi retorted with shaky eyes, 'It must be hard for you Anzai' he thought.

Anzai froze realizing what he had done.

"Forgive me Kiyoshi-sama I spoke out of turn"

"It's okay General Anzai, I can understand what you're going through, we all are in a tight position... probably something we might not recover from," Kiyoshi said as his gaze shifted to his desk.

"The Queen Kaiju got us than we expected, now she's trying to draw us out by the damages she caused... it's like fighting with another country for ownership" he add as his lips pressed in a thin line, except this time they were monsters, not men.

"Fukuoka has remained untouched, thanks to the new barrier put up Fukuoka has successfully become the stronghold we wished for it to be"

Anzai's eyes shake.

"General Anzai"

Anzai turned to him.

"We need to find a way to end this world and secure what's left of humanity out of this base... for time is against us".


Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Shino walked the lobby on his way to the room hall, along the way he saw some damage on the walls caused by the Kaiju's during the outbreak, he sighed.

He froze when the lights flickered, before going back to normal.

"It's been doing that ever since".

His eyes drift to the direction of the voice seeing Sumi.

"Sumi" Shino said with shaky eyes, it has been a while they saw each other, it was almost as if she was avoiding him, well she has ALWAYS been avoiding him, he was surprised she came to him this time.

"You have been awfully scarce this period," she said facing him.

'I should say the same for you' Shino thought with a twitching eyebrow.

"Have you heard?" she add.

Shino composed himself.

"Yes I have... the base is..." his eyes shake.

She nods.

"I guess we won't be able to stay underground forever, we have our hands full with the Queen Kaiju, and now this..." she said in a bored tone.

"Is there something you wanna tell me Sumi because it seems like you do"

"Do I?" she said smirking as she walks towards him.

He gulps as she stood right in front of him, leaving no space between the two, he blushed.

"We haven't really talked about what happened in Fukuoka" she began as memories of their kiss played in her head, she blushed too.

"Well you have been avoiding the topic," Shino said.

"Have I?" she said, going on her tiptoe and not even giving Shino time to registered as she kissed him.

Shino's eyes went wide, it was just a brief action as she pulled away, placing her forehead against his chest, she gripped on his shirt tightly.

"Sumi?" he said puzzled, he was surprised by her sudden action and yes he liked it but he felt something was up.

Like in response to that her body trembled.

"Sumi?" he said her name worried.

"I have never been so scared in my life..." she began faintly.

"When I saw Ten lying on that floor, Haya crying... I thought..." her teeth clenched.

Shino's eyes trembled at her words.

"I thought what if it has been you" she grip his shirt tightly.

Shino lost it as he embraced her tightly, wrapping his arms around her.

"I will always be here for you Sumi, I promise" his eyes shake, he meant every word he said, and it was a promise he was willing to keep no matter what.

"I will protect you" he adds, drawing her close to his body, more.

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