The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 93 - Rikuta Kazuya - The Weapon Designer

Level 50: Weapons Design Factory

"Oh yesss, yesss... just there, yesss right there... put it right there"

"Oh how bad you are, i can't seem to get enough"

A female's bosom bounced up and down, huge they were and pump, almost the seize of a watermelon, the shirt she wore constricted them, in a tight restraint to spawn free.

"Oh ecstasy" she moaned as she raised the goggles she wore above her head, her yellow cat like eyes shined in amusement, she then chuckled evilly while feeling her hands at a missile launcher she invented, she ran her hands up and her down the smooth metal in satisfaction.

"Just perfect all in the right places" she said licking her lips.

"What more modifications can I do for you, baby" she said huskily as she giggled.

"Ah... yes, tighten you further" she adds smirking.

The metal door rise open.

"Engr. Kazuya" a young man said.

Kazuya growled as she turned, her whole body vibrating in dark aura.

"What did I tell you about distracting me when I'm horny!" She hissed with white eyes pointing an accusing finger at him.

"I'm sorry engr. Kazuya but the Prime Minster requires your presence with immediate effect... it about the bio-genetics!"

She paled as her eyes widen like saucers, did she hear wrong?... no she DIDN'T!

"WHATTTTTTT???!!!!" she screamed on top of her lungs, her voice almost bringing the level down.


Level 10: Training Facility 

"I still don't get why you get the chills whenever you hear about the chief designer" Anazi said taking a smoke from his cigar. He and Tori both strolled along the hall.

Tori just chuckled, scratching his chin slightly.

"She's a nut case" he began.

"I was tasked with overseeing the weapons made specially for the bio-genetics for their first mission" he said as then his eyes widen in horror as the haunting memories reoccurred in his head, it was like he was still living through it all over again.

Anzai stared at the poor man who almost seemed mortified.

"She must really be a nut case" Anzai said.

"MOVE!!! MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY!!!" a menacing voice came in loudly.

Tori shivers from head to toe just by the mere sound of her voice, a sound he would never forget.

"She's... here" he said with twitching eyelid.

Suddenly a woman came in view while running, her assistant behind her trying to keep up.

Anzai's red eyes lands on her, his eyes widen.

"Bouncing..." he said in total awe, his nose trailed blood.

"Boobs?!" he hissed.

Her boobs jingles up and down in a most alluring way. She had waist length spiky black hair and cat like yellow eyes, she wore only a singlet that made the top of her big bosom exposed, it was black in color, along with an orange overall stopping at her waist, along with black boots, her hands in black finger less gloves, a black goggles on top of her head.

The man behind her wore the same attire but his overall was worn properly.

"RIKUTA KAZUYA AT YOUR SERVICE" she shouts stopping right in front of Anzai saluting, her boobs jingling at the same time.

More blood splashed out of Anzai's nose as his head pushed backwards along with the blood spilling.

"Ugh... Engr. Kazuya do you always have to make an entrance!" Tori hissed with white eyes.

Her eyes lands on Tori, she licks her lips seductively.

"Oohhhh, Tori-kun!" She squeaks as her eyes turned to love hearts, beating.

"Tori-kun???!!" Anzai hissed as his head came forward.

She shifts close to him in lightning speed.

"I. Missed. You" she pouts as she pop her pink lips along with the words, crawling her fingers on his back.

A deep cold shiver ran down Tori's body like a wave. He quickly pulled away before she went further.

"Hands off you wrench!" He hissed pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Awww, Tori-kun don't be like that... After all we have shared a night of passion" she said with a wink.

Tori's head snaps.

"That's because you drugged me you wrench and for the 100th time nothing happened, the drug merely just paralyzed me!" He hissed with white eyes.

She chuckled evilly while closing her mouth with her palm.

"Okay what the heck is going on?!" Anzai said with twitching eyebrow, just as confused.

"I apologize General Anzai but ma'am can be little off the hook" the assistant said.

Anzai eyes lands on the skinny man with a small frame.

"Oh I didn't see you there" Anzai admits.

