The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 8 - White Room

"I have to get out of here, where ever this place is... I have to find my mum and dad" Hiro said haste, he rises to his feet.

"Take it easy you are practically just waking up from a coma!" Ten hissed.

Hiro's body trembles and then he lands on the floor, his body shocking in extreme pain, he groans.

"And you're blind" Ten add scowling. 'By the looks of it, seems like he was blinded during the explosion'. Ten thought certain, he remembered when the Chemical Plant exploded wiping everything in an instant, no time to think or act at that moment as the explosion took everything. 'Mom, Kagami, Kaiyo'. Ten thought worried with shaky eyes. He just hoped they were okay and sound.

"Mom, dad!" Hiro said as tears whelmed up in his eyes, he remembered when he last saw them with eyes.

"Shinzo," he said again crying.

"The Chemical Plant exploded" Ten began.

"Everything wiped in a flash, that's all I could remember after waking up in this strange room, tried to open the door but it's sealed somehow. I don't even know what this place is. I just woke up and found myself here with you".

Hiro's teeth clenched tightly, his fist tighten. He forces his body up, rising to his feet.

"I have to get out of here," Hiro said taking small steps having no idea where he was going.

"Hey! Don't be stupid, take it easy!" Ten said rushing towards Hiro.

Ten's body shock in pain as he did, since when he woke up he has been in bed, this sudden movement made his body ache, but he ignored it, holding Hiro

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Hiro shouts at Ten, pushing him away, Hiro fell on the floor due to the process, so did Ten. Ten groaned rubbing his ass in pain, he places his falling glasses properly, pissed.

"I'm trying to help, you know!" Ten fires at him with blank white eyes.

"I don't need your help!" Hiro growls.

'Man! He has a temper, he should know better that he can't walk around on his own'. Ten thought with a twitching eyebrow.

"Hello children!" a computer voice sounds from nowhere.

Ten quickly stood up with a start, surprisingly for his size.

"A ghost?!" Ten said looking around.

"My name is Holly!"

That moment the room went transparent as the lights dim out brightly. Ten eyes widen in bewilderment when he saw another kid's in a room too just like them, all dressed in white, two each in a room. They also looked around puzzled seeing others.

"What's going on?!" Hiro asked frighten of why Ten was silent.

"There are others".

"Other what?!" Hiro asked confused.


The doors slide open automatically. The drips connecting to their wrists pull away swiftly, hanging up. Ten steps out, peaking at the elongated wide lobby, he watches as other kids walk out of their room too, observing the strange place.

'What's going on?'. Ten thought, his glasses shinning blank white. 'I thought it was just me and this guy. Ten turns to Hiro, who forced his body up. Hiro waved his hands aimlessly, it found the edge of the door, he held on tightly.

In another room, Higa Shino studied his surroundings with a confused expression.

"What is this place?!" he said his eyes hazel drifting to the open entrance.

"Michi," he said worried remembering how sick his little sister was when he left home to buy drugs, and then the Chemical Plant exploded out of the blue. 'Maybe she here'. That was the first thought he had. He forces his aching body up, walking towards the door.

Masaaki Daiki, his hair dark red in color, his eyes a light green color. He was in the same room as Shino. He just watches him dumbfounded as he left, he rubs his forehead. 'Daiki last saw mom staring at something outside the window'. He thought with trembling eyes. 'And then the building came down'. He was certain and that was the last thing he remembered. He gulps hard getting off his bed, he held the wall for support, feeling dizzy, and ignoring the feeling he walks toward the out entrance of the room to the lobby, seeing other kids on white.

Okura Kaneki, having dark shoulder-length hair and bright grey eyes, steps out of his room.

"What the hell is going on, I was definitely on the plane when the explosion happened," Kaneki said with trembling eyes. 'There's no way I could have survived it'. He gulped hard at the realization.

"This place looks like a hospital facility," Ida Ryoji said, his hair dark green and his eyes a mixed shade of green. He stood beside Kaneki.

"Are we sick or something?! It was an explosion right, not a disease outbreak" Ryoji said his looks dark.

"I don't know!"

"I wanna go home, where's my big brother" Takai Yumi cries, she had short blond locks and crystal blue eyes.

Kaneki's attention drifts to the girl crying, she looked smaller in age. He stiffens when he saw another girl comforting Yumi.

"It's Alright Yumi," Nakata Mirai said, she had back-length reddish-brown hair and bright yellow eyes like the sun.

"Mirai" Kaneki said as his eyes widen slowly. Ryoji turned to him seeing his stun stare.

"Mirai!" Kaneki called rushing to her, she turns and froze.

"Kaneki Senpai!" Mirai said in shock.

Kaneki halts in front of her.

"You..." she began confused not believing he was here, eyeing him from head to toe.

"You should be overseas by now".

"Our plane was on the atmosphere during the explosion," Kaneki said still finding it hard to believe that he survived a crash or an explosion

"No way," Mirai said, shaking her head negatively.

"My big brother, I want to go home" Yumi cries more. Kaneki's eyes drift to her. His fist tightens.

"I'm not tsure there's a home to go to kid, just be lucky you're alive" Kaneki said with a stern look.

"Don't say that Kaneki Senpai, she's just a kid!" Mirai fired at him, gaining the attention of others in the lobby.

"It's the truth Mirai!"

Mirai shakes her head negatively as she held Yumi close.

"You saw it yourself, didn't you? The explosion, how could anyone survive that!"

"But we did, right?!" Mirai said staring at Kaneki eagerly, he looks away.

"We aren't even sure of that yet," Kaneki said.

"Excuse me?!"

They turned. Shino approaches them. They paled when they saw natural scars on his face.

"Have you seen a girl, called Michi, she can neither talk and hear? She's my little sister" Shino said desperately.

Mirai and Kaneki shake their head negatively. Shino paled, they were the last person he asked, and yet no one in this room saw her.

"Michi," Shino said as tears filled his eyes. He feared the worst. No... Not just him, they all feared the worst for their loved ones.

"Where are we?!"

"What is this place?!"

"I want to go home".

"The Chemical Plant exploded didn't it?!"

Questions were arising from the kids gathering in the elongated lobby, everyone having confused expressions.. They wanted answers, answers to why they woke up in a strange place, answers to how they survived such an explosion.

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