The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 39 - The Unexpected

Level 20: Prime Minister Level

"Everyone, this is the day we all have been waiting for" Prime minister Kiyoshi announced to everyone present in his office.

Sergeant Tori, Dr. Touka, Hachiro, Kashi, and some rest.

"Today we will send 98 trained bio-genetics to the surface. Let the first mission to reclaim the outside words commerce!!!"


Level 17: The Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

The bio-genetics dressed in their uniform, getting ready.

The uniform consists of a black inner shirt along with a dark grey long sleeve thick jacket with two pockets in front, finger-less black gloves, combat dark grey pants, and black combat boots.

Ten was having trouble tiring his boots, he mingled the lines all at once but to no progress.

"Come on!" Ten hissed with white eyes, growling with frustration tiring it however he wanted before walking out of his room, bumping into Shino.

"Ten," Shino said with widening eyes.

"Your glasses" he adds puzzled, remembering it being crushed during their first training.

"Oh yes I got the glass changed, still the same frame though, Dr. Touka helped, seems even if I'm not on full gear, my eyesight still sucks," Ten said adjusting his glasses.

"It was a gift from someone special, I can't afford to lose it yet" he adds faintly but Shino heard him.

Shino's eyes lands on his boots, he smiled.

Ten noticed his stare, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"This must be embarrassing for a smart guy like me," he said laughing nervously.

Shino just chuckles going down on one knee, helping him out.

"You seem pretty good at this unlike me," Ten said nervous, watching him tire the knot perfectly.

"I watch my dad do it all the time," Shino said faintly but Ten heard him.

"Until he retired" he adds.

Ten paused seeing his trembling hands.

"I'm scared too Shino-san" Ten said with a dark expression.

Shino paused raising his head to face him.

"There are two possibilities in this mission. Either we die or we survive" Ten said forcing a smile.

Shino bent his head, a ghost smile formed on his lips, that didn't reach his eyes.

"Always right," Shino said rising to his feet.

"That doesn't mean you should say it so calm" he adds.

"It is time bio-genetics. You are all needed at the end level" Holly said.

"End level?" Ten said puzzled.


Level 19: Scientist/ doctors Level

"We should head to the end level, Touka-san," Hachiro said.

"Okay okay, I'm coming," Touka said packing her files.

*Loud Siren*

Everyone froze at the emergency sound, they all looked up at the beaming red light against the ceiling.

"That alarm," Touka said with wide eyes.

Kashi busts into the office with harsh breaths.

"Touka!" Kashi's hissed with sharp breaths.

"Hiro..." he trembles with widening eyes of horror.

"HIRO'S HEART IS FAILING" he shouts bowing his head down.

The color from everyone's face drained, as dead silence filled the office, unable to process what he just said.

Beams of sweat formed against Touka's face, her eyes widen in pure horror, in haste she rushed out of the office almost tripping but held her ground as she ran.

She took sharp breaths, running her heels made her trip countless times but she didn't care, she had to get there fast.

Hachiro ran after her but she was nowhere to be seen, he knew she was headed to level 11, he rushed into the elevator slamming his palm on the level.


A few minutes later the doors slide open as he rushed out, running to the room, he barges into the room, stopping, he watches, Touka was inside the transparent cube room, he walks inside.

"Come on, come on" she chants applying pressure in his chest, as she pushed downwards.

"Come on Hiro don't give up," she said checking his pulse but nothing.

The monitor machine showing his bp was dropped to o level making a loud noise.

"Please Hiro please" she pleads still apply pressure to his chest, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Touka-san," Hachiro said beside her, with an unreadable expression.

"He's dead!" he adds watching her helplessly trying to revive him.

Touka broke into tears as she stops, her heart couldn't bear this anymore, she cries and sobs feeling loss for the poor boy who lost his parents, sight and now death has taken him, could this world be anymore crueler?


Level 20: Prime Minister Level

"I see," Kiyoshi said hearing the news from the comm, with an unreadable expression his eyes lands on the broken headset on the table in front of him, his eyes sadden.

"I'm sorry Haruto" his eyes shaking.

"I couldn't protect your son".

'Out of 100 bio-genetics, only 98 remained'

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