The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 77 - Pissed General

Room hall

The lights still dim.

But the Shino sat awake with a start, making Daiki shot awake also, looking around for any potential threats but it was just Shino.

Shino's looks turned horror as he rushed to the wide lobby, he shouts on top of his lungs.


Everyone jolts awake at the sound of his voice.

They rushed getting ready, they rushed to their bathrooms, minutes later they rushed back into the room hall, to their rooms as they dressed.

"Good morning bio-genetics" Holly said.

They paled.

In a flash, they rushed further as they dressed, rushing out of the room hall. Running to the training hall. 


Level 10: Training Facility 

The bio-genetics rushed in, taking harsh breath.

Anazi stood with Tori beside him, standing upright as always.

"Late again" Anzai said with a deadly expression.

They paled at his intense burning gaze that got them shaking.

They were in for it  big.

"We apologize sir!" Shino said bowing his head. The bio-genetics froze at his actions, he signaled them to do the same, they bowed their head, some retaliate but the others bend their head otherwise, knowing how much of a trouble they were in.

"This is annoying" Kaneki whispered.

"Shh!" they shush him. 

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes. They raised their heads.

For some reason, Hiro sweats, the looks on Anzai's wasn't calm at all, it was like a fury was about to be marched, like an unsettled storm ready to blow. He gulps hard.

"That's it... this is no good" Anazi said pissed. 

"YOU'LL ARE USELESS" he shouts as they gasped at his harsh words, they didn't expect that.

'General Anzai'. Tori thought not able to read his current mood, it was unreadable but had a cold glamour to it.


Another not what they expected, they thought for coming late they would just do push-ups or run a mile or something just like an regular soldier would do or like any regular superior would order for... but was their situation even regular?

"You guys are good for nothing bio-genetics. All of you failed the first training. Do you all think this is a joke?" he hissed.

"Soldiers.... fuck! Gimme a break, you'll are just cry babies who piss their pants any chance you get... How will you protect the Prime Minister and millions of civilians on the base if you keep acting like kids.... you'll are no longer kids since the moment you woke up, get that in your fucking skull for crying out loud!" he hissed again.

"Those things out there will just rip you apart without you even lifting a finger!".

Their fist tighten as their expressions darken, their bodies trembling at his words.

"General Anzai" Tori said.

"Step back Tori!" he said sternly.

Tori nods walking to the other end. 'What are General Anzai's intentions'. He thought puzzled, he had no idea what their training was today, Anzai didn't tell him a thing.

Anzai brought out an hourglass, he drops it on the iron table, the sand inside drifting downwards slowly, to the empty space.

"Your training today..." Anzai began darkly.

"... is to face me" he said taking off his jacket, flinging it to a corner.

They froze at his words so did Tori, his eyes widen in horror at the mere thought of it, it was just him against 51 bio-genetics.

"You can't be serious!" Hiro hissed, was this the training today? Either way he was crazy.

"I'm damn well serious, kids" Anzai said with a dark expression.

The way he emphasis the word kids sounded like he was belittling them.

Their teeth clenched hard at his words. Their eyes changed in response to their pain and anger, their eyes changed to their bio-genetics eyes, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended. The faded defined black veins creeping up their bodies.

Hiro stood in the center of the bio-genetics in awe, he sensed it, their aura was wide and powerful, almost like a flame, a mixture of red and blue burning up like a wild flame. 'Amazing' he thought, before bringing his hand to his gaze, he froze seeing his ever calm aura, his didn't come up like the others, it was just normal, everyone was fired up expect him, why? He was pissed off by what General Anzai said then why was his different, why didn't his own power trigger like the others.

"General Anzai!" Tori hissed worried. 'He's crazy! There's no way he will survive an attack from the bio-genetics on full power'. He thought remembering when him and Anzai watch their first training with the robots at the recorded screen, it was simply impossible at their power display, his heart slammed a loud beat, there was no way he can even survive one hit from them, he must be out of his mind to think he can take the bio-genetics... yes Anzai was a trained soldier all his life, he could take on anyone but this was the bio-genetics they were talking about, even though they were actually kids it still doesn't change the fact that they were enhanced by the virus.

"Now that's more like it" Anzai said removing the cigar from his mouth, dropping it on the floor and then stepping on it. His cracked his neck and then his fingers as it made loud noises. His muscles pumping up, with veins straining ready for action.

"Now kids, you have one target. To take me down" he said deadly, as his red eyes beamed dangerously not of superpowers but of awareness made telling how dangerous he could be.

"Let's see what a bunch of weaklings can do" he add smirking darkly, pulling their legs once more, more he would do so that they can snap and for once stand up for themselves.

And they did.

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