The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 127 - Operation "Take Down The Alpha" (Part 4)

"Let's do this" Shino said on the go.


They dashed after the Alpha.

Their Gunbelts made a squealing sound as they moved at top speed.

"Keep the Alpha occupied as much as you can!" Shino hissed.

"Haya, you're on!"

Ten made a morse code hand sign for Haya, she nods in understanding as she stops on a rooftop, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes.

"NOW, ATTACK!!!" Shino shouts as they launched on full force at the Alpha.

Instantly the Alpha gave a loud piercing roar that almost blow them away. They were pushed backwards but they stood their ground.

Shino came forward as with a wave of his hand his bow forged, in lighting speed he shoot 4 arrow at it, it came fast speed at the Alpha almost unseen, but the Alpha bites down on the arrows crushing it, it drew its weight down as the in a flash in dashes at them.

Hiro slides backwards as the wire from his Gunbelt shoot forward, making him plunge at the Alpha in speed.

Hiro shot at the Alpha but like a mirage it zaps out.

Hiro still on air, froze at what the Alpha just did. 'It' his body trembles. 'Disappeared?'

In a flash of speed the Alpha was behind Hiro, with mouth wide open.

In slow motion Hiro turned, his mouth apart, stunned, the Alpha throat beamed a bright blue similar to their eyes, a round energy, the same blue color forged in between its mouth, like it was conjuring it from thin air.

'I'm...' He thought in horror, he couldn't act he couldn't think, death was before him. 'Gonna die?'

Instantly the energy shot at from its mouth directed at Hiro, Hiro waited for the impact but suddenly Shino was in front of him, using his arm to block the energy, it collides in a huge amount of force as they were blown away from it slamming hard to a rooftop all the way to the second floor.

"HIRO!" Yuki shouts in horror as her eyes widen.

"SHINO-SAN, HIRO" Ten shouts, unable to believe what just happened.

The Alpha lands on the rooftop, sliding backward but stood ground.


'I have to get there fast' Touka thought as she dash after where Hiro and Shino landed.


In rage as her bio-genetics eyes beamed dangerously, Yuki charged at the Alpha head on.

"YUKI WAIT!" Ten shouts in horror.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" she gave a loud battle cry as she swirls on air coming for the Alpha.

The Alpha opens it mouth once again, the throat beaming blue conjuring another blue energy.

"YUKI, YOU IDIOT!" Ten shouts in horror.

The energy zaps to her in straight line.

With a plunge of her hips, she moved to the side, the energy passing her almost getting to her body, the line of the enegry slits her cheek but she didn't care, the force of the energy pushed her to the rooftop, her hair in a high pony tail let loose due to the force, her knees connected with the rooftop as she slides back abruptly, but she used her sword to stop the force while taking harsh breaths.

Ten watch with wide eyes.

"She..." he stammers.

"She dodged it!" He hissed.

Yuki's eyes beamed dangerously, her eyes not leaving the Alpha, it growled deeply.

"She can't be serious" Ten said in realization. 'Is she still gonna fight that thing, again???!' He panics in his head.

In response to that.

"Blood Technique" she said as the wind around her grew wild from an unknown aura. Her eyes beaming the brightest blue. Her swords blades, beaming crimson from her blood.

"TORNADO SMASH!!!" she shouts as in zap of lighting speed she charged at The Alpha who kept shooting enegry form its mouth, but Yuki dodge them in swirl like a tornado.

Suddenly the Alpha stops shooting like it was out of juice. 'Now is my chance!' she hissed in her head as she set her sword zapping close to the Alpha, she growled, swinging, the sword blades made contact with the flesh but....

'It didn't penetrate' she thought with widen eyes.

With a move of the Alpha head the horns against the forehead slammed on Yuki's stomach, luckily it wasn't the tip but the body of the horn, Yuki's mouth gasped open as blood came out with it.

Like a sharp bullet the force pushed her backwards in lighting speed.

"YUKI!!!" Ten shouts going up on his Gunbelt as he caught her in midair but the force pushed him too as they zapped to a rooftop hard, smashing on it.

Ten took harsh uneven breath against the roof.

Yuki's body slides to the roof, dropping in a thud sound.

"Yuki!" he hissed in horror, she was out cold, her body still, her lips trailing blood.

Suddenly he felt a vibration, he turns gasping, his eyes lands on Haya.

She was on full power, the spiderweb enegry around her, enabling her to levitate.

'No...' He thought with widen eyes. 'She can't take down that thing' he rose to his feet, not after seeing what the Alpha was capable of.

"Haya-chan" Ten said running slowly. His muscles, his mind weak.

"HAYA-CHAN!!!" he shouts increasing his speed.

"Blood Technique" Haya said flashing her bio-genetics open.

"IMMORTAL SONG!" She shouts plunging her hand forward as the spiderweb energy zaps towards the Alpha.

The Alpha roared using its horn as a shield, the energy slammed into it, deflecting, coming back to Haya.

Her eyes widen as the energy came at her.

"HAYA-CHAN!!!" Ten shouts but he was far away.

Haya growled as she plunge her two hands forward, using the remaining energy around her to stop the her own energy coming right back at her, they collided in a loud spark, her teeth clenched as tears filled her eyes. 'I can't...' The tears slide down her cheeks. 'I can't hold one' she panics as the enegry zapped from her hold coming at her.

"HAYA-CHAN!!!" Ten shouts as with a foot to ground he was up in the air in speed coming at her.

"AAAAAAHHHHH" he gave a battle cry as he used his gauntlet lasers to break through the energy barrier.

Haya was shocked seeing Ten in front of her, tearing the the energy in two, as it zapped to neither sides of them, slamming to the ground in a loud bang sound.

But the flicker of energy came at.....

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