The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 151 - Encounter

A roar came again, it was from the alpha.

It came from behind Raiden, growling deeply.

Raiden's teeth clenched in a tight hold.

"You killed her" he began in tears, as he turned to the Alpha, pissed, with bloodshot eyes.

"YOU KILLED HER!!!" he shouts.

The Alpha roared at him dangerously.

"Raiden!" He turned at the sound of his name.

He saw Shino a distance away struggling to get up.


The Alpha snarled dangerously turning to Shino.

Raiden's teeth clenched, he saw red, the need to kill, he wanted blood for blood.

He brough out a device as it transforms into his sniper gun, he cocks it pointing it to the Alpha.

The Alpha's head snaps to him.

"DIED YOU MONSTER!!!" he shouts with tears in his eyes.

"DAMMIT RAIDEN RUN!!!" Shino shouts going on his feet, knowing something like that wasn't gonna kill the Alpha easily.

But Raiden fired two bullets at it as it came at the Alpha in speed.

The Alpha roared as it dashes after Raiden, the two bullet bracing the skin on neither sides of it but it just brushes off.

The Alpha duck it's head and then plunging it upwards using it horn to slash Raiden's stomach, blood splashing the force pushing him backwards to the ground hard.

"RAIDEN!!!" Shino shouts unable to do anything.

Raiden on the ground bleeding out.

Shino stood where he was as his body shook tremendously.

The Alpha's head snaps to him, he gulps hard as his eyes widen in horror, his body shaking in fear.

The Alpha growled deeply, marching towards Shino.

He stood paralysed as it came to him, his heart slammed loudly like a thousand drums, sweating profusely.

The Alpha face came to him, inches apart, his eyes shook vigorously, waiting for the worst, he just stood still unable to move paralysed by fear.

His Hazel eyes lands on the hump of flesh of the Alpha, there were no eyes. He gulps.

The breath of the Alpha that brough out steams from its mouth, at his face, he was close... so close to the jaws of death, seeing the dangerous canines didn't need to tell him twice of what awaits him.

A tears slide down his cheeks as he waited for the worst.

As the Alpha came close, one of its horns pirece his forehead, but slightly. The moment the Alpha horn came in contact with his skin, his body ran cold instantly.

From the pain he shut his eyes close tightly.

*Loud Sound Of Heartbeat*

A set of eyes flashed open in his head, the eyes had two different color, one of the eyes, the iris bright crystal crimson like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of blue lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkened and extended.

The other eyes, the iris colour bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkened and extended.

The presence of the two eyes in the dark in his consciousness brough fear to his body.

In panic he pulled away, landing in his butt, his forehead trailed body from the imprint of the tip of the horn on it.

He took a harsh breath in panic.

'What was that?!' He thought mortified.

The Alpha growled displeased shocking it head as it marched past Shino going away in a distance.

Shino breath calmed down, he was unable to process what just happened.

"Raiden," he said as he was back to reality.

He forced his body up his feet as he ran toward a bleeding Raiden.

He knelt next to him, his uniform was ripped around his stomach area where the Alpha horns got him, two mark imprinted on it, but luckily it wasn't deep enough to kill him, Raiden had a hard skin to begin with, so he lucky to have survived it.

Shino took a deep breath of relief seeing he was still breathing, but in pain, because the wound still bleed.

Shino quickly took off his jacket, although it was difficult he still found a way.

He uses it to apply pressure on his stomach to at least reduce the blood flow.

"Asano" Raiden said in pain, his weak eyes shaking.

Shino's looks sadden, earlier he saw the hand, it was like a bullet to his chest, he heard the rumours about Asano and Raiden being a couple, guess it was true then.

"I'm sorry" Shino said on the verge of tears, it pained him to the core to lose his comrades like this, it was so unfair, all these happening to them, since the moment they stepped foot on the outside world death has always followed them, anywhere they go.

"I couldn't protect her," Raiden said in tears.

Shino's looks darken from his words.

"I couldn't protect anyone too," he said. He was Commander but still, he couldn't do a thing, he was helpless, he was weak.

"I'm useless," he said faintly, his fist clenched hard on the jacket.

"I'm sorry you have such a useless Commander" he adds staring at Raiden with sad eyes.

"It's not your fault," Raiden said as his weak eyes landed on him.

"The Alpha" he began.

"It didn't attack you"

Shino froze at his words, he instantly recovered what happened a few minutes ago. Raiden was right, the Alpha didn't attack him, why?

*Footsteps Approaching*

Shino turned to the sound, smoke was still around so it was hard to see, he could only wait in anticipation as the footsteps got closer and closer until it was revealed to be Yuki with a dark expression, her twin Katana at hand.

"Yuki," Shino said elated, glad she was alive.

But Yuki didn't return the same gesture, she just halts her steps.

"Yuki?" He said her name once again but was puzzled, her expression was unreadable, it was almost as if he was staring at a different person.

"Hiro" she began.

"Where is he?" She adds as her violet light eyes land on Shino.

She froze as her eyes went wide in shock when she saw the imprint of the Alpha's horn on Shino's forehead having bits of blood.

"I haven't seen him, we should look for the others too. Yuki?" 

"No" she panicked.

"Yuki, are you okay?" Shino said getting worried, Yuki was off and right now she seemed worse... like she was scared of something.

"They are here..." she said as her eyes shakes vigorously.

"Yuki what are you talking about?"

"They are here for him..."


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