The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 100 - Volume 1: Epilogue

"If he's a brat then you're a fool," Shino said sternly as he faced Mosu.

"Shino-san" Ten said stunned by Shino's outburst.

"What did you say?" Mosu said pissed.

Shino turns to him fully.

"Over the past year... General Anzai has not only trained us but taught us self discipline... a fool would prey on one's anger for mockery" Shino said sternly.

"Why you?!" Mosu growled coming at Shino but Ten quickly came in between.

"We wouldn't want another blood bath now, would we?" Ten states adjusting his glasses.

"You may heal faster than the normal human being but how well can you face take more punches," Ten said.

Mosu scowled deeply.

"Tell me Kaneki, do you think Mosu here can take a punch from 3 of us or 4 maybe," Ten said smirking.

"On a scale from 1 to 10... I say 0" Kaneki said with a dark scary look as he cracks his knuckles loudly.

"Make that 5... I would love to test my punch level in a new experience other than a punching bag" Sand said smiling curly from nowhere.

Mosu looks turned horrified along with his two friends.

"Hey... take it easy guys let's just shower in peace and forget this ever happened," Mosu said cool with a forced smile before drawing back, along with his friends. As he turned he smirks in an evil matter, unaware of them.

"They were both at fault Ten" Shino began facing Ten.

He sighed.

"I know... but everyone is in a right in their own perspective... I have been in that kind of situation many times" Ten states as his eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

"We all have been in that shoes... but it's how we react to it that matters," Shino said.


Room Hall

The moment Hiro steps in, wearing a white shirt along with loose black pants, their nightclothes. All chats in the lobby stop as all eyes land on him.

Hiro stops abruptly noticing their stares.

"It's him isn't it?"

"Yeah... the one who gave Mosu a beating"

"I heard he didn't stop until Shino intervene"

"He just kept going and going"

"I was there... I saw it"

"So what now... are we fighting amongst ourselves?!".

In the midst of all the words, Hiro just walks past them in silence, straight to his room.

But at the door, he stops.

The whispers went on and on as it fades as they got into their rooms... but he could still feel their stares on him.

"Hiro" Ten said seeing him at the door.

With tighten fists Hiro turned on his heels walking out.

Ten gave a heavy sigh.


Level 35: Unknown Facility 

Hiro gave hard fierce punches to the bag, it gave a loud sound from dangling on the chains.

Hiro lost in thoughts kept punching and punching, along with kicks.

"Ah, truly a waste... it's hard to believe that the late General has a son like that... I bet he's disappointed in having such a son who can't even live up to his name... tsk tsk... I bet he's been living in his dad's shadow... it can't be helped can it... the apple does fall far from the tree this time, poor General Kimura"

Mosu's words rang in his head like a sharp bullet, his teeth clenched hard as he gave a hard punch to the bag making it fly across the hall slamming on the wall hard before dropping to the ground.

He gave harsh uneven sweats, his clothes drenched in sweat.

"I thought I might find you here," Yuki said behind him.

"And you found me," Hiro said not bothering to turn knowing it was none other than Yuki.

He grabs another bag at a corner hanging it, a he got in position.

"I heard what happened" she began as she walks up to him standing in the front.

"So?!" Hiro said giving punches to the bag.

Yuki blinks.

"What did he say?" She asked.

"Ah, someone who care to ask..." Hiro said with a grunt punching.

"The rest are judging me rather than knowing what happened exactly" he hissed punching a hard, the bag waved to Yuki, but she stops it with her hand.

"That's still doesn't change the fact that you almost beat him to death" she states as she waved the bag away from standing in between them, she sent kicks and punches at Hiro fast.

Hiro dodges them, but her speed was overwhelming.

"Is the stone-cold Yuki having empathy for someone?" Hiro mocked as he stops a punch with his right hand, his left hand holding her leg in the air.

"I'm not stone-cold Hiro, I'm just a girl who looks at endless possibilities with tactical reasons," she said as her bio-genetics eyes beamed dangerously, she spins breaking free of Hiro's hold using her right leg to kick him on the face, hard.

Hiro stumbles backwards at the force.

"I expect that from you" she stares sternly.

Hiro wipes the blood off his chin with the back of his hand.

"Your reaction was raw and unreasonable... why if i may ask? because he told you're not the splitting image of your father"

"Shut up!" Hiro hissed coming at her with fierce kicks and punches, Yuki dodges them effortlessly.

