The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 164 - Runaways [Part 3]

"Here" Mosu said handling San a soda, they were both seated on the rooftop of the school. San took it with a smile against his lips.

"I never got to ask, how come you transferred school at the end of the year?" San asked, he was always puzzled by that fact.

"Well my mom and dad got divorced, she took me along back here, we originally based in Fukuoka" he explained.

"Oh" San made a sound regretting why he asked.

"I'm sorry"

"Dummy don't be... I get to see my dad as much as I want, the two just aren't in agreeing terms, I would have chosen to go with my dad but, he doesn't earn much to take care of me so I had to go with my mom, she was backed up by her parents to gain custody of him, but with my dad nope" he states drinking his soda.

"Besides I get to see him as much as I want, spend weekend's over there, so it's cool"

"I see" San said with a smile against his lips.

"I'm happy that you're okay with it" he adds.

"Exactly" Mosu said as they cheered with their soda drink.


The Year 2021

Black Storm Day

Gaming Cafe

"Face the wrath of the almighty Thor hammer!!!" Mosu said dramatically.

"Dammit I can't see to get this right" Kaneko said sighing, dropping the keypads.

He then turned to San and Mosu engrossed in their games.

"I still can't keep up with these two" he said with a smile against his lips.

He met both of them in this very cafe, they came regularly to play games, so he just sorta flowed with and they became friends.

Mosu phone rang.

He brought it out from his pocket, his eyss still on the screen, the call ends and then a message came in.

" dad he's here, he just arrived!" He exclaimed.

"What? So soon?" San said with a start, over the over the past year, San has put on height, he was no longer the little kid he was any longer.

"We gotta go, he's waiting at the amusement park" he said rising to his feet, talking off the headset. 

San did too.

Mosu was the first to rush out.

"See you Kaneko" San said with a smile against his lips before dashing out after Mosu.

"Okay" he said.


"Slow down Mosu" San said trying to catch up to him.

In a few distance away Ten came out of a store with a smile agusnt his lips, holding a small gift bag.

Mosu and San ran past him.

Then a vibration shook the earth thoroughly.

Mosu and  San halted their steps as they stared at the explosion a distance away, going up in smoke and flames into the skies broadly.

They stared in awe and shock along with others around.

'The Day Of The Black Storm'

It leveled down in a great wave as the explosion wiped everything in sight.


Present Day

The Year 2024

Ruins of Tokyo 

'I was glad when I woke up in the white room, I was with Mosu and Kaneko... but sadly we were now orphans, our loved ones gone. Now soldiers tasked with the responsibility of reclaiming the outside world' San thought weakly, his arms around Mosu's neck giving him a piggy back ride.

'Who would have thought things will turn out like this... 3 years ago we were just regulars kids living our lives to the fullest, now we face things worse than death' his eyes trembled, a flash of Kaneko death came in his head. 'Friends gone... facing terrifying monsters who were once civilians... once human beings... or more once our families' his lips pressed in a thin line.

The sun at its highest peak, San grew weaker by the second, the pain in his shoulder becoming unbearable, his body going more numb that he couldn't feel anything, he couldn't smell, he couldn't taste his lips any longer.

Tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably.

"I see it!" Mosu said elated, his eyes at the river banks, the sight of the Hellhounds and vehicles could be seen.

"Hang on San, we're almost there, you are gonna be okay" Mosu said adjusting him properly on his back, increasing his pace.

San's ears fell deaf, he didn't hear a thing, neither did he feel a thing.

'In all my life, I'm glad I met you... Saionji Mosu, you saved me from death once, and now you are doing it again, I don't know how I can ever repay you... maybe in the next life' his eyes slowly shut close, tears streaming down his cheeks. 'I'm sorry Mosu... but I can't follow you around anymore'

Mosu took harsh breath now dashing towards the river banks.


"Someone's coming" Mizuki hissed using his binoculars to view the distance.

"Who is it Hiro and the others?" Ten asked haste, using his binocular also.

He froze.

"That's Mosu..." he said.

"And is that San at his back?".

"This is bad... they look injured" Kaneki panics.

Mirai quickly turned to Kashi.

"Dr. Kashi we need help!" She called.

Kashi turned.


Mosu kept running taking harsh breath.

"Hold on San...hold on, we're almost there" he got to the edge.

Few of the others already crossed over, rushing to him.

"Help me! San is hurt!" Mosu hissed giving out as he went on his knees taking harsh breath.

They helped San off his back placing lying him on the ground.

With one look at San, Kashi knew as his eyes sadden.

"Hey! You're a doctor, do your doctor stuff!" Mosu hissed pissed.

Kashi sad eyes met Mosu's, Mosu froze seeing his look.

"He's..." Ten eyes shakes.


"SHUT UP!" Mosu shouts.

"Mosu" Kaneki placed a hand on his shoulder but he jerk it off.

"Don't give me that bullshit, he can't be dead... I told him to hold on! Mosu always listens to me, so he can't be dead he can't be!" He hissed as his body trembled.

"His wound was very fatal, he's been slowly dying since the moment he got this wound, there wasn't hope for him" Kashi said sadly.

'You mean, he's been carrying around a corspe?' Mirai thought with shaky eyes.

"It can't be" Mosu said as his eyes circled in tears.

He turned to a lifeless San.

"Hey butthead" he shooks him like he always did.

"Wake up... wake up you dummy!" He hissed and then he broke.

"Wake up buddy, wake up..." he sobs.

"You said you will always follow me around, didn't you, so wake up" he cried.

"WAKE UP!!!"

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