The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 97 - He Just Used His Fist?

Ten punches the robot in front of him with the gauntlet he wore on his right hand. It plunged a hole to the robots chest, before crumbling to the ground.

Ten took a deep breath of relief.

"Well it seems like we all have mastered our blood weapon" Ten said placing his hands against his waist, chest out, proud.

"Well not all of us" Shino said.

"Huh" Ten made a sound dumbfounded as he turned towards the direction of Shino's gaze.

They were on Hiro already cornered by his robot, his Blood weapon not shifting at all.

"Bruh whats wrong with his blood weapon? Ain't he gotten the hang of it? Sand said approaching them.

Ten turns to him seeing his blood weapon, it consists of a gauntlet model style boots, black in color, lined red with his blood.

"Cool" Ten said amazed by it.

Sand smirks curly, giving him a thumbs up.

"What's with Hiro?!" Kaneki said with a nudge of his head.

Others watch too, some who finished with their robots.

'Dammit' Hiro cursed in his head with clenched teeth. 'This blood weapon won't even budge, its just a stick' his fist tightens around it.


Kazuya chuckled evilly. Anazi caught that.

"I have a feeling you did this purposely" Anzai said sternly.

Her seductive smile broaden more.

"Oh General Anzai, that's awful thinking I have something to do with Hiro's blood weapon" she said huskily, folding her arms under her bosom, making it bounce up and down in a most alluring way.

Tori blushed tearing his eye away from it.

Anzai faced  Kazuya with an unreadable look, his silence said everything... that he needed an explanation for this.

Kazuya sighs in defeat.

"Oh General Anzai, you are so protective of Hiro... relax I had nothing to do with it" she said with a hand raised in surrender, her looks turns serious.

"His blood weapon won't transform until he gets to Sp3 stage like the others... I designed it solely on that rule, it's all up to Hiro" She states in a serious tone.

"So their weapons can transform due to their stage?" Tori said puzzled.

"Yes, i can't exactly manipulate his blood to trigger his weapon... it's is an unknown virus after all" she said with a shrug.

Anzai took the cigar off his lips, blowing a smoke air.

"Let see how this goes then" he said with an unreadable expression.


"How long is he gonna fight his robot?!" Sumi said folding her arms, they watch Hiro effortlessly dodging the robot fast punches.

He drew back more away from the robot to buy himself time. His fist tightens around his stick.

"Guess this won't work then" he states, spinning the stick around his hand and then slamming the tip on the metal, as it deepen.

The robot dashed after him, in speed, Hiro stood still, the robot now close to him about using both its hand to crush Hiro.

With one foot backwards, his left arm folded close to his waist, his right hand in a fist plunge forward slamming the robot against the chest, but it gave just a tap sound.

Sumi held in a laughter.

"Did he seriously think he can fight a robot with just his physical strength" she said in beaming amusement.

Shino scowled facing her.

"What?" she said with a shrug.

In silence Shino turned back to Hiro still in the same position with robot.

"Hiro let me-"

Instantly the robot back bust open in a big hole all of a sudden from an unseen energy, they froze at the unexpected action as the robot drops to the ground.

"He stopped the robot" Kaneki said stunned.

"With just his fist?" Ten said in awe.

Sumi's eyes were widen by this, who knew just a punch could be so powerful.

"He didn't even trigger his abilities" Shino said stunned, as his eyes shakes at the scene, he was very certain Hiro didn't use his bio-genetics strength to end the robot, he used just a punch?


"My, My... i must be seeing things, who knew the boy has some crazy ass human strength... enough to pierce steel" Kazuya said in amusement.

"He almost measures to General Anzai with that hit... i thought no on could ever posses sure inhuman strength like you" Tori said with a smile against his lips, his eyes close.

Anzai shoved the cigar stick back into his lips.

