The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 206 - A Small Reunion [Part 1]

"This is..." Hiro said with wide eyes feeling his hands against the headset, it was black but also in form of neon, the sides with a button each lined with red, broken in two, in a transparent bag.

"When they found you 2 years ago, you were holding unto it, the Prime Minister kept it for you until he gave it to me... with all the craziness I couldn't give you yet" Anzai explained.

Hiro's eyes went teary, a smile present on his lips as he held onto the headset tightly.

"My dad gave this to me, I thought... I thought I lost it forever" he sobbed.

"Thank you, General Anzai"

Anzai smiled.


The skies pitch black illuminated by stars, the bio-genetics sat in a round form, a burning flame in the center.

Mosu sighed.

"Is this really necessary? None of you have said anything" he said getting irritated.

"Whose idea was this?" Ren asked raising an eyebrow,

They pointed to Kaneki and Ryu, they chuckled nervously.

"Great" Yumi said sassily.

Shino and Sumi seated across from each other, stole glances, the moment their eyes met they would always look away.

Ten raised an eyebrow at the two because he noticed their suspicious actions, his glasses shined white as he rubbed his chin, smirking mischievously.

"Come on guys, we're leaving this place tomorrow so i thought coming like this together would be great" Ryu began.

"I mean we are all gonna miss the sunlight, the breeze"

"The beach," Sakura said raising her hand.

"The sand," Homura said sighing as he felt the sand with his hands.

"Seeing the skies" Mirai intoned with a smile against her lips.

"But not all of us are going," Yumi said in a sad tone, they turned to her.

"Sand can't go with us because he's not better yet".

Solemn silence instantly filled the whole place.

Their look saddened.

"The cause of the Kaijus and everything, we know who's behind it..." Mosu said sternly.

"The Queen kaiju"

"Will killing her really bring an end to all this?" Raiden said.

"It should, it has to, or else we will be stuck under the base forever," Fuijio said and no one liked the sound of that, over the past month they have gotten accustomed to the surface even though it was highly dangerous.

"The Alpha's are a whole level... and this Were-Alpha... it took everything Sand had just to take it down and by take it down, that particular Were-Alpha is still roaming free, what if we come across it, will we even survive it?" Mizuki reasoned.

"We have seen worse" Shino spoke up.

Their attention drifts to him.

"We have encounter things bigger, seen the death of our comrades before our eyes, passed through things kids our age should never experience and yet here we are, as long as we can keep fighting then, the foes before we will come down," he said sternly.

"According to General Anzai, as soon as we get back to base we will devise a plan to take down the Queen Kaiju and put an end to this" he adds.

"The Queen Kaiju or more the Alpha's, they are always after Hiro aren't they?" Mosu said sternly.

Gaining their attention.

"The only reason the barrier was plunged and Sand is where he is now, is because of Hiro... I mean why are they even after him?"

"We don't know... but we should know it can't be good," Ten said adjusting his glasses.

Mosu huffed.

"Convenient... so Hiro's like a beam for the Alpha's and more the Queen Kaiju"

"Look Mosu, it's not Hiro's fault okay, we will get past this but we should know we have to look out for one another, because we're comrades" Shino intoned.

"You're just saying that because Hiro's your buddy... look I'm not about to risk my life like that, I have myself to worry about and I don't plan on dying before I get my revenge on the Kaijus" he hissed.

"I'm not asking you to risk your life for me" Hiro's voice came in, they turned to him standing before them.

"No one should, I will carry my own weight" He adds.

Mosu rolled his eyes.

"All we have to focus on is staying alive... and getting to base, I'm the least of your concern".

"Hiro," Ten said with shaky eyes.

Hiro took a seat on the tree branch, poking the flame with a stick.

"We have all come a long way" Shino began.

"We should all know we have to look out for each other... we were 100 but now 26... I'm not ready to lose anyone again" he said melancholy.

Their look saddens at his words.

"Daiki doesn't want any of his friends to die again," Daiki said on the verge of tears.

Yumi nods sobbing. Mirai rubbed her back.

"The truth is... everything and everyone always sounds annoying to me," Sumi said her eyes fixed on the flame.

"It still does... but I know one thing... I'm tired, tired of watching people die" she said as her lips pressed in a thin line.

"We all are," Usagi said sadly.

"Is this ever gonna end.. the pain, the loss?" Raiden said with shaky eyes remembering Asano's death.

"It's not," Yuki said coming in view, they turned to her.

Her expression is unreadable.

"It never ends, it never stops... all we have to do is learn to leave with it" she states seating beside Hiro.

Kaname sighs.

"Thus the sad fate of the bio-genetics began the moment the Chemical Plant exploded... how ironic," he said sarcastically, staring at the dark skies filled with stars.

"I wonder why the plant exploded, you know... it has been in my head ever since," Mirai said pulling her knees to her chest.

"Some said it's an accident... some said it was made to happen because of the virus," Emiko said.

"Just who... who would do something as cruel as wiping the entire world," Haya said with shaky eyes.

"And now we're but the collateral damage," Mizuki said in an amusement that didn't reach his eyes.

"We get to live as a mistake or as damaged children," Mary said with a frown.

"None of you are damaged" Anzai's voice came in.

Their attention drifts to him.

"General Anzai!"

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