The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 76 - The Admired General

Yuki brought the chopsticks to Hiro's mouth, it was piled up with rice, Hiro's eyebrow twitched at her actions, was she seriously trying to feed him?

Shino, Ten and Asano watch the action while sweat dropping behind their head.

"Your food is untouched," Yuki said in a simple tone.

"And I will eat it, thanks for your concern!" Hiro hissed as an angry vein popped out of his head.

"What's with those two?" Asano said raising an eyebrow as she sighed.

Ten just chuckled mischievously while covering his mouth.

Shino just turned back to his food digging in.

To avoid Yuki's overbearing problem, Hiro ate, slowly, his mind still drifting to today's training and his results, he knew it wasn't gonna be exactly easy, he hated anything military to begin with and never engaged in them, it wasn't like he was gonna be a master like his dad was, right? He was uncertain and for the first time, he sought of wished he was more like his dad, funny... cause now he wanted to be like his dad, so he wouldn't feel so weak and helpless.

"General Uchida Anzai that name sort of ring a bell" Ten said as his glasses shinned blank white.

Shino placed his rice bowl down.

"It does" he states.

"Years ago before General Kimura Haruto was promoted as General in all armed forces, I heard Mr. Uchida Anzai was the first to be nominated" Shino explained.

Hiro's body stiffen, he had no idea.

"Ha yes I remember, I read on the papers once, our TV was bad so I made use of the papers" Ten shrugged as his glasses cleared.

"I heard he didn't take the position" Asano spoke up.

Shino and Ten nods in agreement.

"Rumors then went around that General Kimura was nominated because someone better than him stepped down" Ten said staring in space.

"Well that was bullshit" Shino cursed.

Hiro froze at Shino's outburst.

"In all his reign of service he proved the haters wrong by serving the country with his heart and soul" he said in admiration.

"That's General Kimura for you, the awesome General" Ten said relaxing on his chair more, placing his hands behind his head.

"I heard it was really a tough time for him but that didn't stop him from serving his country, my little brother took him in such high regards" Asano said smiling at the memory as her eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

Hiro's body trembles, all this he was hearing was for the first time, he never watched the news or anything, he just played video games and studied, and what's more... when his dad was promoted he always came home wearing a smile, Hiro never once knew he was passing through so much, he never showed it and then he went ahead and acted like a jerk to his dad for not always having time for them, when he was serving the country with his heart and soul. And now kids he didn't know but came to know after few months admired him, was his dad really loved by everyone? There was so much he didn't know just because he turned a blind eye to what his dad does.

His teeth clenched in response, hating himself right now.

Yuki blinks noticing his change in composure.

Hiro rise to his feet suddenly, gaining their attention.

"I'm tired, I should head back" he said under his breath as he turns walking away, leaving everyone puzzled by his actions.

Yuki's then rose to her feet walking towards him.

Shino's gaze drifts to his half eaten food, funny enough he had a hunch why he felt that way.


Sumi's eyes fixed on her untouched food, showing blood in her vision, her teeth clenched hard, this damn mirage wouldn't stop ever since the training, she kept shivering from an unknown cold, why did this had to haunt her now? She didn't do anything wrong, she wasn't guilty but yet.... why?...  why was she feeling dirty?

'The world ended' she thought with shaky eyes. 'I'm a bio-genetics now!' She chants in her head like a constant reminder that she didn't have to be worried about anything.


Room Hall

The rest of the bio-genetics settled in their rooms, honoring the quote for once, 'Early to bed, early to rise'. They knew this time they do not have to follow Holly's wake up call as it made them almost pissed their pants at Anzai's dangerous stare for coming to training yet.

Ten groaned stretching on his bed, staring at the ceiling, the wire from the wall automatically moved to his hand piercing it, as blue liquid flowed through into his body.

"I hope we wake up in time tomorrow, I don't wanna face that scary face again" Ten said with anime tears, turning his roomie who was already sound asleep on his bed, his face facing him, he figured he should get some too.

Hiro on the bed wasn't asleep, the white bandages around his eyes wet with tears, he pulled the blanket more close to his body, wrapping himself in a ball, forcing himself to sleep, there was no use staying awake now.


Room hall

The lights still dim.

But the Shino sat awake with a start, making Daiki shot awake also, looking around for any potential threats but it just Shino.

Shino's looks turned horror as he rushed to the wide lobby, he shouts on top of his lungs.


Everyone jolts awake at the sound of his voice.

They rushed getting ready, they rushed to their bathrooms, minutes later they rushed back into the room hall, to their rooms as they dressed.

"Good morning bio-genetics" Holly said.

They paled.

In a flash, they rushed further as they dressed, rushing out of the room hall. Running to the training hall. 


Level 10: Training Facility 

The bio-genetics rushed in, taking harsh breath.

Anazi stood with Tori beside him.

"Late again" Anzai said with a deadly expression.

They paled at his intense burning gaze that got them shaking.

They were in for it  big.

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