The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 215 - A Government Secret

Level 12: Civilian's Level


Anzai slurps his drink before dropping his glass down.

"How's the war plan coming up?" she asked drinking.

"An order has been issued... Prime Minister Kiyoshi is planning on putting up the strongest bio-genetics with the sole mission of defeating the Queen Kaiju" he explained.

"I see... it's a good plan if we're not sending them to their deaths" Touka said sarcastically.

Anzai frowned.

"You know that's not it... they are not going alone, they will have back up, we still need to find a way to keep the Alpha's busy so that the team can reach the Queen".

"And this team... lemme guess Hiro, Yuki, Shino, Ten, Haya... am I missing out any?" she said tilting her head to the side.

Anzai's eyes saddened.

"Those you mentioned are our strongest bio-genetics yet but it's still being put into consideration, we might have a plan but we need to work on it, I don't intend on losing any of the kids again, I just want this over once and for all".

A warm smile pressed against her lips at his words.

"Anzai" she began in a serious tone.


"If you knew anything about the virus or the cause of the explosion, you would tell me right?"

Anzai paused his drinking action, he slowly drops the glass on the table.

"You heard about our conservation didn't you"

Touka bit her bottom lip knowing she was caught but there was no going back now.

"What is the X-file, Anzai?"

Anzai's lips pressed in a thin lip.

"Anzai please you have to tell me if it has anything to do with the virus," she said with pleading eyes.

She needed answers, staying in the dark won't let them eliminate the threats they were facing, if Anzai had a single ounce of idea how the virus was originated, she needed to know, this wasn't just for her but for the sake of the bio-genetics and the ticking death clocks on their heads.

Anzai gave a heavy sigh.

"The X-file is a government secret, I'm sure you know how top secret it can be," He said in a serious tone, leaving no room for question.

"I know Anzai but-"

"As it remains for now it might not be related to the virus, we have to hope on that, or else this might be bigger than any of us".

She gulps hard at his words, what could this secret possibly be, and if it was related, how much in turmoil were they in for.

"This X-file what is it?"

"I can't Touka"

"Anzai, please...", she placed a hand on his, at the action his gaze met hers.

"It's not my place to tell... You should understand that and if it has anything to do with the virus I will surely let you know, I promise... but it's not confirmed yet, our main focus should be the Queen Kaiju and the safety of everyone on this base"

Touka's eyes shake at his words.

He rose to his feet.

"Good night Touka," He said turning to leave.

"Anzai" she rose to her feet abruptly.

He halts his steps.

"I will trust your decision Anzai" she began.

"Because I know you wouldn't do anything that would hurt the bio-genetics, when the tell is right you tell me"

Anzai gave a slight nod before walking away.

'The X-file' Touka thought with shaky eyes. 'A government secret kept between the Prime Minister, The former General, and Anzai... what could it be?' her fist tighten, she was eager but also she had to be patient. 'Not confirmed yet it's related to the virus.. and if it is...' her eyes narrowed. 'A government secret can only be something kept territorial or international... If that's the cause... could the virus been a terrorist attack?'. If by chance the X-file was related to it, then surely that could be the explanation.

She could only remember, her and Yukio's discussion a month ago when they were headed towards Fukuoka before they were attacked.


One Month Ago

"There's more to these kids, Dr. Touka" Yukio began in a more serious tone.

Her eyes shake at his words.

"Being symbiotic with this virus means they are all mutating differently to it, their immune system differ, thus different applied results"

She turns to him.

"But the main question and mystery we're all diverting from, it's the day it all began," he said facing her.

"Black Storm Day," she said with shaky eyes.

"That day has always been in my mind, the sudden explosion, the day that caused the end of the world" he states.

Touka gulps hard.

"That day has always been in my mind too," she said.

"It makes you wonder, who is behind it, It could be a terrorist or a foreign government to outsmart us but I highly doubt that because there are no life forms on earth," he said.

"A terrorist then," Touka said.

"Yes a terrorist, Dr. Touka," he said facing her.

"One that might be amongst us, the very villain that caused this to happen" he states.

Touka's eyes trembled at his words.

"You seem to be really engrossed in all the mysteries of the black storm".

"I am, but more of the virus, the mysteries of it is so overwhelming that makes you think who created such a virus," he said staring into space.

"A genius maybe" he adds.

"Why would someone do something as inhuman as this, to end the world in a blink of an eye and spread a virus that can only enhance certain kids," she said trembling.

"That's is yet another untold mystery to be solved"


Present Day

He also thought the possibility of a terrorist attack and an enemy amongst them, someone responsible for all this, a mystery to be solved, who was behind this was probably close by.

Her eyes trembled more, once again her mind wander to the same thought. 'Who could have done something as inhuman as this? Wiping the world in a blink of an eye and for what gain?'

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