The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 160 - Hiro Vs The Alpha

Yuki slowly opened her eyes a it lands on Hiro trying to keep up his hoarse breathing.

"" Yuki said weakly as she placed her hand on his cheek gaining his attention.

Hiro froze as well as his unstable breathing, feeling her warm touch, he turns to her, his eyes sad.

"I'm sorry" he began with clenched teeth.

He faced the Alpha back.

"You're all hurt because of me" his teeth clenched more.

"Hiro" she said weakly, she didn't want him blaming himself, because it wasn't his fault.

"It's gonna pay" Hiro said pissed dropping gently as he rose to his feet.

Yuki sat up groaning in pain as she watches him walk forward slowly with a dark expression, the bangs of his hair covered his eyes.

"For hurting you..." he began as his body went up in blue energy steams.

"Izumi..." his lips pressed in a thin line. 

"Shino... Sumi" he brough out his hand as the small stick he held transforms to a sword, five to six feet long, the body smooth, silver in color, the edge of the blade slightly slanted, the handle dark red in color, the edges of the handle extended, in a curve style, the center of the sword had a small round wheel embodied in it, spinning with an automatic start-up sound, powered by his blood. The body swirled with blue energy the same with the one around his body.

His grips tightens more on his sword.

"It's gonna fucking pay for hurting all of you!" He hissed pissed, his eyes beaming dangerously.

The Alpha rise to its feet roaring chaotic.

Hiro's teeth clenched, he took deep, the small opening from his teeth bringing out steams.

He held the sword with both hands as his blood flowed to it more.

'It's almost like...' Shino thought with shaky eyes. 'He's stronger'

With one foot to the ground, Hiro charged at the Alpha in speed.

The Alpha roared jumping at him.

Hiro shouts as he swings his sword, it collided with its paws directed at him.

The force causing a breeze everywhere. The rest stood their ground at the firece battle before them.

The Alpha teeth grips on the sword.

Hiro slides back at ease as he waved the sword the effect breaking some of the Alpha's teeth.

The Alpha roared in pain, but pissed as the tail came at Hiro slamming on his shoulder.


Hiro growled not minding the pain, despite the tail still buried in his shoulder he launches at the Alpha, the tail going deeper as it budged out to the other side but still Hiro didn't stop, he was keen, keen on destroying the Alpha.

Seeing he was persistent the Alpha sent a laser beam at Hiro in rage, Hiro uses his sword to slam at the energy, his sword absorbing it as he pushes through.

He zaps right pass the Alpha cutting the head off clean, the tail going off his shoulder, right in that moment he felt a connection, everything around him and the Alpha white.

Behind him it was no longer the Alpha but a man that stood, a civilian.

Hiro froze when he felt it.

The man's body slowly disappeared.

"Thank you..." he said, closing his eyes with a smile against his lips.

"For freeing me".

Hiro gasped as he was brought back to reality.

The Alpha's head drops to the ground. Hiro's sword covered in blood.

He was shaking, as a tear slide down his cheek at the feeling.

The Alpha's body drops to the ground blood spilling.

That moment the dark smoke around cleared, the glossy barrier around disperse, the bright sunlight came through illuminating everywhere, the harsh wind coming in.

Hiro raised his head, looking at the skies, seeing the sun with his bio-genetics eyes caused hindrance to his enhanced sight, it was painful but he didn't care, right at this point he felt a heavy weight in his chest knowing that the monster he just killed was once an innocent man.

Tears streamed down his cheek nonstop.

'Is this what the world have become?'


Team B

"Ten look, smoke!" Haya hissed pointing at a distance.

"That's odd" Ten said.

"It wasn't there before" he adds puzzled. He didn't see it when he first heard an explosion but then nothing.

The smoke was so broad reaching the skies.

"Come in Ten!" His comm sounds.

"The comm are working" he said elated.

"Ten do you copy!" Anzai said.

"Yes sir I copy".

"Where are you guys?" 

"We're also at the river banks" Ten said, knowing General Anzai's team were already there.

The river banks wasn't too far from Fukuoka, just a few mile away.

"Same here too, sir" Kaneki's voice came in.

Ten took a deep breath of relief knowing Kaneki's team was okay.

"We can't get through to team A".

Ten froze.

"Commander Shino and Hiro's team" Ten said with shaky eyes.

"I want the two teams here ASAP, Sergeant Tori and I will go check the explosion area out, understood!".

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

'Please guys be okay' Ten thought worried.


Team A

"Can you stand?" Yukio asked.

Touka nods weakly, her arm around his neck.

"How come I'm not infected by breathing the air" she said still puzzled by the fact, she no longer needed oxygen.

"A little trick I pulled off, your cells is now strong enough to fight the contaminated air, your body was already doing most of the work I just fortified it".

"You mean I'm immune to the virus just like General Anzai?" She said stunned.

"It appears so, if I'm able to redo what i did to your body then there might be a chance of the rest of us walking freely on the surface without masks" he states.

*Footsteps Approaching*

They turned at the sound, seeing Raiden, he took harsh breath still holding the jacket to his wound.

"Raiden!" Touka hissed rushing towards him despite the pain she was in.

"Hey Dr.Touka, take it easy!" Yukio hissed but she didn't listen.

"Quick Yukio, check for bandages I need to cover this up, he has lost too much blood" Touka hissed holding a weak Raiden steady as she sat him on the ground.

"Okay, Okay".

"Dr. Touka" Raiden said weakly.

"It's okay Raiden you're gonna be fine, the others, where are they?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know, but Asano... she's... she's dead"

Touka froze at his words, her eyes sadden as her lips pressed in a thin line.

The wind blowing harshly around.

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