The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 254 - Dumped

"I have never been so scared in my life..." she began faintly.

"When I saw Ten lying on that floor, Haya crying... I thought..." her teeth clenched.

Shino's eyes trembled at her words.

"I thought what if it has been you" she grip his shirt tightly.

Shino lost it as he embraced her tightly, wrapping his arms around her.

"I will always be here for you Sumi, I promise" his eyes shake, he meant every word he said, and it was a promise he was willing to keep no matter what.

Her eyes fell sad, before her looks turned dark, the bangs of her dark hair covering her eyes. She grabbed his shoulder pulling away from him.

"Sumi?" Shino said puzzled by the action, weren't they just connecting?

"I don't need you to protect me none stay with me," she said sternly, her fist tighten, her teeth clenched hard.

"I can't be with someone like you" she adds walking past him.

Shino stood immobile, his eyes widen, his eyebrow quivered. 'I... I have been...' his body trembled, his eyes shook vigorously in shock. 'DUMPED?' he turned in a pale white, his entire body like he was a blank paper.



Shino remained the same paled white the next day, he just sat like a statue.

"Hey, commander Shino, what's up with you?" Ten asked puzzled.

Hiro waved his hand in front of him but he didn't even flinch, while Yuki poked his chin and he didn't even move a muscle at the action.

"This is bad Ten, it seems like he had a heart attack" Hiro finalized.

"I wonder," Ten said as his glasses shined like a sniper, he was dying to find out what.

An evil chuckle came in, at the same table they sat on they turned to Kaname who flicked his golden locks like he was a god. Their sweat drop behind their head at the action.

"I know exactly what is going on," he said while chuckling.

"And what is it?" Ryu asked with tiny eyes, a hand against his jaw, damn him for acting all cool.

He chuckled again.

"Well I'm an expert you see..." he began.

"He thinks he got this all figured out doesn't he," Homura said.

"Mm," Mizuki just made a sound chewing on his rice.

"Got what figured out guys?" Daiki asked puzzled as a question mark arose on his forehead.

"Dummy that's what we wanna know," Kaneki said irritated.

"Well..." Kaname said smirking.

"Commander Shino was dumped!" he announced going on his feet, even the girls eating at the other table turned to him but they didn't quite hear him.

Mizuki chewing his rice spilled it on Homura's face.

"Ewwww" he drawled in disgust.

"WHAT???" Hiro, Kaneki, Raiden, and Ryu shout in unison.

Mosu seated across the table just made an annoying sound.

"What a pain," he said with an eye roll.

Shino's face just slammed on the table, as he had just dropped dead.

"Hey, Shino are you okay?" Hiro asked, he froze as his sweat drop behind his head.

'This is bad his aura is fading... is he really dying from heart break?' he thought with a twitching eyebrow.

"What's going on with the boys?" Mirai said blinking.

"Beats me," Himari said with a shrugged.

Sumi just had dark looks as she silently ate her food.

"So that's what it is huh?" Ten said adjusting his glasses that turned blank white.

He leaned to Shino who still had his head against the table like a torment.

"Say, Commander Shino, did you perhaps confess your love to her?" he asked quietly, he knew that it was no other than Sumi that Shino had the hots for, this was never expected by Ten because Shino and Sumi were like fire and ice when they first knew each other, it was surprising that Shino had a thing for her.

"I told her I will always be by her side and protect her," he said in a struggling voice that Ten almost didn't hear him but he did.

"Hmm I see, that's the same as confusing your love," Ten said rubbing his chin.

Shino raised his head, his chin on the table, Ten jumped seeing his sorrowful look, he almost had a heart attack just by it.

'No, he's definitely not dying...' Hiro thought with a twitching eyebrow. 'It just really got to him HARD!'

"Tell me Ten, did I do wrong?" Shino said with anime tears.

"Calm down Commander Shino, it's not the end of the world" Ten said trying to comfort him.

Ryu just sighed out smoke watching them, as he shakes his head.

"Young love," he said like a wise sage.

"Better to avoid it"

"Hey, Kaname will you stop shinning," Kaneki said as an angry vein popped out of his head.

Kaname had shiny stars around him because he knew he was right in his conclusion.

"I said quit it!" Kaneki yelled with white eyes.

Sumi drops her plate, Haya turned to her due to the action. 'Sumi' she said worried, she has been off ever since, it was off for someone like her.

Sumi rose to her feet as she walked out of the Cafeteria.

"Snap out of it Commander Shino," Ten said shaking his body but it was like he just dropped dead.

"Oh no look his soul is moving out of his body!" Daiki announced pointing at the ghostly aura that came out of Shino's mouth.

Hiro sweat drop behind his head.

"Maybe he really is dead"

Yuki nods with folded arms.

Emiko sighed.

"Just what are they talking about? And why does Commander Shino looks so down" Emiko said with a pouting face.

"Just boys being boys," Sakura said drinking her can of water.

Yumi nodded in agreement.


Along the lobby, Sumi walked in silence but then she halts, her fist tighten. 'If you're scared of losing someone you care about you should let them go so that you won't feel the pain' she thought continuing her walk, that was her ideology.

'I'm sorry Shino... but it's for the best....'

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