The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 120 - Guilt

"Keep riding Sand and don't stop!" she said her tone laced with seriousness, her eyes changed to her bio-genetics ones.

Sand froze at her words as he felt her weight off him from behind.

In panic he turns in slow motion.

"HANKA!!!" he shouts.

She was up on the air with the help of her Gunbelt shooting at the Kaijus to buy them time.

But then about three jumps up at her at once.

The wire sticking to the Hellhound pinned off due to the force, Sand caught it, his cheeks stained with tears not wanting to let go.

Hanka smiled as she pulled the wire off, the Kaijus taking her as blood slashed.

Sands body went petrified, as the wind carried his sandy hair up revealing his dark brown eyes circled in tears.


"Still replaying it in your head huh?" Aimi seated a foot away from him said, her feature dull and unreadable, her face covered in dirt and some bloodstains just like the rest.

Sand turns to her.

"My roommate got eaten... I couldn't do anything because I was far away, if I had the will I would have changed it, but there was nothing I could do, we lost a lot of our friends today... she was my best friend, the first I have ever had" Aimi said.

"Before Black Storm Day, before this nightmare, I wasn't play well with others... but Hanka, she was different, if only we could have ridden together, then I would have protected her" she adds as the tears fell on their own accord.

Sand's hair covering his eyes slowly raised up, his eyes wide in shock.

Aimi faced him with teary eyes and flushed cheeks.

"You should have protected her," she said sternly, the tears sliding down her cheeks.

"You should have been the one to attack the Kaiju's that moment... while she rides" she adds with clenched teeth.

The tears fells down Sand's cheeks his eyes still wide.

"She's only dead because you let her go".

Sand's heart slammed a loud heart beat at her words. His wide eyes shaking vigorously, he turns facing forward still mortified by her words, his brain shut of all thoughts and actions, all he could do was replay Hanka's death scene in his head over and over again, like a movie on play, that could never be paused.

"It's your fault" she adds faintly but he heard her loud and clear.

Raiden was at the window at a corner, his blood weapon which was a sniper gun pointing out on a small space at the window, the body of the gun creped with red lines which was his blood, his bio-genetics eyes evident, his right eyes peeking from the binocular on top, due to the enhancement he was able to view a much far distance, he studied the environment swamping with Kaiju's, he also used the opportunity to search for Asano but he couldn't pinpoint her hiding spot non the rest, they were well hidden just like them.

'Asano, please be okay' he thought with worried eyes, he was scared and his mind raced just for her sake.

"Raiden!" Haya hissed turning to him.

He was snapped back to reality. 'Shit! I forgot' he thought quickly turning to Haya.

"The Kaiju's are 150 in number here, all scattered" Raiden said.

Haya read his lips before turning to face Ten still engrossed in analysis.

"150 in total Ten, after hours of checking, they don't seem to be more than that" Haya said.

Ten's typing actions stops abruptly, as his eyes widen.

"That's it!" He hissed but not too loud to attract Kaijus.

His intelligent green eyes lands on Haya.

"The Alpha's pack..." he began gaining the attention of others except Sand who had a dark expression made, his head bent.

".... are 500 in number!'


"Hey Engr Kazuya get this thing working, I need to know if the bio-genetics are okay" Anzai growled getting irritated with impatience.

General Anzai, Kazuya, Tori, Touka, Kashi, Kenta, Shino, Sumi, Ren, Yua, Kaname and Usagi, all hid on the second floor, inside a building, well enclosed and out of plain sight.

"Just give me time General Anzai, it's not my fault the network is jamming, the surface is a ghost town now" Kazuya said typing on a small keyboard on her lap, her eyes on the interface computer in front of her.

"Connecting the comms back won't be easy" she adds.

Anzai's teeth clenched, Touka watches the action with worried eyes.

"That kid Ten, said that roar came from the Alpha... if its true then we are in big trouble... a pack of mindless creatures controlled by that wild beast is almost terrifying" Hachiro said adjusting his glasses.

"We need to collect samples" he adds as his glasses turned white.

"Yeah... if we are still alive to do that" Kenta said with clenched teeth.

Kashi quivered more in response.

"God help us" he prayed silently in his head, he wasn't ready to be eaten just yet, he still had many things he wanna do and achieve. He pray that all of them survive this.

"What do you see Kaname?" Shino asked.

Kaname was peeking at a small rip off space.

"They are still clustering around" Kaname said with shaky eyes.

"Just there as if waiting for the faintest movement" he looks away facing them with horror eyes.

"We're basically trapped!".

"Well that's not a good thing... now before the Kaiju's get to us, hunger will... our supplies are back with the Hellhound outside" Sumi said in bored tone with an eye roll.

Usagi and Yua... the two girls quivered more.

"Hey Sumi, stop that!" Shino snaps.

"Must you always seek the bad in every situation? There's no way we're gonna stay here that long" he adds.

"Do you have a plan then?" She snaps back facing him.

He stiffen at her words, lost for words.

"Ha... the infamous Commander Shino got nothing" she mocked, her eyes then drifts to their superiors at the other corner.

"Even our superior got nothing" she said as her dark pink eyes lands on him, no life in it.

"We. Are.. Trapped!" She emphasise more clearly.

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