The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 225 - The Main Goal Is Teamwork

"I hate you!" he yelled.

"That's probably not gonna change, but I hate it more when someone can't just take damn control!"

Hiro gasped, his eyes trembling more, but then it stopped, his looks turning stern as well as his eyes, showing the realization he has come to understand, no holding back anymore.

"Alright then," Hiro said as his eyes changed to his bio-genetics ones, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond of mixed shade of light and dark with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, the corners of his eyes going in thick veins, the tip of his hair going blue all the way to the roots, now a mixture of red and blue.

Blue aura swirling around him, glowing deeply.

"Okay, now they are both crazy!" Kaneki yelled with white eyes, the two were obviously losing it in his own sense.

'Hiro' Shino thought. 'Now you can finally free yourself from Rin's death'

"GO HIRO!" Ren cheered loudly, there was no way he wanted him holding back, he wanted him to seize control, he no longer want him to blame himself for something he didn't have control over.

"GO, YOU TWO AIRHEAD!" Sumi shouts with white eyes.

"You guys are crazy!" Kaneki yelled, this time louder.

"GO YOU TWO!" Mirai shouts.

Mizuki cheered.

'Hiro' Yuki thought with a smile against her lips. 'Let it go, as well as your grieve'

"Here I come, Mosu!" Hiro said.

"It's about time, Kimura!" Mosu yelled getting fired up.

In a zap of speed, Mosu came at Hiro giving a loud battle cry sound, Hiro did too as he came at the same speed, with a zap he sent a punch against his cheek.

Mosu sent flying and jamming into the wall hard, from the extreme force.

"Mosu!" Hiro panicked.

Mosu slides down to the ground, on his knees, and then spits a tooth.

"That's some punch you got there," he said wiping the blood off his lips and then chuckling.

"It's good to see you aren't holding back" he adds.

Hiro sighed, Mosu was a very complicated person, first, he wanted to beat the shit outta him and now he wanted him to gain control, it was very hard to understand someone like that.

"Idiot" Hiro said with a smile against his lips, but he acknowledged him for what he did even though it was just a slight gesture, it showed that Mosu cared but didn't wanna show it.

A clap came in, echoing in the hall, they turned to the sound, Anzai walking towards them, Touka beside him, with a smile against her lips like she just witnessed a heartwarming scene.

He got to where they were, coming to a halt.

"Nicely done," he comments, flashing a grin and then shoving a cigar in his mouth, lighting the tip.

"Maybe now you two will get along" he adds.

"General Anzai," Hiro said as his looks turned back to normal, his hair back to the normal dell red, his eyes back to his faded brown eyes.

"Everyone of you should know teamwork is the most important factor" Anzai began gaining their attention.

"When hearts are one they can accomplish anything, face anything knowing their comrades have their backs and won't let them down". his eyes coming to them one by one, reading the meaning with his eyes also.

"This team isn't just a Strike Team, it's a team that's gonna save the world by bringing down the Queen Kaiju... all of you must work together better than you have ever done"

He could see their trembling eyes, they might not show it but anxiety took them, they were just made into a team to take down a threat they have never seen before to save the world.

"We know nothing of this threat we are coming for, we only know how dangerous the Queen Kaiju can be and what she leads, I know all of you are afraid of facing something bigger than you... but don't be, in the past year you all have been through hell and yet here you are still standing and living up to what you are".

"And now circled in a team that will take down a powerful threat, I know you guys can do it because I have seen you fought with your hearts and tears and that's a will of a soldier unlike anything I have ever seen".

"We train so that you will understand the most important factor and that is teamwork, am I clear?"

"Yes sir!" They replied in unison.

"Now good... who's next in sparring?"

"I will like to spar with Mirai," Mizuki said with a smiley face raising a hand.

Anzai made a hmm sound.

"Sparring isn't just for jest but to make sure you all can work simultaneously" he explains, they nodded in agreement.

"So Mirai and Mizuki are up"

Mirai's fist tighten, the last time she sparred with Mizuki was a year ago and he did something that angered her, he mimicked her moves, kendo and the technique she used then was one of her family secret moves and he disrespected it.

"Mirai" Kaneki said with worried eyes seeing her dark looks, he could still remember what happened that day.

She steps forward to the platform as well as Mizuki with his usual smiley face, it was hard to wipe that smile off his lips even in the most dire situation, you could mistake him for a human clown.

The rest drew back to give them space.

"Are you okay Hiro?" Yuki asked standing beside him.

He forced a smile.

"I'm fine"

"Geez I'm the one who got hurt and you're asking him if he's okay," Mosu said with an eye roll.

"Chill dude your wounds are already healed up!" Raiden scolded.

"Yeah but a tooth doesn't regenerate like magic now does it?"

Mirai went in a fighting stance, Mizuki just stood straight not going into any.

"I have a request Mizuki" Mirai began in a serious tone.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Don't try what you did last time we sparred, defend yourself in your way".

"Oh about that," he said chuckling slightly, he scratched his cheek with a finger.

"I'm sorry but it's a habit I can't get rid of" he states going in the same fighting stance as Mirai.

Mirai's frown grew deeper.

*Wailing Alarm*

As the sound burst, the red light came in too, like an alert.

"What's with the alarm, did a fire broke or something," Anzai said puzzled it was odd for something like this, in all his years in this base an alarm has never blown like this.

"No," Touka said with shaky eyes, she knew what it meant and it chilled her bones.

"The base is under attack!"

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