The man paled like a blank paper.

"It's okay I get that a lot" he said with letters of 'heartbroken' wiggling around him in a comic way. He had dark hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Jinja Koji by the way, Engr. Kazuya assistant" he introduced.

"Are you sure she's a weapon designer and not the opposite?" Anzai said staring at the strange woman and more her enticing boobs, his nose bleed again.

"Yes she is"

"How do you live with that" Anzai states covering his bleeding nose.

"With time you will get use to it" Koji said nodding his head.

'Nah I doubt that' Anzai thought with dot eyes. 'Not anytime soon' they fixed on her jingling boobs. 'Damn... this is annoying!'


Training Hall

"Amazing, how extremely amazing, I'm in the midst of the bio-genetics... oh yes this is ecstasy, BABYYYY!!!" she exclaimed as her boobs jingles.

All the boys couldn't take their eyes off them for a second.

"Hu!" Asano made a sound looking away, when she noticed Raiden wasn't giving attention to her anymore.

'Round' Ten thought with heated cheeks as his glasses shined blank white. 'Elevating!... this is a female well endowed part' he thought amazed.

"Hey Ten, stop doing that!" Shino hissed facing Ten, while restraining himself from staring.

"I'm sorry Shino-san... at this moment I'm solving an equation" Ten said rubbing his chin while smirking, his glasses beaming too.

An angry vein popped out of Anzai head, it was like a rope snapped.


They tensed at his voice as they arranged themselves and stood upright, hands behind their back, chest out like a soldier's.

Anzai cleared his throat, it was time to get to business, no more fooling around.

"This is Engr. Rikuta Kazuya, chief weapons designer in the base, she will be personally designing your blood weapons" he announced.

Kazuya smirks wickedly.

Confusion flushed the bio-genetics features.

"Blood weapons?"

"What's that?"

"I thought we were using regular weapons"

"Regular weapons don't work against the Kaiju right?"

"What's this blood weapon?"

Ten glasses cleared as his looks turned serious.

"Blood weapon, you mean like a prototype like the one we used against the Kaiju's" Ten said certain.

"Why yes chubby boy, even better" Kazuya said in amusement.

"Chubby?" Ten said sweat dropping behind his head.

"The Prime Minister have given me the privilege to make weapons specially for you all... amazing isn't it" she said licking her lips.

"These blood weapons will be your registered weapons, made uniquely for you" Anzai said.

"And it is this weapons you will wield during your final exam" he adds sternly.

"And then fully graduate as soldier's, becoming official bio-genetics, saviors and hope of humanity" he states as he then pulled down a ledge they never knew was there, a flag came down, a big one, one they have never seen before.

The body was black in color with tiny dot blues on it, at the center was a symbol, it was Japan symbol of a round red circle but it was different than the one they knew, this one had white wings attached to it, spread out gloriously.

"This is a symbol that stating that Japan will rise again from this pandemic we have endured, a sudden explosion and a spread of a virus unknown to us... this shall not be our end, those wings signify that we will rise again and claim the surface as ours once again" Anzai hissed.

"This is the symbol for the bio-genetics because as our hope you shall make us soar the skies freely once more"

'This truly is the symbol of evolution' Kazuya said with shaky eyes staring at the glorious flag, she then turns to the bio-genetics. 'This kids... no' she smiled. 'This soldier's are our hope! Which is why I will give my all to make the perfect weapons for them, the perfect weapon that will outshine all i have ever created' she lick her lips. 'Blood weapon!'

The bio-genetics shaky eyes were fixed on the flag, staring at it in awe, this flag was customized for them, and they had the right to earn it, their fists tighten in response.

"Prime Minister Kiyoshi have given all of you this honor, earn it!"

"YES SIR!" The bio-genetics hissed as they saluted.

"Over to you Engr. Kazuya" Anzai said.

She steps forward licking her lips with her tongue.

"Now shall we get started?" Kazuya said as her body beamed with a dark aura, her glowing eyes lands on them, they shivered at her sudden change of glamour.

"I shall need your blood to the testing" she states chuckling evilly.

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