The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 174 - Voice

"The First Alpha Sp3: level 1 grade!"

"The raw powers it showed, level 1 is a good grade," Hachiro said nodding in agreement.

"The second Alpha" she turns to them.

"Sp3: Level 2 grade," Yukio said for certain.

"Then Daiki is level 2 grade too" Touka said.

"The rest of the bio-genetics" Kashi said with shaky eyes.

"Sp3: level 0" Kenta said for certain.

"Kimura Hiro" Touka said.

Hachiro adjusts his glasses.

"Sp3: level 4".

"Amazing! That far?" Kashi said amazed.

"Then it is willpower then, their ability to grow stronger and increase their levels," Kenta said.

"But still remain in the Sp3 stage, Sp4 is death for them," Hachiro said for certain, there was no explanation for that.

"We already got that covered with SPS. What we should focus more on is building their levels, them staying in Sp3: level 0 is a liability for when they face Kaijus" Touka said sternly.

Yukio scoffs.

"A virus with not just stages but levels... why do I get this feeling this virus is more than it seems," he said sternly.

"Like you said Yukio, the Kaiju's are non-symbiotic thus making them turn out into mindless beast's, the same might happen to us if we come in contact with it... but the bio-genetics symbiotic to the virus making them special... in all this, we should then conclude that this virus was specially made to enhance kids their ages but only 100 turned out," Hachiro said folding his arms.

"Yes... the villain behind this wanted kids to be infected, the question is what is the villain goal for infecting a certain amount of kids and ending the world in the means of doing that... that is the mystery we are yet to uncover" Yukio said.

"Using the chemical plant, spreading a virus that can only enhance kids, ending the world... who is sadistic enough to do something as horrifying as this and for what?" Kashi said with trembling eyes.

Silence brood the room, it was a mystery and a painful twist they had no idea about.

'But one thing is for certain' Yukio thought with hard eyes. 'The person responsible for this is definitely close' his fist clenched hard.


Yuki walks the area of the beach alone, her feet leaving prints on the sand, she then halts, the wind blowing harshly around, her long brown hair swirling around, her expression dark, the bangs of her hair covering her eyes. 

Her ear twitched as a sound came in like an echo to her ear, a roaring sound that only she could hear.

She turned, her hair swirling around as she did, she stared into the skies staring at a distance.

She turns slowly as everything around her fell silence, her gaze shifts to where Hiro was seated, close to the water, his legs flat against the sand, his hands placed behind, his gaze up.

*Loud Ear Ringing*

Suddenly all sounds came back to her, the sound of the beach, the sound of the wind moving the leaves of the trees could now be heard. She slowly approached him.

At the sound Hiro turned, she squats next to him.

"You have been gone for awhile" he states.

"You must be having a tough time" he began in a sad tone.

"You know with Asano". He could tell she was still sad about her demise, they were after all roommates, so I figured they were kinda close even though Yuki doesn't show it.

"The dead stay dead" she said with unreadable eyes.

"But still you feel for her" Hiro said certain.

"No one can hide pain".

Her lips pressed in a thin line.

"Pain, loss... those are what we live through now, the feel of it... there's no end to it is it" he said faintly but she heard him.

"Its okay to feel it sometime, it what makes us human"

"Human" Yuki said with shaky eyes.

"What makes you human?" she asked.

"From love, pain, regrets, sadness, happiness, fear" he states.

The breeze blowing harshly around them.

"Those are the things" he adds.

"I see" she said with shaky eyes as she tried to rise to her feet but her body gave out.

"Hey" Hiro said holding her at the arms before she fell.

They were both still on the ground, the action caused Yuki's head to be against his bare chest.

"Cramp, you must have cramp in your legs, you shouldn't have squat for that long" he scolds.

Suddenly he felt her body shake, he froze at the action.

"Yuki?" he asked worried.

"The voice..." she so faintly that he almost didn't hear, but luckily he did.

"... it won't stop" she shakes more.

Voice? what voice? Hiro was puzzled by this.

"Yuki... what are you talking about?".

At his voice she raised her head, their faces inches apart, he could sense it, he could feel it, they were close so close that no space was left between them.

"" he stammers, he couldn't think, he couldn't act, he was just there stiff.

His heart slamming loudly in his chest, then she moved further, Hiro's breath caught as Yuki slowly embrace him, her face burying in his neck, her hands against his bare back that sent shivers down his spine.

Hiro felt this warmth flow  through him like a wave, his body still as Yuki embraced him, the feel of her body against his, sent a tingling feeling to his sides, it was comforting and strange at the same time, a girl has never embraced him before  except his mom but that was different.

Hiro gulps hard as his hand slowly reach for her waist and straddled on it.

"Hey Yuki... are you okay?" he asked just to be such, a girl can't just randomly embrace a guy, right?

She smuggled closer and this time he felt her chest on his, from head to toe his whole body ran a deep shiver... she was still on her swimsuit, despite the fabric getting in the way he could still it, his body tensed once again unable to take it, this feeling was all too new to him, he wasn't exactly sure what to do.

'So soft' he froze at his own thoughts, yes they were soft and by the feel of it she was endowed. 'SNAP OUT OF IT HIRO!!!!' he shouts in his head, he shakes his head profusely unable to bear the feeling and worse he wanted to feel her body more, a girls body was really different from a boy in terms of texture. He blushed at the thought.

"Yuki!" he hissed placing his hands against her shoulders, creating a space between them.

"Please let's stop... its kinda uncomfortable" he lied, he did enjoy the comfort but he couldn't handle it.

Yuki frowned slightly.

"Why? we have embrace before" she urged.

"I know but that was different, we were riding the Hellhound, don't mix it up together, its not the same!" he protest knowing she was referring to that.

She frowned more.

"Then you don't like it then".

"That's not what I'm saying!"

"You said its uncomfortable"

"That's because... ugh Yuki!"

She sat up abruptly.

"Idiot!" she hissed walking away.


He turns.


She didn't turn she kept walking away, Hiro was dumbfounded by her actions.


Shino and Ten were on their way back, away from the beach.

"Say... where did Hiro run off to?" Ten asked puzzled.

They were suppose to head back together along with Yuki, the skies were already pitch black and it was getting super cold, the night was always freezing cold.

Shino just shrugged.

A sound came behind, they turned seeing Hiro with a pissed and confused look as he march towards them.

"Hiro are you okay?" Shino asked both puzzled and worried, it was rare to see all sought of emotions playing on a face at once, and why was his cheeks heated?

He stops abruptly as a an angry vein popped out of his side head.

"Seriously I don't get girls at all!" He hissed frustrated, his fingers making twitching gestures.

They froze at his words.

Ten instantly caught on, anime tears flowed from his eyes.

"Not you too Hiro" Ten said knowing he was having girl problems too.

"Too?" Shino said with twitching eyebrows.


Medical Base 

"Sub-levels of the virus?" Anzai said stunned at the news.

Touka nods.

"Well that is something new" he said folding his arms against his chest, at least now he had a shirt on, Touka wasn't as distracted as she was before.

"All the bio-genetics except Daiki and Hiro are in Sp3: level 0... we think it's advisable to boost their levels, all Alpha's they have ever faced are all a higher grade than them" Yukio explains.

"Seems like Hiro's case isn't as confusing, we just misread the results... we believe the increase of levels has to do with willpower" Hachiro said.


Hachiro nods adjusting his glasses.

"It's possible for the bio-genetics to increase their levels through training" Kenta said for certain.

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