The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 178 - Mount Sefuri [Part 1]


The sun at the highest peak as Kimura Hiro walks through.

"Almost there" Hiro said now going up to the highway that lead to the moment, hiking.

The sun was unbearable, the load he carried weighed him down but this wasn't compared to the training he passed through back at base, so he saw this as nothing.

*Birds Chirping*

Hiro froze at the sound.

"Birds" he said stunned, the sound has never found his ears ever since he has been on the surface.

He paused smiling, the decontamination area was bringing back nature, it was a warm feeling, soon birds will able to roam the skies once again, he couldn't wait.

He turns to the view of the city of Fukuoka, seeing it in form of structures and auras, but still it was a sight worth seeing because he knew humanity has seized Fukuoka from the Kaijus, it was a first step.

His fist clenched hard, that's why he must get stronger so that many more can be seized, and along the way he must definitely find the truth about the virus, his dad's dying wish. He MUST.

He turns back continuing the hike to the mountain, along the way as he walked up he heard more birds Chirping, he felt at ease hearing them more.

The hike took almost three hours and then he was up on the mountain.

He took deep breaths, using the back of his hand to clean the sweat off his feature, he looks up, feeling the aura of the sun, it was hot.

"Shade" he said, he had to find shades of the forest, he was still in an open area. He ventured deeper into the closure of tall trees, their wide branches and leaves kept the harsh sun from coming in, he took a deep breath of relief.

"I wonder if the others are up the mountain now" he said, wondering.

"I see you made it" a voice came in, it sounds familiar, his head turned towards the direction of the sound.

"General Anzai" Hiro said stunned.

Anzai was seated on top of a tree branch, his legs crossed like he was in a meditative position, his hands clam together, his eyes close.

Hiro's body stiffen, noticing something, the aura he saw as Anzai was different. 'It's like a blue glitch, why?' Hiro thought puzzled. 'Unless'

"You're not actually here are you" Hiro said for certain breaking the silence.

At his words Anzai slowly opened his eyes.


Operation Base 

"He knows?" Kaede said stunned.

"Kimura Hiro sees differently than the others because of the virus stationed around his eyes... its obvious he would have known General Anzai isn't real" Hachiro said adjusting his glasses.

"You mean the result of Kimura Hiro's blindness is the virus?" She said with shaky eyes before facing the screen back. 'Amazing'.


Mount Sefuri

"Ho... what makes you think that Hiro" Anzai said in amusement.

"Because if you were real you wouldn't be glitching around like that" he said shrugging.

Anzai made a hmm sound, before Hiro could blink Anzai was right in front of him, towering over him by far, Hiro was like a doll in his mist.

He gulps at his dominating presence, he was starting to rethink about Anzai not being real, because this was exactly the same dominating presence he always gave off.

"You're right I'm not real, you're probably the one who will figure it out" Anzai said.

"You mean you're where the others are too?" Hiro said stunned by the fact, how was that possible?

"Get your things settled in, this seems like a good spot to stay" Anzai said totally ignoring his question as he walks ahead.

'How could he be in more than one place at a time' Hiro thought puzzled. 'What's the real purpose of the training... I don't get it' he followed behind Anzai.

"Set your things right there" Anzai said with a nudge of his head.

"Yes sir," Hiro said doing as he was told, setting his bag and his tent pack down.

'So we are gonna stay long in here' Hiro thought for certain, he turns to Anzai.

He was busy staring at the view his hands behind his back in an upright position.

'I wonder what kind of training this is gonna be' he was even more puzzled, he turns to the view also.

'It's almost sundown'



An automatic fire was on the center, Hiro's tent was already set up at a corner, the air cold and chilly, Hiro just wraps the black blanket around his body more, his gaze shifted to Anzai who was seated in front of him, staring at the flames.

"You knew my dad, right?" Hiro began, breaking the silence, I never got the chance to ask, he heard from others about Anzai given the title of the General of Japan but he turned it down, and his dad took it.

"Yes I did, we came a long way together" Anzai said as his eyss grew wistful.

"Close friends then?"

"Something like that"

"Then why did you turn down the position?"

Anzai raised his head at his words, facing Hiro.

"I never knew the position my dad had was intended for someone, he never talked about it neither did he talk about you, its strange, I knew nothing about my dad until now... it hurts" he said faintly but Anzai heard him.

Hiro slowly raised his head to face Anzai.

"Yes the position was given to me, but I'm not suited for it, your dad was outstanding in everything Hiro, never forget that".

A faint small found Hiro's lips.

"It's always 'good' about him... he lived up to the expectations of everyone he loved and every civilians even to the prime minister but... I just saw him as a dad who couldn't perform his duties as a father" Hiro said with clenched teeth.

"How silly of me... a stupid son I am, I couldn't even see the kind of man he was until he was gone... turns out people knew him better than I ever did... it should have been the opposite"

Anzai's eyes soften at his words.

"Do you regret it?" He asked.

Hiro's fist clenched his blanket hard.

"I regret everything, every moment I got to spend with him and never saw how much he was trying to make it up to me... I even lost the one special gift he gave to me" Hiro said on the verge of tears.

Anzai knew Hiro was talking about the headset, which was in his possession. 'It was a last minute gift' Anzai thought sadly.

"If your dad was right here right now... what would you say to him?"

A tear slide down Hiro's cheek from one of his eyes.

"That your son is really a jerk, a big one for not understanding... I would tell him about how happy I'm for the present he gave me and how sorry I'm for losing it" the tears flowed more.

"If I could turn back time, I would tell him that its okay if he doesn't come home at all as long as I have him in my life as long as he there for us, i don't care about the distance" he shakes his head profusely, the tears sprinkling.

"I never did anything he asked of me and yet I asked so much of him and I was stupid enough to be angry at him"

The images played in his head, of how he would ignore his dad, shutting his room door in his face. His dad would wave at him and smile but he didn't return it, how sad his dad would be.

Hiro sobbed.

"If I could have one more chance to tell him how sorry I'm... I wouldn't miss it for the world" he used the back of his hand to wipe the tears off his cheeks.

"Which is why..."


"Live Hiro and find the truth... I believe you will and I will always love you, stay strong Hiro"


His dad's dying wish rang in his head once again.

"... i shall honor his last wishes and find out the truth" he said with serious looks.

'The truth? Haruto's last wish?' Anzai thought puzzled.


Operation Base 

Kaede was the only one left in the base, she heard the conservation between Hiro and Anzai.

"The truth?" She said puzzled as her eyes turned hard.

"General Haruto last words?" She said faintly. 'What's this feeling' she thought with shaky eyes, a feeling that General Haruto might know the mystery of the virus spread, it was the only thing she could relate by Hiro's words, there was no other way to see it.


'The truth' Anzai thought deeply, a memory of when Haruto called after years they haven't spoken, it was so sudden, they lost contact but somehow Haruto managed to trace him. They didn't talk much, he just asked how he was doing and his fiancée, he could still remember the sound of his voice, it sounded worried like something was on his mind and Anzai asked him if everything was okay.

'Could Haruto know something that we don't' his eyes drift to Hiro. 'About the virus.... or could it be about the X file?'

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