The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 154 - Time Pause

Shino stood in front of the Alpha pointing his gun, he was shaking because he knew there was nothing he could do at this moment, he can't make use of his blood weapon because of his amputated arm, what was he gonna do? He shut his eyes close as his teeth clenched hard.


"As long as you can pull a trigger"


He remembered Raiden's words. 'As long as I can pull a trigger' he repeated the words in his head as he flashes his bio-genetics eyes open.

The iris colour bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkened and extended.

His fist clenched hard on the gun, his blood creeping to it through his veins, fortifying the density of tne bullet.

"I will keep fighting!" he hissed.

The Alpha's roared launching at him on the air.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" He gave a loud battle cry as he pulled the trigger.

In slow motion the bullet came at the Alpha, but Shino saw it wasn't gonna be a head shoot, he was screwed.

'This is bad' he thought with shaky eyes seeing the Alpha still coming in slow motion.

But then he gasp as his eyes went wide, because everything was suddenly paused around him.

'Everything stopped?' He thought, he was still in the same position, he didn't pull his hand down, his gun still pointing at the Alpha, he looks around.

The moving flame was in a pause, the moving smoke from the wind halted, everything, even the faintest details was put to a halt.

'Impossible' his eyes shakes as he turned to the Alpha still hanging on the air, its mouth wide open ready to devour, the bullet he fired still directed at the Alpha, all in a pause.

'Am I doing this?' He was stunned. Did he just pause time? Is he really doing this? Was this possible? He couldn't wrap his head around it. 'This not the time to think about such' he thought as his stern looks turned serious.

'This is my chance, with this I can stop the Alpha' he thought once again ready to pull another trigger, the time pause around was slowly moving back, the wind coming back, the Alpha slowly moving, the area coming alive bits by bits.

'I can do this' he pulled another trigger, that moment the paused time came back to life, by that time the bullet came at the other, readjusting it to the Alpha's head and it pireced it, the force waved the Alpha off as it lands to the ground hard.

"I got it!" Shino hissed trumptiantly but he froze when the Alpha moved.

"It's not dead" he panics as the Alpha struggles to get up.

Yuki on the ground groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, everything was blurry but then it cleared. 'What happened' she thought holding her head as she sat up. She didn't remember a thing, her eyes shakes as she recalled something.


After seeing Asano's remains, after finding out she was dead.

A tear slide down her cheek at the memory, she used her thumb to brush the tear off her cheek, staring at the water, her eyes trembling.

Suddenly her head sparks like an electric waves, her heart slamming loudly in her chest, the pain, the anguish called in something she couldn't explain, especially when seeing the tears she shed.

An image flashed in her head, a girl crying, the tears sliding down her cheeks nonstop, her hair bangs covered her eyes so she couldn't fully recognise the person but there was this familiar feeling and then everything went blank, a voice in her head as she fades away.

Yuki, save him!


Yuki gasp at the memory, the rest was blank, she couldn't recall a single thing or how she get here or how she got a blood wound, she broke out of her thoughts when the Alpha roared dangerously.

Her head shot up at the sound, seeing the scene before her.

"Hiro!" She hissed, seeing him unconscious on the ground behind Shino.

"Yuki!" Shino hissed, relieved she was okay.

"Commander Shino" she states.

Shino froze, she called him Commander Shino not Shino-san, what the hell was going on and right now looking at her, her violet eyes were darker shades, not light like the one he saw earlier.

The Alpha roar came again, their attention drift to it.

It growled in pain as the bullet embodied in its forehead slowly slides out.

Shino checks his gun.

"Dammit I'm out of bullet" he cursed with clenched teeth.

"Yuki!" He hissed turning to her.

"You said the Alpha is after Hiro, we have to get him out of here and find the other".

Yuki froze at his words.

"The Alpha..." her eyes shakes.

"...Is after Hiro?" Her looks darken as her cheeks clenched hard.

She rise to her feet, clenching her hand tightly against her sword, not minding the excruciating pain she was in.

"It's not gonna lay a finger on him!" She hissed.

The Alpha roared as the bullet was finally out.

"My bullet didn't go deeper, but you might have a chance, you did that to its horn with your sword" he pointed out to one of the Alpha's broken horn.

"My sword" Yuki said sternly as she went on a fighting stance. 'Then I will give it a try again then' she thought for certain. The Alpha was after Hiro just like Shino said, she didn't know why but she had a strong feeling it wasn't for something good, the voice in her head always told her to protect Hiro for a reason she never came to understand but maybe this was it, maybe it was because the Alpha would one day come looking for him, and she was gonna prevent it. Her bio-genetics eyes beamed dangerously.

The Alpha roared standing up fully, in a zap of speed she came at the Alpha, in a flash she was in the Alpha's front, her twin sword ready to slash.

"Blood Technique!" she hissed as her sword blades beamed crimson from the flow of her blood.

"TORNADO SMASH!!!" she shouts as she spins like a tornado charging towards the Alpha in a wave.

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