The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 25 - Survival Game (Part 2)

"I deeply knew it would be hard for you to believe me or what I said about the world ending, well I will like to prove I am right here and now," Prime minister Kiyoshi said spreading his arms at both sides like he was a performer.

"What's he getting at, he's annoying" Sumi murmurs under her breath.

"Is the Prime Minister the reason why we are here?" Mirai asked with shaky eyes.

"It explains the alarm not going off," Ren said with a clenched fist. 'Was this a game or what?' He thought sternly.

'What's he trying to prove now?' Shino thought.


'He wants to prove everything he told us was true? But how? Where we are isn't real, how is he gonna pull that off?' Ten thought deeply as his glasses shinned white. 'The elevator, yes it was a test now I know, it was all a test getting us to this point from the very beginning and we played right into his fingers'. His looks darken his teeth clenching in a tight hold. 'He's cunning' His glasses cleared.

"What's gonna happen now?" Daiki asked frighten.


Prime Minister Kiyoshi smiles seeing the confused expression on their faces, he took a deep breath.

"Am sure you might have figured out that this world isn't real, you might call it stimulation or a replica of what we thought the world might be in".


'A stimulation?' Ten thought, sweating a bit. 'For what?'.


"You probably don't believe what am saying but right now I will prove my words are true by proving you were indeed infected by the virus," he said with a flick of his fingers, the elevator doors start closing, out of panic, the kids rushed out of it, as the elevator descended, with a loud noise.

"Let the training commence" he announces, the air computer going off.


Suddenly the earth shocked like an earthquake, vibrating vigorously.

"What's happening" Asano panics, trying to steady herself.

Suddenly the ground divided opening.

"EVERYONE MOVE BACK!" Shino shouts as the earth divided, they panicked backing away from the opening earth.

Sumi gasps missing her step almost falling at the open space, her eyes widen, but she felt a hand grab her. She turned it was Shino's, he groans pulling her up.

Mirai held Yumi tightly making sure they were nowhere near the opening space.

The vibration stops, the opening ground too.

There was a moment of intense silence, they stood frozen unaware of what to do or what was about to happen.

Sumi's eyes drift to her hand locked with Shino's, she waved it off.

"Don't touch me again!" Sumi said deadly, Shino just looks away not ready to deal with her annoying attitude.

Sumi looked down at the open ground in front of them, it was dark, but then suddenly lights came up in long lines reaching the very bottom like stage lights, she gasps as something came up from down below, it levitated up in extreme speed, Sumi had to move back as it came up, blowing harsh air around them, they stood their ground so that they won't get blown away.

Shino slowly opens his hazel eyes, removing the hand he used to block the air pressure, others did the same action too.

Shino's eyes widen in total bewilderment when he saw what stood in front of them.

"What is that?" he hissed.


Ten's trembling eyes were fixed on the foot of black metal, bigger than anything he has ever seen, his shaky eyes trailed up to the 18 feet black robot that stood before him. His whole body shook in fear as he sweats. 'It's a freaking huge robot'. Ten thought in his head panicking.

Daiki shakes in fear as he moved back slowly, his lips quivering. He missed his feet landing his butt on the ground. His frighten light green fixed on what was before them.

About six 18 feet combat robots were before them immobile.

Haya's looks turned serious. 'A high-level combat robot? Are they trying to kill us?' Her eyes shake. 'This is bad'.

Suddenly a loud computer sound went on, the robots came online, the eyes beaming green dangerously.

"EVERYONE RUN!" Haya hissed knowing what was about to happen.


The robot's eyes beam, it flashed towards them in speed, the iron foot to the ground shock the earth.

"RUN!" Shino shouts as they ran as fast they can.

Sumi looks behind as her eyes widen in horror.

"IT'S GAINING ON US!" she shouts.

It jumped landing in the center, the breeze and force pushed them away.

They landed on the ground hard scattering in different places.

Yumi screamed seeing the robot in front of her.

"YUMI!" Mirai shouts.

She has separated away from her from the impact, her eyes widen in horror when the robot sent a fast punch towards her. Yumi screams closing her teary eyes waiting for her fate.

Like in slow motion, they watch as the fist came closer and closer towards her. Tears filled Mirai's eyes as she remembered the kids from the dojo that she trained.


She could still remember their cheerful voices.



Her memory flashed to when the Chemical Plant exploded wiping everything. 'Not again'. She thought. 'It's happening again'. The tears fell. Her teeth clenched as her looks turned pissed. 'Not again!'. She thought but this time not with fear but with determination and power.

She bolts as the ground beneath her cracked from the impact, she slides in front of Yumi just in time before the punch reaches her.

This gains the attention of others, of how fast she was.

The fast punch came, Mirai knew this was crazy, she knew she wasn't gonna be able to stand against a robot but still she had to protect Yumi, she couldn't protect the kids at the dojo but right now she had to do something or she will regret it.

Mirai ducks the punch, one of her leg slide back, one hand tighten in a fist.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" she gave a battle cry as she punched the robot hard on the chest, she knew this wasn't gonna give much effect on the robot-like it did on a human but surprisingly the robot waved back in extreme force, the metal deepening from the impact, the ground Mirai stood on shocked and cracked. The robot was sent flying away hitting the ground hard causing a huge crack.

"What?" Mirai gasps in surprise at what she just did, she froze when her eyes landed on her arms it was embodied with series of faded back veins, it faded away.

"Mirai-chan". She turned at the sound of Yumi's tiny voice.

They gasped seeing her eyes.

"Your eyes," Kaname said in shock.

Her eyes weren't the normal dark yellow ones.. The iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended.

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