The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 94 - Blood Weapon (Part 1)

"BIO-GENETICS ASSEMBLE!!!" Anzai shouts.

They tensed at his voice as they arranged themselves and stood upright, hands behind their back, chest out like a soldier's.

Anzai cleared his throat, it was time to get to business, no more fooling around.

"This is Engr. Rikuta Kazuya, chief weapons designer in the base, she will be personally designing your blood weapons" he announced.

Kazuya smirks wickedly.

Confusion flushed the bio-genetics features.

"Blood weapons?"

"What's that?"

"I thought we were using regular weapons"

"Regular weapons don't work against the Kaiju right?"

"What's this blood weapon?"

Ten glasses cleared as his looks turned serious.

"Blood weapon, you mean like a prototype like the one we used against the Kaiju's" Ten said certain.

"Why yes chubby boy, even better" Kazuya said in amusement.

"Chubby?" Ten said sweat dropping behind his head.

"The Prime Minister have given me the privilege to make weapons specially for you all... amazing isn't it" Kazuya said licking her lips.

"These blood weapons will be your registered weapons, made uniquely for you" Anzai said.

"You will wield this weapons during your final exam" he adds sternly.

"And then fully graduate as soldier's, becoming official bio-genetics, saviors and hope of humanity"  Anzai states as he pulled down a ledge they never knew was there, in slow motion a flag came down before their eyes, a big one, one they have never seen before but almost familiar with.

The body of the flag was black in color with tiny dot blues on it, at the center was a symbol, it was Japan symbol of a round red circle but it was different than the one they knew, this one had white wings attached to it, spread out gloriously.

The bio-genetics stared at it in awe.

"This is a symbol that states that Japan will rise again from this pandemic we have endured, a sudden explosion and a spread of a virus unknown to us... this shall not be our end, those wings signify that we will rise again and claim the surface as ours once again!" Anzai hissed.

"This is the symbol for the bio-genetics because as our hope you shall make us soar the skies freely once more"

'This truly is the symbol of evolution... a new age and beginning for us' Kazuya said with shaky eyes staring at the glorious flag, she then turns to the bio-genetics. 'This kids... no' she smiled. 'This soldier's are our hope! Which is why I will give my all to make the perfect weapons for them, the perfect weapon that will outshine all i have ever created' she lick her lips. 'Blood weapon!'

The bio-genetics shaky eyes were fixed on the flag, staring at it in awe, this flag was customized just for them, and they had the right to earn it, their fists tighten in response, their looks stern.

"Prime Minister Kiyoshi have given all of you this honor, earn it!"

"YES SIR!" The bio-genetics hissed as they saluted.

"Over to you Engr. Kazuya" Anzai said.

She steps forward licking her lips with her tongue.

"Now shall we get started?" Kazuya said as her body beamed with a dark aura, her glowing eyes lands on them, they shivered at her sudden change of glamour.

"I shall need your blood to the testing" she states chuckling evilly.


Hours Later

"The bio-genetics flag" Shino said with shaky eyes as he stared at the glorious flag before him, his fist tightens as his eyes laced with seriousness. 'We're the hope of humanity' he turns to the rest of the bio-genetics engaging in various chatter. 'We will protect what's left of it!'


Level 50: Weapons Design Facility

"I must advice, Engr. Kazuya, you should be careful with those blood samples, you could get infected if you make a mistake" Touka said sternly with her arms folded against her chest.

Kazuya chuckled deeply, her eyes on the binocular microscope checking the blood samples. She licks her lips with her tongue.

"Relax Touka-chan, I'm extremely careful" she said giggling but then she stops, removing her eyes from the hole.

"How come I got 50? The last time I remembered they were 51" she states.

"That's why I'm here" Touka began in a serious tone.

Kazuya lips pursed upwards puzzled. Touka brought out a long medium seize tube containing a blood sample.

"This blood belongs to Kimura Hiro, he's a different case" Touka states.

"How different" Kazuya asked raising an eyebrow.

"His blood is different from the rest... what I'm about to tell you will remind with you, even your assistant can't know about it" Touka said in a serious tone.

Kazuya made a hmm sound smirking.

"Well i love secrets, fire away!"


Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

General Anzai's Office

"Kazuya may be a nut job but she's trust worthy, in a much weird sense, she loves secrets, anything that grants her ecstasy like she puts it" Tori said.

Anzai leaned on the armchair he rested on, more.

"Well I hope so, because i can't risk Hiro state being revealed, we're trying to avoid a lot of things here, the bio-genetics are no longer viewed as lab experiments in the eyes of the other scientist they are now soldier's, the more we keep it that way, the more they will have their freedom, and when their little bit of freedom come, they bloom more and grow up with the little thought of being normal" Anzai states.

Tori smiled.

"As expected of General Anzai, you may be tough on the bio-genetics but you still have them close to your, its almost like you have 51 children" he said beaming in amusement.

Anzai grimaced at his words.

"I prefer not to think that way, it's creepy!"


Level 50: Weapons Design Facility

"He's still mutating!" Kazuya said stunned.

Touka gave a slight nod.

"Which is why his blood is more dangerous than the rest, we have to be extra careful that why I'm here" Touka states.

Kazuya looks turned serious, she gave a nod of understanding.


Level 17: Bio-genetics Level


Ongoing chatter went on around the hall.

"Did you hear? I heard we're gonna be interviewed for our blood weapon" Ren said.

Chibi nods.

"Yes I heard too"

"I heard its more like requesting for the kind of weapon we want specially, mostly like what we are good at and according to our blood type" Akira said placing his hands behind his head.

"Amazing isn't it, we get to chose what we want" Chibi said ad his face beamed up.


"Say Shino-san what kinda weapon are you gonna request for?!" Ten asked curiously.

Shino sighs.

"Haven't really thought of it" Shino said placing his hand against his chin.


"Blood weapon, blood weapon, blood weapon" Sand chants with a curly smile against his lips.

"Will you stop doing that?! You have been doing it for hours, it's creepy" Kaneki hissed with white eyes.

"Bruh can't wait, ya know" Sand said in amusement.

Kaneki just growled.

'Blood weapon' Haya seated next to them thought, she placed a hand against her jaw, a smile spread against her lips broadly.

"Yumi what are you saying?" Mirai asked puzzled.

"I'm telling you Mirai-chan I saw Hiro Senpai, or i thought I did... but I'm sure I saw him" she insists.

"Yumi, Hiro has been in the medical facility for a year now, I heard he's ongoing treatment because of his eyes... I'm sure your mind was playing tricks on you" Mirai said certain.

"What she said" Kaneki said with mouth full of rice.

"I think so Yumi, I mean no one have seen him since" Mary said shrugging.

Yumi frowned.

Sumi a few table away from them heard their conversations, her chopsticks rotates around her fingers effortlessly, a hand against her jaw.


"I can't wait to finally graduate, man... it has been one rough year" Fuijo said sighing.

Mizuki nods with a smile against his lips as usual.

"But doesn't that mean that after all this we will be sent to the surface again" Homura said with horror eyes, they grew wistful of their mission one year ago. He faced them.

"The truth of everything is... we will be sent back there" he states once more in a shaky voice.

Fuijo looks turned stern, his eyes laced with seriousness.

"But this time it's gonna be different" he said.

"Because we are soldier's now" he adds.

Mizuki smirks more as he nods in agreement with Fujio.

Homura teeth clenched hard as he looks away. 'Well I hope that's enough to keep us alive' he thought with shaky eyes as his fist clenched in a tight hold.


Level 50: Weapons Design Facility

"Oh gosh, today was so tiring, interviewing exactly 50 bio-genetics isn't exactly easy" Kazuya said lying on her arm couch in the factory.

"We have a lot of work to do" she groaned.

"Yes ma'am" Koji said.

"You can go Koji, it's lights out" Kazuya said, her face flat on the couch while waving her hand for him to disappear.

"Of course ma'am, if you need anything just ring me up" Koji said politely.

Kazuya growled tired in response, Koji smiled as he turns leaving the factory.

The moment she heard the door shut close she quickly sat up while grinning, her boobs jingling.

Another door slide open revealing General Anzai and Kimura Hiro.

"I believe we have an interview" she said smirking as her eyes landed on Hiro.

"The blind bio-genetic," she adds licking her lips.

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