The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 101 - Volume 2: Prologue

*Solemn Silence*




*Heart Beats Slowly*




'The era of extinction...'




'In the year 2020, October 18th, the world ended'

Kimura Hiro took slow breaths as he turned, the calm wind blew around him weightlessly, his clothes dancing with the rhythm of the wind, his spiky dull red hair in several lining dances freely.

His chocolate brown eyes broaden in enthrallment at the large Chemical Plant in a distance, giving strange vibes that sent shivers to his spine, he wondered if he was the only one sensing something out of the ordinary. Something was off and his whole body was unease just by the feel of it.

The large Chemical Plant in a distance, made of clean irons and pipes, stands tall reaching the skies. At the tip evaporated black smokes into blue skies.

'The very existence of humanity...'

The Chemical Plant gave beaming vibes vibrating like a loud heartbeat, shocking the earth thoroughly.

Hiro's widened eyes shook tremendously.

'Wiped like a blank paper...'

Hiro slowly turned to his parents. Kimura Haruto and Kimura Aiko faced him with a wide grin pressed against their lips.

'That day it was calm and pleasant...'

'A day I wished that could last forever...'

The birds on the skies soared freely, in a calm rhythm.

'I never knew the value of that one pleasant moment...'

The Chemical Plant went off in an enormous explosion, levitating up into the skies embodied with smokes and flames.

'If only that day never happened...'

The explosion leveled down in an enormous wave, wiping everything in sight.

'The day of the Black Storm'.





*Solemn Silence*

'It wasn't just the explosion of the Chemical Plant...'

Half of Tokyo leveled due to the explosion.... but at the destroyed area, the skies were black, the air embodied with black dot dew like something hazard populated the area.

'It exploded alongside a virus'

*Heart Beat Slowly*





*Solemn Silence*

'The surface inhabitable to mankind causing the remaining survivors of humanity to retreat to an underground base governed by the Prime Minister of Tokyo'

Away From The Explosion Area

A loud siren blew, everywhere was in a panic. Military tanks from the military forces, as well as the police, all gathered to aid the citizens to the base. Some citizens protest about their loved ones at the explosion area but it was no use, it was extreme chaos.

'Amidst lost hope... 100 kids are discovered... infected by the virus know as Synthetic Proliferation (SP)... their cellular structure altered by it making them faster and stronger than the normal average human being'

The Bio-genetics First Training

"YUMI!" Mirai shouts.

Mirai has separated away from her from the impact, her eyes widen in horror when the robot sent a fast punch towards her. Yumi screams closing her teary eyes waiting for her fate.

Like in slow motion, they watch as the fists came closer and closer towards her. Tears filled Mirai's eyes as she remembered the kids from the dojo that she trained.


She could still remember their cheerful voices.



Her memory flashed to when the Chemical Plant exploded wiping everything. 'Not again'. She thought. 'It's happening again'. The tears fell. Her teeth clenched as her looks turned pissed. 'Not again!'. She thought but this time not with fear but with determination and power.

She bolts as the ground beneath her cracked from the impact, she slides in front of Yumi just in time before the punch reaches her.

This gains the attention of others, of how fast she was.

The fast punch came, Mirai knew this was crazy, she knew she wasn't gonna be able to stand against a robot but still she had to protect Yumi, she couldn't protect the kids at the dojo but right now she had to do something or she will regret it.

Mirai ducks the punch, one of her leg slide back, one hand tighten in a fist.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" she gave a battle cry as she punched the robot hard on the chest, she knew this wasn't gonna give much effect on the robot-like it did on a human but surprisingly the robot waved back in extreme force, the metal deepening from the impact, the ground Mirai stood on shocked and cracked. The robot was sent flying away hitting the ground hard causing a huge crack.

"What?" Mirai gasps in surprise at what she had just done, she froze when her eyes landed on her arms it was embodied with a series of faded back veins, it faded away.

"Mirai-chan". She turned at the sound of Yumi's tiny voice.

They gasped seeing her eyes.

"Your eyes," Kaname said in shock.

Her eyes weren't the normal dark yellow ones. The iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended.

'From then henceforth they became humanity's last hope of reclaiming the surface!'


Present Day

Level 20: Prime Ministers Level

A meeting was being held in the Prime Minister's office, General Kimura, Sergeant Tori, Dr. Touka, and Dr. Hachiro were present.

On the wide desk computer, footage of the bio-genetics first mission played from one year ago, they watch as the creatures, unlike anything they have ever seen massacre the bio-genetics like they were nothing, reducing them to the current number of them... 51!.

"These creatures known as the Kaijus are what inhabits the surface as we speak" Touka explained.

"We are still unable to identify the creatures... their origins a mystery, but we do know they possess animalistic traits and seek to consume any living being they see" she adds.

Tori gulps hard. 'What the bio-genetics faced on their first mission' he thought with shaky eyes. 'Terrifying! This isn't compared to what we face in wars, we face soldiers, not monsters such as this!'

"Thanks to the biogenetics we gained visual on some parts of Tokyo... it would take some time to gain visual for the rest of the Tokyo" Hachiro spoke up, pressing something on the transparent iPad he held, the images changing... showing the view of abandoned Tokyo.

"To defeat your enemy... it's best you know your enemy" Anzai quotes sternly.

Kiyoshi caught on instantly.

"Then the next mission is decided then, the biogenetics shall head to the surface and retrieve samples of the Kaijus!"

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