"The kid has raw strength... i will give him that" he states remembering one year ago, during their training to take him down, the kick he plunge close to his cheek that didn't even reach him... but still scratch him, purely energy and then he knew that moment Hiro had an insane strength lying within him... which is why they focused just on isometrics in the pass year and simple martial art he could keep up with.


One Year Ago

Level 35: Unknown Facility

"When..." Hiro growled.

"Are we gonna..." he punch hard on the pad Anzai used to shield his palm as Hiro punched and kick on it, they were both drenched in sweat from hours of training.

"... Finish Isometrics training... sir" Hiro said in a haste breath, taking harsh breaths, his hands in black bandages were trembling vigorously.

"You don't heal like a bio-genetics, you practically just have hasten senses, the rest of the traits you don't have" Anzai said.

"In order words half bio-genetic then" Hiro said taking harsh breaths.

Anzai made a hmm sound.

"You could say that... in order words to avoid being the vulnerable one, we have to build your body to withstand anything, the weapon training will be at the last month" Anzai hissed coming at Hiro in full speed, sending punches.

Hiro dodges them as quickly as he can but he wasn't sure how he can, in response to that, he lands on his butt hard, he groaned rubbing it.

"Weapon training should be the least of your concern now... Kimura Hiro" Anzai said sternly.

Hiro gulps hard at his words.

"Yes sir!"


Present Day

Anzai blow smoke from his lips, his eyes fixed on Hiro.


"Are you okay?" Yuki asked staring at his hand.

"I'm fine" he states turning to his blood weapon, the stick looked as normal as ever, he scowled.

"Just not in a good mood" he adds sternly.

'Hiro' Ten thought with shaky eyes, he was still amazed by what he did. '... he still doesn't seem like someone who was bedridden over the past year... his body structure, what he pulled off... its almost as if...'


Shino's voice broke Ten out of his trance, he faced him, but Shino's gaze was still on Hiro.

"There's something odd about Hiro isn't it" he states.

Ten gulps hard, he must have caught notice of it too. His gaze drifts to Hiro.

"Yes, there is".


Hours Later

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

"Here haven't changed pretty much" Hiro said seating his bed, he felt his hand on it.

"Its laid" he said a bit surprised,

"Yeah i kept it laid for you... you know with the vigorous training and all there wasn't really much time to visit so I did what i could do at the moment... kept the bed laid in case you came in" Ten said forcing a smile, he was seated on his bed also.

"Wow... that's nice of you Ten" Hiro said with a small smile against his lips.

Ten just chuckled slightly, Hiro frown.

"Is there something you wanna ask?!" Hiro asked curiously, he could tell from Ten's voice.

"This past one year... you weren't exactly bedridden were you?!" Ten asked with anticipation.

"I was... but General Anzai trained me a bit, i had to build my body because its too weak... it was under the Prime Ministers order" Hiro states firmly.

"I still don't get it... i know the virus cost you your eyesight, but you're a bio-genetics just as much as we all are, aside the weird thing you do with your eyes, its like a pure raw energy of your abilities going off all at once, but i have never seen you use any inhuman strength like we do... i saw how you defeated your robot, we all did... it was purely more of your physical strength... which is like crazy bizarre... i don't exactly get it... you are definitely in the sp3 stage just as we are but still your ability didn't quite aline well with ours, its almost as if.... as if the virus infected you diff-"

"Ten!" Hiro hissed.

Ten froze at his outburst.

"Enough" Hiro said sternly as his grip tightens against the bed sheets in a tight hold.

Ten shaky eyes on him.

"I'm not something you have to figure out" he hissed.

Ten gulps but he didn't back down.

"But still we can't just over look the facts here... i mean this is an unknown virus we are yet to oversee what its capable of!"

"STOP IT TEN!" Hiro shouts rising to his feet abruptly.

"Can you even hear yourself?!" he hissed.

"You sound like them", his teeth clenched.

"You sound just like the rest of the scientist who wanna skin us as guinea pigs"

Ten froze at his words.

"So just stop it! I'm not something you can figure out! I'm not a puzzle!".

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