The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 32 - Never Forget

Level 11: Special Facility

*Beeping Monitor Machine*




*Faint breathing*

Dr. Timi Touka checked Hiro's vitals through the transparent air computer in front of her, it gave an analysis of Hiro's brain. She sighs seeing no function of him waking up yet, she views from his brain from his eyes in a skeleton view, she zoomed in seeing the Sp-virus cohesive functions around his eyes socket in fluids.

"Why?" she said with shaky eyes turning to Hiro on the bed immobile. 'The rest of the bio-genetics bodies were infected altering their cells but it altered your eyes instead' she thought turning to the screen viewing the rest of his body, lesser traits of the Sp-virus were flowing around his body. 'They have mostly circulated his eyes at this rate-' her eyes shake more. 'He may end up brain damage or worse'. She faced him with sad eyes.

She slowly walks close to his bed, studying his calm features, she smiled faintly, he was the spitting image of his father.


Level 19: Scientist/ Doctors Levels

The glass doors slide open as Touka walks in, her heels sounding.

"Man! Did you see that!" Ryuu Kashi exclaimed to the others.

"Those bio-genetics are extraordinary!".

The others nod in agreement, their attention turned to Touka.

"Well, anything?" Kashi asked.

Touka shakes her head negatively.

"No brain activities yet, the virus around his eyes socket is too risky," Touka said with sad eyes.

"I see," Kashi said, his looks sad.

"We shouldn't bore into this matters too much, he will eventually wake, it all depends on him," Hachiro said as he adjusts his glasses, his fingers fast against the transparent keyboard.

Their attention drifts to him.

"We should focus on getting the training hall fixed per the Prime Minister's orders" he adds.

"Another training?" Touka said faintly.

Hachiro's fingers seize.

"I understand your disagreement with the constant training, but we have to, Touka-san," he said turning his seat to face her as he folded his arms.

"We need to build them up along with their abilities, they are our one-way ticket of gaining contact with the surface".

"They are still kids not test subjects or soldiers, I don't get it," Touka said with sad looks.

"They stopped being kids the moment their body consumed a deadly virus... Don't you remember Touka-san, what we went through to get them?" Hachiro said.

Kashi's eyes widen in horror at the memory so did others in the room.

Touka's looks darken as her fist tighten, her body trembling, she faced him.

"How could I forget," she said with shaky widen eyes, her heart slamming loud in her chest, the screams of her colleagues still haunted her in her dreams.


Two Years Ago

The Year 2020

*Loud Wailing distress Horn*

Tokyo General Hospital

Touka was paralyzed with trembling eyes as she stared at the wide destruction at a distance.

"What's happening?" she said bewildered.

"The Chemical Plant exploded," she said covering her mouth, her eyes shaking in horror.

"TOUKA-SAN!" Hachiro shouts rushing to her side, he grabs her shoulder turning her to face him.

"We have to get out of here, word has it that a virus has been spread" he hissed.


A group of soldiers rushed into the hall.

"Dr. Timi Touka we have instructions from the Prime Minister to bring you in with immediate effect".

"Am going with her" Hachiro said stepping in.

"Hachiro," Touka said with shaky eyes.

"You will need my expertise also!" he said sternly.


Away From The Explosion Area

A loud siren blew, everywhere was in a panic. Military tanks from the military forces, as well as the police, all gathered to aid the citizens to the base. Some citizens protest about their loved ones at the explosion area but it was no use, it was extreme chaos.


Kantei (Prime Minister Office/Official Residence)

Touka rushed into the office.

"Kiyoshi-sama!" Touka said haste.

"Touka," Kiyoshi said facing her, he was at his table standing stressed.

"Is it true?" Touka asked.

"Yes a virus spread, the other part of the city is already infected, several protocols have been made, the civilians as much as we can find are being secured to the base," he said.

"The base?".

"Yes the project of underground lifestyle, who knew It would come to use at this every moment," he said with shaky eyes.

"We are running away!" Touka said.

"We have no choice Touka, we have to protect what's left of us... General Kimura" he hesitated.

"He was last seen at the explosion area, that place is a graveyard now" he adds.

Touka swallowed hard as tears filled her eyes.

"We have to retreat to the base, it's the only way we will survive this hell. All communications are down it's like we are back to the stone age".

"I will get my team, ready sir," Touka said wiping her tears.

"Tokyo general hospital will be of great assistance".


Two Months Later

Tokyo Underground Base

Level 20: Prime Minister level

"Kiyoshi-sama, we lost contact with tons of soldiers when securing the civilians to base, mostly those who were assigned to the explosion area for the search of survivors," Sergeant Misato Tori said. He had dark short orange hair and dark eyes.

Prime Minister Kiyoshi looks dark.

"Military forces, arms, civilians, and recourses. All gone" Tori said with sad looks.

"We were able to secure millions of civilians to base, we would be able to scale through as of now," he said again.

"Kiyoshi-sama," Touka said.

"From our analysis, the last satellite before we lost visual was able to detect life forms from the infected area," Touka said.

"Life forms?" Tori said as he sweats.

Kiyoshi turned to her with shaky eyes.

"We couldn't get more information on it," Touka said with a sad expression.

"I want you and your crew to check the area," Kiyoshi said with a stern look.

"We need to know what we are dealing with".

"Sergeant Tori," Kiyoshi said.

"Yes sir!" Tori said saluting.

"How many choppers do we have at our disposal" Kiyoshi said.

"We have about three, sir," Tori said.

"You will lead the team along with some soldiers to check the infected area," Kiyoshi said.

"Yes sir!".

Kiyoshi turns to Touka.

"Am counting on you and your crew, Dr.. Touka" he said.

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