The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 137 - White Truth

Hiro raised his sleeves, as a needle pierced his skin, Yuki beside him as she watched.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked puzzled.

"It's is Hiro" Touka said as she drew his blood into the tube.

"We need to know if you're finally on the Sp3 stage permanently" she states as her eyes land on him, she could still remember the stunning event, the color to his hair, the aura around him, it was like it was all a dream, because everything was back to normal, his hair color the usual red.

"My body still aches but not how it normally does" Hiro said.

"It's like... my wounds are healing, I can't tell if too slow or fast" he states.

"I see" Touka said retreating the needle, placing a cotton on the small tiny hole on his arm.

"With results I will be back and then we will know where to go from there" she said rising to her feet.

"You're also testing the Kaiju's samples right?" Yuki asked.

Touka nods.

"Everything will be clear in a few hours time and then we know what we're really dealing with" she said final as she turns to leave.

Mosu behind a wall heard everything, his eyes shaky. 'Hiro is still on the Sp2 stage?' He thought in total bewilderment, with tighten fist he walks out into another path. 'What does this mean?' He thought deeply. He mistakenly bumps into Ten.

"Hey! Watch where you're going you fat ass!" He hissed.

"Who are you calling fat ass!" Ten hissed back with white eyes.

"Tsk" Mosu made a sound annoyed.

"We should focus on gathering ourselves, not throwing words at each other, gimme a break" Ten said murmuring as he walks pass Mosu, adjusting his glasses.

"How much do you know about your roommate..." Mosu began making Ten stop.

"...Ten?" he asks turning slightly.

Ten sighs out smoke.

"What are you getting at dude" he said in a bored tone facing him.

Mosu grinned devilishly, with a dark expression. 'This will be fun' he thought in beaming amusement.

"Have you ever wondered why Hiro is so different from us? I mean the thing with his eyes, you know" he said with a shrug.

Ten frowned. 'What's he getting at?!' Ten thought sternly, he knew Mosu never liked Hiro ever since he beat the crap out of him, Mosu always had a way of annoying someone, it was probably what he was doing right now.

Ten sighs.

"Look Mosu I don't ha-"

"Hiro is only different because he's not in the Sp3 stage like the rest of us" Mosu said smirking.

Ten froze as his eyes slowly went wide. 'What?' He thought stunned.

Mosu devilish smirk broadens more... 'Jackpot... he doesn't know'

"Ha... too back, seems like you didn't know" he said cocky.

Ten's eyes trembled.

"Some roommate he have or should I say some friend you have" he said in a mocking tone before turning to leave.

'This...' his eyes trembled as beams of sweat hung his features. '...explains it all' his fist tighten as his head played all the unexplainable event about Hiro, with his eyes, his slow healing capabilities, not able to do what most of them could do and then that moment with the Alpha, the tip of his hair going blue, the aura around him and then the transformation of his blood weapon, it all made sense but still didn't too, there was more, Ten could feel it, but why, why was Kimura Hiro so different from them... why?

'The virus' Ten eyes widen more in realization. 'Could it be...' his eyes shaking vigorously. 'Could it be mutating differently in our body? Everything the scientists told us about the Sp-virus, could there be more going on around here?'




Ten gasp back to reality when he felt a hand against his shoulder, he turns abruptly taking harsh breath, seeing Hiro and Yuki.

"Are you okay? Been calling your name but you wouldn't budge" Hiro said puzzled.

Ten gulps hard.

"Why are you sweating? It seems like you just ran a whole mile or more" Yuki said raising an eyebrow 

Surprising and weird to them, Ten chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's nothing really... just lost in my thought again about the Alpha and all... I'm perfectly fine" he adds shivering a bit.

"Are you sur-"

Hiro was cut off from his words when Ten's stomach growled loudly, a loud dreadful sound, Ten paled like his body was drying as he rubs his stomach.

Hiro and Yuki sweat drop behind their head.

"I'm super hungry though" Ten said with anime tears like he would faint any moment.


"Thank you for the food" Ten said smirking as he blew some steams from the small cup ramen inserting the chopstick inside and digging in.

Others did too, Shino, Hiro, Yuki, Haya and Homura, they were seated in a round form, the center had an automatic flame, with a small iron kettle they used to heat up the ramen cups.

Shino's cup ramen was on the ground as he inserts the chopsticks all the way down, it was really tiring.

"Here lemme help you with that" Haya said as with a wave of her hand a small spiderweb enegry levitates the cup ramen making it much easier for Shino.

"Thanks Haya" Shino said with a small smile against his lips as he ate more comfortably.

"You seem to be getting a better grip of your blood weapon" Homura said with a mouth full of noodles, staring at the white headset around her head.

Haya sweat drops behind her ear.

"I can't tell what you saying with a mouth full of noodles" she emphasise.

"He said" Shino said making a sign languages with his hand.

"Oh" Haya just made a sound.

"Wow Commander Shino, I got to learn that from you, I'm only good with morse code and it takes some time to lay out" Ten said amazed.

Shino smiled.

Haya blushed, knowing Ten was planning on learning so that he can communicate better with her.

"This noodles taste a bit sour doesn't it" Hiro said puzzled.

"Mine does too" Yuki said.

"Same" Shino said.

The rest agreed too except Ten who keeps eating like a glutton.

Yuki checked the under of the cup ramen and paled like a blank paper.

"The date says it expired 3 years ago".

Instantly they all spilled the contents from their mouth as they shivered in disgust.

Except Ten of course.

"Is this what the end of the world taste like?" Homura said shivering with anime tears.

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