"You need to keep your anger in check or it will get the best of you" she hissed using her knee to plunge him hard against the stomach.

Hiro swallowed a hard air, her hits were strong and deadly, he was lucky is body was built up in the past year... if not he wouldn't have been able to take that hit.

He went on his knees not by the pain but her words, his palm placed against the metal floor.

"How can i live with this" he began in a shaky breath.

"The feeling of being different... the feeling of not meeting up to everyone" his teeth clenched.

"I hate it... everyone is saying i should be more like my dad, i knew nothing about his work or him... i never got the chance to because i was so blinded by anger... i never got to see what he was actually facing, to the very last minute... i never understood a damn thing, i still don't and i hate it" he states on the verge of tears.

Yuki squats in front of him.

"Why hate yourself for being different" Yuki states tilting her head to the side.

Hiro stiffen by her words as he slowly raised his head to face her.

"They are all the same... and you're different... what's so bad about that" she said.

"Rather than constantly hating yourself for being different... not meeting up, not belonging" her looks stern.

"Then turn a blind eye to it and keep moving" she said pointing her finger on his forehead, she pushed her finger against it slightly.

"You're not the only who's different" she began with a thought face.

"The rest hate me because of how i isolate myself from them... but i don't seem to care, because i know my main goal" she said.

"What's your main goal?!" Hiro asked.

She smiled.

"My main goal is being your anchor and your eyes" she said.

Hiro's body stiffen by her words, he took her wrist bringing her hand down from his forehead.

"We're both lone wolves, Hiro" Yuki said moving close, their face inches apart.

"Rather than ponder on it... let's make the best of it" she said.

Hiro gulps hard.

"Are these words based on tactical reasons or..." he trailed off.

"My words are always based on tactical reasons, Hiro" she states.

"I live solely on this rule only" she began in a serious tone.

"Wherever you go... i go".

"Did you hit your head or something" Hiro asked, certain that might be the case. No girl will ever wanna follow a guy as voluntary as this... and more importantly why him... that particular question has been bugging him ever since, and he never seem to get the answer.


Level 20: Prime Minister Level

"The bio-genetics are ready, the past one year have proven that they are capable of facing the threats on the surface" Anzai said sternly, standing upright in front of Prime Minister Kiyoshi's desk, hands behind him, Tori beside him in the same position.

Kiyoshi smirks.

"A great job indeed General Anzai, you have groomed those kids into soldiers" Kiyoshi states proud.

He rose to his feet.

"Let the next mission to the outside world commence" he announced.

"Whatever they might face there..." Kiyoshi began sternly.


Shino was at the training hall staring at the bio-genetics flag, his fist clenched hard.

"...I believe they shall face them"


Ten lying on his bed, his glasses off as he stared at the ceiling, one hand behind his hand, the other feeling his glasses as a picture of Kaiyo flashed in his head along with his little sister and mom.

"They have lost their loved ones..."


Mirai watching Mary and Yumi, Mary showing Yumi her cool blood weapon, which was an iron fan with blades.

Kaneki walks in, Mirai turns to him as she smiled warmly at him, he blushed slightly.

"They have endured..."


Ren strolling along the lobby hands in his pocket, he stops suddenly as his eyes grew wistful.

Homura, Kaname, Daiki, Himari, Fuijo, Mizuki and some rest of the bio-genetics present at the lobby engaging in either a chat or something else.

Haya walks past Ren.

"But still they shall rise above anything else..."


Sumi was in her room, staring at her hand with an unreadable expression, then her fist tightens in a tight hold.


Hiro stood holding the silver stick in his hand, before raising his head to face the elongated ceiling.

"...And reclaim the surface!"

Yuki was behind him at a far distance, seeing Hiro in that position her eyes slowly widen, her violet eyes filled with life, what she saw before her was beyond reckoning, what only she could see... what she has always seen since the day she laid eyes on him on, the very enthralling aura. 'Is this why...' she thought with shaky eyes. 'You said i should protect him' her body trembled. She felt it... she saw it.

'Kimura Hiro!'



Someone in a tall, big glass cylinder tube, water inside, having long dull brown hair. Wires connected to the tube. The figure's face is covered with something that could not be seen clearly, inside it had feminine structure.

More to the view, the blurry place covered her face but then she opened her eyes slightly, revealing bright violet ones that beamed in the darkness.

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