The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 18 - Conclusion

"I wanna get out as much as you guys want to but..." Hiro's teeth clenched.

"Don't you think the Prime Minister might have gone through so much trouble to lock us up in here? Do you think it's gonna be that easy to get out"

"Yes the plan is simple, I know that... I never said it's gonna be that easy but still, it's worth trying, don't you wanna find your parents as much as we do?!... Fine an explosion happened and maybe a virus spread as they said but still, don't you wanna see for yourself... The outside world and besides if we were infected shouldn't we have shown signs of it?! I mean look at us we are just normal kids, well except for the part that we were in cryonics state for 2 years and still look the age we were, which is scientifically possible" he added the last part amused, still feeling his 10-year-old self and not the 13 years old he was.

Others nod in agreement at Ten words. Hiro gulps hard knowing Ten was right but still...

"Fine then you'll just go and jump out, I don't care, it pointless following you guys because I can't see!" he hissed pissed, walking back into the room.

"Man! He has a temper" Ren murmurs but Rin heard him, she nods in agreement.

"He's annoying, he was the one throwing a tantrum that he wants to get out of here and never thought about himself being blind" Kaneki said irritated at Hiro's action.

"That's Kimura Hiro for you," Kaname said sighing.

"Wait what?! Kimura?!" Kaneki was startled hearing his last name. Others were too.

"General Kimura Haruto's son?!" Ten hissed with blank white eyes.

"Yes, Hiro is General Kimura's son," Kaname said.

Their mouths dropped in bewilderment.

"A rich kid," Daiki said as steams blew out of his nose.

"And that you understand," Ryoji said with a twitching eyebrow staring at Daiki.

"That explains why he acts like a spoiled brat, losing everything must be a pain for him," Sumi said amused.

"A pretty girl like you, with annoying words," Kaname said grimacing. 'Well, she's cute'. Kaname thought with a smirk. But her cold glamour is a no-approaching zone for him. He shivers at the thought.

"Hu... whatever... you appear to know him quite well, you must be a rich kid too," Sumi said.

Kaname's eyebrows flicked together in a scowl.

" have a problem with rich kids?" Kaneki asked, hands in his pocket. Her dark pink eyes averted to Kaneki.

"The part of you guys having everything you have ever wanted in life without question, yes I might envy that but still you are just kids covered by your family's shadow and money" she spat.

"Why you..." Kaneki said pissed grabbing the collar of her shirt, squeezing unto it tightly. Sumi just kept a dark smirk plastered against her lips in a sick twisted way that made Kaneki growl.

"Easy there Kaneki, girls are delicate!" Kaname said.

"Is that what you are worried about right now...?" Ren reasonably said to him.

"Ever since you started talking, you speak tons of bullshit and it's getting under my skin!" Kaneki hissed, he didn't want to hurt her or anything, he just wanted to scare her a little bit but it seems Sumi was just enjoying the scenario.

"Kaneki Senpai stop it!" Mirai hissed at him.

Shino stepped forward placing a hand on Kaneki's shoulder.

"Just let her go Kaneki. She gets under my skin too, but there's no point resulting in violence" Shino said calmly.

"Tsk!" Kaneki made an annoyed sound letting her go. Sumi just adjusted her shirt, the smirk still present.

"Try not to say any annoying kinds of stuff, or I won't let you go" Kaneki warned. Sumi just rolled her eyes at his words, wanting to push more nerve, she said...

"Why should I listen to a spoiled brat?".

Pissed, Kaneki was about to grab her again. Sumi's looks darken instantly as her smirk faded, she grabs his arm and twisted it, gaining a painful cry from Kaneki, she pulled him flat against the ground with a spin. Kaneki hit the floor hard with a gasp.

"Forgot what I said about her being delicate" Kaname said as he paled. Ren nodded in agreement with a bewildered expression. Everyone was surprised at her actions.

"The dumbest mistake you can make is touching me," Sumi said in a deadly tone, what was he thinking that he could lay a hand on her again and go free? oh, that was not gonna happen. She scowled more.

"Kaneki Senpai!" Mirai said stun, her expression changed as her furious eyes landed on Sumi.

"You didn't have to do that!" Mirai hissed getting pissed. Sumi's eyes averted to her.

"Why?! Is he your boyfriend" Sumi teased. Mirai blushed but composed herself, she wanted so bad to come after her but what Mirai had learned in the years growing up in a dojo was tolerance but there was a certain limit to it. She took a deep breath closing her eyes for a brief second and then opening it.

"Unlike you, I don't easily result in violence," Mirai said grinning.

"Tsk!" Sumi made an annoying sound at her words, what was she some kind of perfect princess?! Sumi smirked at a thought, knowing she caught Mirai's name when she introduced herself to someone. 'Another rich kid'. Sumi thought in amusement.

"Nakata Mirai... Hm... Cheap words from the heiress of the most famous dojo in Tokyo... I mean once a famous dojo in lost Tokyo if it is the end of the world" Sumi said darkly.

Hearing that Mirai growled taking a step closer but Katsuji Haya came in between them, extending her hands separating them both, a scowl against her features.

"That's enough!" she hissed.

"Shouldn't we be discussing getting out of here rather than fighting amongst ourselves?!"

'I thought she can't hear'. Shino thought puzzled remembering when she asked what the computer program said and saying she was deaf.

"Hu" the two girls made a sound looking away with scowling expressions.

Kaneki was still on the ground with spinning eyes. Ten adjusted his glasses helping him up.

"Did I just get thrown to the ground by a girl?!"

"Theoretically... Yes!"

'Damn it and I thought Mirai was the only one that could do that to me' he thought his ego hurt.

"She's right, fighting amongst ourselves won't help our current situation," Shino said with a stern look, he faced Sumi, her eyes averted to him.

"So we should just focus on getting out of here" he adds tearing his eyes away from her. He wanted so badly to face her for what she did, but right they needed to focus on getting out of the base, there was no need to add more fuel to the fire, time was running out, the longer they stay here the more their nightmares will come to pass of being guinea pigs for the government.

Ten cleared his throat, gaining their attention.

"Before we can talk more on this, am sure not all of us is comfortable with escaping judging by some protests... If you wanna join us raise your hands" Ten motioned. About 11 hands were raised.

"Mirai!" Kaneki said shocked, she was raising her hand along with Yumis. He looked away as his fist clenched in a tight hold.

Shino, Ten, Haya, Daiki, Ren and Rin (The twins), Mirai, Yumi, Sumi, Asano, and Kaname raised their hands, the rest didn't.

Asano paused turning to Yuki.

"Yuki-chan!" she said her name wondering why she didn't raise her hand. Yuki was practically not with them, her eyes were fixed on Hiro's room door nonstop, she stiffens when she heard her name, her eyes averting to Asano.

"Why Yuki-chan?"

Yuki faced her with a neutral expression.

"Does it matter?"

"Um.. ", Asano was puzzled, Yuki was an oddball to her ever since she woke up as her roommate, it was difficult to even communicate with her, she always wondered what was going on in that head of hers. 'Maybe she's a sociopath. Asano concluded in her head that was the reasonable explanation she could muster up about Yuki's strange behavior.

"Hm... I see just 11 of us, I guess the rest of 89 wanna stay" Ten said.

"Then 11 it is!".

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