The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 171 - Beach Day [Part 4]

"What do say guys let's get some revenge shall we," Hiro said smirking devilishly.

"Well said Kimura Hiro" Ten said adjusting his glasses.

Hiro throws the ball up.

"Don't blame me if I don't go easy on you girls," he said smirking, with one foot to the ground he slammed the ball hard, it zapped towards the other side in speed along with a wave.

Sakura legs shakes where she was as the ball came in speed.

Haya quickly comes right in front of her using her spiderweb red energy to hold the ball but the force was too strong it pushed her at Sakura behind, they both landed on the ground hard with spinning eyes.

"Hey Hiro take it easy will you!!!" Mary shouts with white eyes.

"Told you I wasn't gonna take it easy," Hiro said cockily.

"Now that's what I call a good revenge" Ten said as he and Hiro fist bump.

'Now that's my godson' Anzai thought smirking.

Mary growled as her green hair levitates behind her from anger.

"Haya and Sakura out!!!" Yukio announced as they dragged them out.

"Team Men 2, Team Ladies 1!"

"Seems like the boys aren't showing any mercy," Kazuya said licking her lips.

Sumi picks up the ball.

"Neither should we," she said flinging the ball up and then jumping, slamming her palm against it as it came at the other side in force.

Shino rushes forward as he uses his left hand to slam the ball back.

'He's fast!' Sumi thought amazed as the ball came back in force.

Aimi quickly slammed the ball back, it came at Sand, he raised it palm to slam it back but it sides pass him.


"THAT'S WHY I SAID YOU NEED A HAIRCUT!" Kaneki shouts with white eyes.

"Sorry, bruh didn't see the ball coming ya know," Sand said scratching the back of his head.

"Team Men 2, Team ladies 2!"

They cheered.

"Something tells me this is gonna end in a draw," Anzai said shoving a cigar in his mouth.

"Don't tell me you're giving up so soon General Anzai!" Saho said with anime tears.

Anzai smirks.

"Just getting warmed up!".

"And here we go!" Mizuki hissed, slamming the ball back at them.

"I got this one!" Mirai hissed as her bio-genetics eyes shined like that of a sniper as she dashed towards the ball, she places her wrist together and then slammed the ball up with so much force.

"Now this is definitely my call," Kaneki said dashing forward, he jumps using his forehead to slam the ball back at them.

"Use your hands Dammit!" Mary hissed with white eyes.

The ball came, Yumi dashes after it.

"Mirai-chan!" She hissed.

"On it" Mirai said going down.

In speed Yumi climbs on her back, jumping and then slamming the ball back.

Anzai's red eyes shined like a sniper, with one slam he sent the ball back.

"That momentum, it's so fast," Emiko said with white eyes as the ball came to her face, she panics but Yuki was already in her front on the air as she spins and then slammed the ball back in extreme force.

Raiden panics as the ball came directly at him, it slams his stomach hard, his mouth spilling out saliva as he lands on the ground hard with spinning eyes.

"Raiden Out!" Yukio announced.

"And I thought you had a strong body," Mosu said, with a twitching eyebrow.

"Team Men 2, Team ladies 3!"

They dragged Raiden out.

Daiki held the ball.

"Hey, you know how to shoot right?" Sand asked.

Daiki just chuckled nervously.


He flings the ball, slamming it, but the force wasn't enough, the ball lands in front of him.


"Crap," Daiki said with white eyes.

Yukio blew his whistle.

"Self-score! Team Men 2, Team ladies 4!".

The boys gave Daiki an angry stare, he shivers like a cat as he drew back.

"Guess it can't be helped," Hachiro said picking up the ball, spinning it against his index finger effortlessly.

"Your team is bent on destroying us, Touka-san, no mercy" Hachiro said in amusement.

Touka smirked placing a hand on her waist.

"Any means necessary... I'm still going with that" she shrugs.

"I see," he said as his glasses shined blank white.

"Then don't blame me, if I'm impartial as well!" He hissed getting ready to slam the ball.

"That's mine line!" Touka pouts.

He slams the ball as it came for Sumi, unaware to her as she turned, the ball slammed her face hard, rotating on it as she lands to the ground with spinning eyes.

"Dear Sumi there isn't very attentive since the very beginning, thus making her a weak link to be eliminated," Hachiro said smirking as his glasses cleared revealing his black eyes.

"Way to go Hachiro," Kashi said giving him a thumbs up.

"Why you? That was dirty!" Kazuya hissed growling.

"Team Men 3, Team ladies 4!"

Hachiro just chuckled darkly adjusting his glasses.

But then a ball came slamming hard on his cheek, he was knocked out cold to the ground.


She was the one who throw the ball, a smirk on her lips as she stood upright.

"You're also a weak link, Dr Hachiro"

"Team Men 3, Team ladies 5!"

They dragged Hachiro out.

Kenta sighed.

Anzai's eyes beamed dangerously.

"Alright everyone put on your A-game, we are taking them down!"

"Yes sir!"

Yuki cracks her knuckles.


A Few Hours Of Playing Later

"Team Men 20, Team ladies 20! Thereby a draw!" Yukio announced blowing his whistle.

It was already almost sundown, the skies now orange.

Hiro's butt lands on the sand.

"Dammit they just won't give up" Hiro grumbled.

"That's to say the girls level up the same strength as ours," Shino said sitting beside him.

"In order words, it ended up in a draw," Ten said tired, lying flat on the sand.

The girls cheered at their victory even though it was a tie.

Hiro's gaze turns to Yuki, watching the others cheering. 

The wind blew harshly, carrying her long brown hair weightlessly, a small smile present on her lips watching the others cheer.

'She's.... smiling' Hiro thought in wonder, he could sense it and it suited her, enthralled by her white aura he has always known her for, his gaze not leaving her for a second.

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