The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 22 - Saito Ten

Ten gasped as his back was slammed hard against the wall, his face filled with bruises, his nose trailing blood.

"Who do you think you're, just because you are smart you think everyone is dumb huh?" one boy hissed pissed, they were about 5 around him, ready to beat him to a pulp.

Ten chuckled.

"Well am not surprised by your questions, only a dumb person would ask that," Ten said amused.

"Why you!". They gathered punching and kicking him.

A Few Hours later

A boy spat.

"Look at how fat and round you're, like a Japanese ancient pot"

They laughed and ridicule him as they left Ten on the ground.

Ten groans sitting up, his body shook in pain.

"Assholes! No wonder they repeat every year" Ten said stern.

He groans rubbing his eyes, its sting, he closed them groaning, and then opened them, his vision was blurry. 'My eyes hurt'.


Ten groans rubbing his eyes as he walked to the out entrance of the school gate, he halts.

"Are you okay?" a voice came in.

Ten blinks turning, his eyes land on their new classmate, Umi Kaiyo, with white curly hair and brown eyes. The wind blew around them softly flapping their clothes.

"Am okay" Ten said forcing a smile with a thumbs up while quivering.

"Stupid!" she said. Ten froze at her words.

"Stupid?" Ten said as his soul left him through his mouth waving around.

"Here," she said handing him a handkerchief.

"There's blood and bruises all over your face, you should get them treated," she said worriedly.

"Ha this is nothing, I get that while I fell from the stairs, it happens all the time, being overweight has its perks," He said scratching the back of his head chuckling nervously. 'I am stupid, is she gonna buy that'. He thought in his head panicking.

Kaiyo laughed hard while holding her stomach, Ten froze at her actions. She laughed and laughed her cheeks flushed. Ten's face went all red like a boiling kettle.

"Please stop laughing," Ten said with anime tears.

'Ever since that day, everything changed'



"Alright I want someone to solve this equation for me" their teacher announced.

Ten quickly raised his hand, but everyone gasp, Ten was puzzled by their actions. Ten turned by his side, he paled, Kaiyo hand was raised also. For the first time in history, another hand was raised.

'Great another genius' their teacher thought with a twitching eyelid.

Ever since that day, wherever Ten was there was Kaiyo, and wherever Kaiyo was there was Ten.


"Here," Kaiyo said smiling brightly as she handing him a glass case. They were seated at the top of the high school veranda.

Ten's eyes widen as he took it.

"Your eyesight is getting worse isn't it" she adds.

"Kaiyo" Ten said as his eyes whelm up with tears.

"I know you aren't that close with your mum to tell her," she said sadly.

"I hope I got the right size for you" she adds nervously.

Ten shake his eyes negatively as he wore the glasses, it was a perfect fit.

"It's perfect," he said with a brilliant smile.

"Thank you Kaiyo".


Present Day: The year 2023

Tokyo Underground Base

'If I could see you again'. Ten's fist tightens as he imagined her smiling at him brightly. 'You always believed in me when no one did'. His teethes clenched. 'And now you are no longer here' a tear fell from one of his eyes.

A hand taps his shoulder, with a gentle squeeze, Ten froze turning to face Shino beside him.

"I believe in you Ten," Shino said sternly. Ten gasps as his eyes widen.

"Shino-san" Ten said softly.


"So remember great as you are you have the power to do anything as long as you set your mind to it, even though the odds are against you there's always a blink of hope".



His dad's words rang in his head.


"You think you are smart, your dad was too but where is he now... Nothing good comes out of it!" Ten's mom hissed at him.

"Whenever I look at you, I just can't help it... I just can't take it!"


His mom's words rang in his head like a loud drumstick, a painful reminder he always wishes to forget, whenever he fell at his feet it was his mom's words that kept striking him down more. Ten's fist clenched more, he hated the words she said, how she said it like he was some kind of kid with brains but no future, shouldn't all kids with brains have a life?! Shouldn't they be at the very top of the world?! Well, some fall despite having angel brains but to Ten, no that wasn't him, that wasn't the truth he wanted for himself, his brains was all he needed and he wasn't gonna ever fall out like that. 'She's wrong!' His looks darken. 'She has always been wrong'. His determined eyes landed at the box. 'I am smart and I won't end up like my dad, I will be better, I will become the best, the world is my knowledge book'. He faced the other kids. 'Because am Saito Ten'.

"No!" Ten hissed, their attention averting to him, he faced them.

"We aren't going back, we're getting inside that elevator no matter what!"

Shino stiffens at Ten's sudden change of mood, a few seconds ago he was vincible but right now, certain confidence building up in him like steam fire. 'Ten'. Shino thought with trembling eyes wondering what fortify him.

Ten's features are stern and damn serious.

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