The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 56 - Fatal Condition

'Rin' Ren thought staring at the skies. 'Wherever you are' his eyes shake. 'I hope you're in a good place' a small smile found his lips. 'With mom and dad' a tear slide now his cheek. 'I promise I will stay alive, I promise I will keep moving no matter what!' he vouched, he was sure and he knew what Rin would have wanted him to keep living, and he was gonna do just that, for her and his parents.

Kaname came behind him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Ren?" he asked worriedly.

Ren faced him with a forced smile against his lips, his eyes closed.

'It's gonna be hard, but it's worth the try'

"I'm okay!"

"We have so many causalities I think its best we head back to base" Ten states with sad eyes,

"The wounds from the Kaiju hardly heals, we have so many wounded" he adds.

"Kaiju's?" Hiro asked.

"A name Ten calls them, better way to explain the strange creatures," Shino said.

"The creatures" Hiro began.

"They possess a strange aura, different from ours"

"So you see through aura?" Ten asked.

Hiro gave a slight nod.

"It just like feeling energy, everyone here, the bio-genetics all possess a strange aura of blue and red, the others at the base, blue"

Ten snaps his finger as his glasses shinned white.

"That's it! Humans blue while the infected a mixture of red and blue" Ten said adjusting his glasses.

"Then the Kaijus what color are they?" he asked with anticipation.

Shino was curious also.

"Red, just red" Hiro states.

"That's odd," Shino said.

"Yes very odd," Ten said rubbing his chin.

"Shino," Hiro said.

He turned to him.

"Kiyoshi-sama debrief me about the mission, he said something about installing a chip," Hiro said searching his bag for something without facing it.

Out of curiosity Ten childishly wave his hand in front of Hiro hoping to gain a reaction.

"Yes, one has been installed remaining mine," Shino said bringing out the chip.

"Then the mission is incomplete" Hiro states bringing out a leather material like the one wrapped around his eyes.

He removed the one he had on gaining a shock expression from Shino and Ten, as he removed it he had his eyes closed, before putting on the new material, it locks behind making a click sound, wrapping around his eyes firmly.

Ten and Shino took a deep breath of relief that nothing happened.

"Are you saying we still have to complete the mission?" Shino asked.

"Do you have any other suggestions? It's the only way we can come close to unraveling what happened to the surface" Hiro said sternly.

"That's odd you were pretty clear you didn't want anything to do with this, what changed?' Ten asked curiously.

"I died!"

Yuki watch the three engage in conservation, her eyes mostly fixed on Hiro Asano stood beside her.

"Aren't you gonna talk to him? You seem like you want to" Asano said.

Yuki tore her eyes away as they found the ground.

"It doesn't matter" she answered with an unreadable expression.

Asano blinks puzzled by her attitude, did she just sense hesitation from her? that was odd because the Yuki she knows never let a whiff of her emotion out but right now she could tell a bit what her look said, very odd.

"Are you sure about this Hiro?" Shino asked as their conservation end.

"Ten and I can complete the mission but you coming with us..." he trailed off.

"Why because I'm blind?!" Hiro snaps pissed.

Shino quickly raised his hand in defense as he sweated.

"No that's not it"

"Because Hiro" Ten began.

"You don't have any training as we do, you were practically on the bed the whole time and don't go thinking your eyes doesn't have limit for what they can do, it could cause more harm, your eyes were bleeding Hiro" Ten hissed.

Hiro bit his lips at his words, as he remembered what Dr. Touka told him.


A Day Ago

Tokyo Underground Base

Level 11: Special Facility

Hiro is done dressing, he grabs his bag putting it on.

"Hiro" Touka's voice came in.

Hiro turned.

"Dr. Touka?" he asked just to be sure, he was still getting used to reading aura, it was all foreign to him but he hoped with time he would adjust.

"Yes, Hiro it's me" she states.

"I know you have already decided but there's something you need to know" she began.

Hiro listened in silence.

"I know how reckless you can be Hiro especially what you did during the training"

Hiro gulps.

"Most likely what you pulled off can happen again, it is almost like your ability is different from the others because of the virus affecting your eyes. But there's a catch if you keep going off like that you will end up destroying your eye socket or worse your brain from that amount of energy being released at once. What your eyes are wrapped with is a special leather material that can keep the energy in check" she explained.

Hiro's finger felt the material covering his eyes, it was light like a feather weighing nothing.

"What are you getting at?" Hiro asked, knowing there was more.

"We will have to operate on you Hiro"

He tensed at her words.

"It's the only way, we have to find a way to focus the virus back to your body, so please don't make use of your eyes, the harder it will be to stop the abnormal flow," she said sternly.

"What happens when the virus gets to my brain?" he asked shakily.

"It will eat it up until there's nothing left, yes the virus is unpredictable but we were able to slow the process by inventing SPS but in your case it's different, Hiro you're only not just infected like the others, the virus is stored in the wrong place in your body, it not only affects your cellular structure but your eyes, the closets path to your brain".

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