The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 223 - The Selection System [Part 2]

*Heart Beats Slowly*




Ten gulps, Hiro did too, their body itching with anticipation as well as the others.

The system still filtering their names in binary codes. It has been on for minutes and the Bio-genetics only got eager the more.

Finally, it stopped, the results coming up at the corner, their names lining up.

Anzai turned to bio-genetics.

"From this day foreword this team shall be known as the Strike team and you shall all be training especially under me" he announced.

Behind him were the names listed. Hiro, Shino, Yuki, Ren, Kaneki, Mosu, Mizuki, Raiden, Sumi and Mirai.

"My name isn't among" Ten murmured, he thought for certain his name will be among but it wasn't, he frowned slightly.

"That is all for today, the rest of you leave for your daily training at the other hall... Strike team stays behind!".


A Few Minutes Later

"Who would have thought I would be part of this team," Sumi said in a bored tone.

"Likewise," Mizuki said scratching his cheek with a finger, his face smiley.

"I thought Ten would be among this team," Hiro said feeling down about t, even though Ten wasn't much of a fighter he was still great in the field.

"Yeah me too," Shino said sadly.

"Look guys it's alright... probably why he wasn't chosen was to help the others when fighting the Alpha's while we deal with the Queen," Kaneki said with a shrug.

"Maybe that's the case," Ren said.

"Okay, will you guys stop talking about the fat kid and think of how we're gonna strike the Queen," Mosu said irritated.

"We're waiting for General Anzai to get back," Hiro said not liking his tone, he was wondering why the system chose him, Mosu wasn't very cooperative especially with their history.

"What should we do before he gets here then... we can't just sit out idle" Mirai said.

"Mirai is right, we all know it's focusing on training, we should just warm up before he gets here" Raiden offered.

Hiro and Shino turned to each other, they shrugged, thinking maybe it was a good idea.

"How about we spar?" Mirai said clamming her hands together.

Mosu sat up from the high space he sat on.

"What do you say, Kimura Hiro, How about a small friendly spar," he said smirking.

"Your voice tells a different thing," Yuki said with dark looks that were terrifying.

Mosu sweat drop behind his head. 'What's with her?'

"Okay then," Hiro said smirking.

Shino placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder.

"Hiro," he said in a tone that he understood.

"It's okay Commander Shino, we will take turns in sparring, just like a warm-up"

Shino hoped it was just that, knowing Mosu never liked Hiro from the start and it was vise versa.


Control Tower

"Was it wise leaving them alone... you know Mosu and Hiro aren't exactly on the same page" Touka said.

She and Anzai were both at the tower watching the scene unnoticed.

"This isn't about making a team but making them work together so that they will be unstoppable," Anzai said sternly, arms folded against his chest.

Touka nods in understanding.

"I thought Ten would be part of this team and more Haya with her strong energy waves," Touka said rubbing her chin.

"Ten will be the needed with the rest of the bio-genetics when the time comes, as for Haya she may be powerful but the cost of that comes with her weakness, leaving her vulnerable after she explodes, I can't have that when they are facing the most dangerous creature on earth"

"You really thought this through"

"I did nothing... The system did most of the work" he said with a shrug.

Touka chuckled.

At the sound, Anzai turned to her.

"What?" he drawled.

"You're cute when you make that face," she said in amusement.

"What face?" He said puzzled.

She just chuckled more.

"Come on tell me"

"Let's focus on this shall we," she said with a smug look.

Anzai just rolled his eye.

She giggled again.


Mosu and Hiro stepped forward on the wide platform, the others sitting far behind.

Yuki had a dark look that was directed at Mosu, it was deadly.

"What's with your girlfriend Hiro, she keeps giving me that scary look" Mosu shivering a bit.

In silence Hiro went on a fighting stance, his clenched fist raised to his face level.

"Hmm" Mosu made a sound.

"At times I forget that you're blind, you act just like anyone does, can't really call you lucky now can I? Especially with that weird connection, you have with the Queen Kaiju"

"I'm beginning to regret why I brought up the sparring idea, the two are practically staring daggers at each other" Mirai said in regret.

"Why regret, Mirai, now this will be fun," Sumi said smirking.

Mizuki just chuckled nervously at her words.

"Commander Shino, I'm finding it hard to sit still and watch this" Yuki said with dark looks.

"We should be patient, they should try to sort out their differences, how else are we gonna work together if they don't," Shino said.

'Besides I have a feeling General Anzai planned for something like this to happen... but for what purpose?' Shino thought as his gaze drifted to the control tower, but the glass was tilted, but Shino had a feeling that General Anzai was present.

"Yeah but..." Raiden drawled.

"Let's just hope this doesn't get too messy" He adds.

Ren nods in agreement.

"What are you implying Mosu?" Hiro said sternly not going off his stance.

"Just saying wherever you are danger lurks... what if the Queen Kaiju senses you're here and attack the base, haven't you thought about that possibility," he said sternly.

"This base has remained uncovered for years, don't use me as leverage"

"Tsk!" he made a Mosu annoyed going on a fighting stance.

"I will really enjoy kicking your ass, Kimura Hiro" he spat as his eyes changed to his bio-genetics ones, The iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended.

"I will like to see you try!"

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