The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 27 - Survival Game (Part 4)

Level Three: Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

Hiro's eyes sting painfully, he groans sitting up on his bed, rubbing them. 'What's this strange feeling'. He thought feeling unease.

His mind drifts to the 12 kids that escaped. 'Did they make it out of here?'. He thought with shaky eyes, his fist tightens against the sheets.

"They won't make it," Hiro said with dark looks.

"Hiro" Yuki's voice came in, Hiro stiffens at the sound of her voice.

"Yuki?" he asked just to be sure.

"Yes," she said expressionless, her violet eyes fixed on him, she was seated on Ten's bed watching him.

"Do you think they will make it?" Hiro asked sternly.

"No!" her answer was short and simple.

Hiro froze at her response, turning in her direction.

"Why do you think so?" Hiro asked with a ghost smile.

"Because" Yuki began, crossing her legs in a meditative position.

"The corridors that lead to the elevator have hidden cameras".

Hiro paled.

"Since when did you found out Yuki," Hiro said as his heart slammed loud beats.

"Since the very beginning, when I was wandering around the corridor"


"Does it matter?" she asked like she didn't know the answer to that question, maybe she didn't. Hiro gulps hard at the thought. His teeth clenched.

"They need help," he said faintly, but Yuki heard him, her looks darken.

"Why?" Yuki asked tilting her head to the side.

Hiro froze at her question. 'Why?'. Hiro thought with shaky eyes, his face drops. 'Why... Why should I help? I don't even know most of them'. His teeth clenched, his fist tightens more. 'Does that matter?'.

"Because they need help," Hiro said sternly.

"You are blind what will you do?" Yuki asked.

Hiro's fist tightens, as his eyebrows flicked together, his looks turning serious. There was only one thing he could do.


Level 10: Training Stimulation

"SOMEBODY HELP!" Daiki shouted with tears in his eyes as he ran for his life, the raging robot coming after him in speed. Daiki's eyes were changed, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended. But yet he didn't fight, he was too frightened to do so.

He missed his step, gasping as his face lands on the ground, he groaned in pain, his nose trailing blood, the robot came at him, he screams facing it, his eyes in horror.

But suddenly Sumi jumps on the robot aggressively, she roars as she used her intense strength to rip the head of the robot off in an instant, the robot drops to the ground crashing, she lands with her butt.

"I hate robots" she spat irritated as she flings the head away, her bio-genetics eyes beaming dangerously.

'Scary'. Daiki thought in his head panicking.

Her angry eyes land on him, he quivered.

"You are such a crybaby, I thought you guys were dead or something" she began, remembering when they were separated in the elevator.

Daiki just shook his head negatively.

"Am sure you felt the power too scorching through your bones, you felt invisible" she points to her eyes, referring to what she meant.

"We are infected, how hilarious, so the old man was right," she said amused, staring at the skies, it then averts to Daiki who stared at her with shaky eyes.

"All that power and you ran, you're such a coward" she spat.

Daiki's eyes trembled more. Sumi rise to her feet, stretching.

"Can't wait to see what more I can do, it will be worth awhile, unlike some cowards".

"See you around dummy," she said turning to leave.

"Daiki have heard those words like forever".

Sumi halts when she heard his voice, she raised an eyebrow turning to face him, she froze as her eyes widen. 'He's...' Her eyes shake. 'Smiling?'.

Daiki had a wide grin plastered on his lips, but his looks said different, tears were gushing out of his eyes but yet he kept the grin.

"Coward, good for nothing, dummy, useless son, talent-less," he said the words faintly but Sumi heard him, her looks darken.

Daiki faced downwards the tears dripping on the ground.

"Daiki doesn't understand what all that means, but Daiki knows they aren't good words" his teary eyes averts to her, he grins more.

"Please Sumi-san, since Daiki's parents aren't here anymore, could you do me a favor by not calling Daiki those names, Daiki doesn't like it," he said shaking his head negatively.

"What's with you?" Sumi said with dark looks.

"Trying the self-pity attitude, it's irritating," Sumi said walking away.

Daiki just sobs cleaning his tears.

Suddenly a robot bust out of a building, crushing it from the impact, it came after Sumi behind her in speed. Daiki's eyes widen in horror.

"SUMI-SAN LOOK OUT!" Daiki shouts.

Sumi turned, like in slow motion the robot was in front of her, it sent a fast punch towards her, she couldn't act, it was too late.

She gasps when Daiki pushed her away, him now being the target. 'You fool'. Sumi thought as she was pushed away, the punch made impact causing a loud crash.

Sumi lands on the ground, she turns with anticipation, as the smoke cleared. She froze seeing what was before her.

Daiki was bent down shivering like a cat, his hands on his head. Daiki's body was sought of fading like he was phasing in and out, the robot punch on the ground.

'It went right through him'. Sumi thought amazed. She smirks, shouting as she ran after the robot, giving it a harsh push, the force pushed the robot away causing a wave around them.

She turned to Daiki, his body back to normal, no longer vibrating.

"This is so amusing!" Sumi said busting in hard laughter as she held her stomach, the amusement thrilling her insides.

'Scary'. Daiki thought with blank white eyes.


Control Lab

"He was able to speed up his molecular cells, truly amazing," Hachiro said adjusting his glasses, he was amazed at how Daiki phased through the robot. 'This is truly my bonus chapter'. He thought smirking.

"They keep evolving, their abilities are triggered by the sense of danger," Touka said facing the Prime Minister.

"These kids are truly the future," Kiyoshi said with shaky eyes.

"Incoming video call" Holly the computer program announced in the hall.

A video came up in front of them.

"Hiro?" Kiyoshi said in shock seeing the boy, seated in the briefing room, Yuki behind him.

"Kimura Hiro," Kashi said his eyes on the video, all attention was on it.

Kiyoshi compost himself.

"What is it, Hiro?".

"Kiyoshi-sama, I would like to request that you stop the training" Hiro hissed.

Kiyoshi froze. 'How does he know about the training'.

He thought as a bead of sweat trails from his forehead.

"Kiyoshi-sama, the rest of the bio-genetics in the room hall aren't about the training," Touka said faintly to Kiyoshi.

She was right the rest didn't know. 'How on earth was Hiro informed?'.. He thought sternly.

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