The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 232 - Outbreak [Part 7]

One Year Ago

During the Bio-genetics Blood Weapon Design

"Ahh... Kazuya-san you're a genius" Aya said as her bright brown eyes shined at the finished weapons for the bio-genetics.

"Now come on Aya, you helped out," Kazuya said blushing slightly.

"Yeah but only a little," she said giggling.

"You should know ma'am don't like taking all the glory," Akihiro said carrying a box of spare parts and dropping it on the table.

He ran his fingers in his shoulder-length hair.

"You're right Akihiro" Aya said.

"Now come on guys I'm still here," Kazuya said with twitching eyebrows, but then composed herself.

"That's it, how's Sota coping?" she asked.

"Well you know being a single mom can be tiring, but I'm getting used to it, he's so filled with energy," Aya said with a smile against her lips.

"I'm sorry Aya... if only his fucking dad took responsibility" Kazuya said pissed.

Aya just giggled.


"Not everyone wanna be burdened with a child especially now we're underground, everything has changed, life's not the same, I bet that's what he thought, " Aya said staring in space.

"I was in love but I wasn't wise to see his true intentions, but I was blessed with Sota so I'm glad".

"Aya," Kazuya said with trembling eyes.

"It's alright Aya, we're one big family here we got your back," a young man said stepping forward.

"Yuto," Aya said with shaky eyes, he gave a thumbs-up, grinning.

"That's right Aya" Akihiro said smiling.

Kazuya nods in agreement.

"We will all take care of Sota together," Koji said with a smile against his lips.

The rest nods in agreement.

"Everyone..." Aya said as tears filled her eyes.

Kazuya smiled warmly. 'That's right Aya, the Engineering Team will always be here for you, there's no need to feel alone or sad, we got this together' she thought.

She cleared her throat gaining their attention.

"Alright Back to work everyone!" she yelled.

"Yes ma'am!" They rushed out except Aya.

"Let's go see Sato," Kazuya said sweetly.

Aya nods drying her tears.

"Now now no need for tears, Aya".

"I'm sorry but I can't help it".


Present Day

"Please Kazuya-san," Aya begged.

"End this!" she yelled with tears knowing she was turning and there was no hope for her, she would rather die than be a monster.

"Aya," Kazuya said with trembling eyes.

Aya shook her head negatively.

"I don't want to be a monster" she cried her palms against the floor, she trembled.

"I don't want my son to see me like this", the thought of it horrified her, if she ever turned and went after him, how could she forgive herself, Sato was her world. When her ex abandoned her and did not take responsibility, she thought of getting rid of the pregnancy, and then she met Kazuya and joined the engineering team, from that very moment she never thought of getting rid of the child anymore.

Her eyes were opened to plenty of possibilities of being a mother, Kazuya showed her that even though she has never been one before.

"Please" she begged.

Tears slide down Kazuya's cheeks.

"Please kill me!"

Kazuya's hand holding her gun trembled, she shook her head negatively, even though she pointed the gun, her mind wasn't working with her, she hesitated.

"Please Kazuya-san!"

"No", the tears fell uncontrollably. She lowered the aim of her gun.

"I can't do it"

"Kazuya-san," Koji said behind her with shaky eyes.

"I CAN'T DO IT!" she shouts on top of her lungs.

Aya's lips pressed in a thin line, but then she smiled.

"Thank you Kazuya-san"


In a swift action, Aya grabs her gun against the floor, pointing it to her head.

"Aya!" Akihiro and Yuto, along with the others yelled her name.

"Please look out for Sota for me", the tears sliding down her cheeks.


*Loud Gunshot*

Blood slashed as Aya's lifeless body drops to the floor.

Kazuya trembled where she was, her eyes widening in horror.

"Aya" Koji cried.

Suddenly the rest of them started groaning in pain.

"Everyone..." Kazuya said knowing what to come.

They roared in pain as 6 of them their bones snapped and cracked, their bodies decomposed like it was forming into something

"Help us, ma'am!" Akihiro said and then wailed in pain on the floor.

But what could she do but only watch what was unfolding before her, there was no salvation for them.

"Kazuya-san we have to get out of here!" Koji yelled knowing they will come for them now.

But Kazuya just stood immobile lost as she stared wide-eyed at the horrifying scene that unfolded before her, her heartbreaking into a million pieces, she has known them for 2 years good years and now they were mindless monsters.

One Kaiju roared launching at them aiming its claws at Kazuya, she gasps seeing what awaits her.

"Kazuya-san!" Koji yelled coming in front of her like a body shield and then taking the attack, the claws of the Kaiju slashing his chest.

"KOJI!" Kazuya shouts in horror holding unto him before he hit the ground.

The rest came forth too.

But suddenly the wall beside them slammed open, the metal budging out, the force pushed the 6 Kaiju's away.

Anzai lands in front of them, taking harsh breaths.

"General Anzai," she said with wide eyes.

"Been climbing the walls for hours to get here" he said rising to his feet, dusting, and dirt off his uniform.

"Are you okay?"

Kazuya shook her head negatively as she held unto a wounded Koji who winced in pain.

Anzai turned to the scene before them, 6 growling Kaiju's ready to attack and a woman on the floor in the pool of her blood, seeing the uniform he understood.

"I see," he said faintly as his looks darkened.

"Engr. Kazuya"

She raised her head.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked in a serious tone.

Her eyes trembled at his words, she knew what he meant.

"Please" the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I can't bring myself to do it..." she sobs, her heart aching.

"Please set them free General Anzai"

Anzai nod, backing her.

The Kaiju's roared, Anzai brought out his gun, his eyes held sadness.

"May their souls rest in peace"

They launched at him.

*Loud Sound Of Multiple Gunshots*


Koji groaned in extreme pain as Kazuya gently laid his back against the wall, his chest bleeding from the slash wound of the Kaiju, he coughed but the contents were black blood, his body in agonizing pain, his nose, eyes, and ears bled too.

"Koji," she said with trembling eyes.

Koji smiled.

"It's okay Kazuya-san," he said weakly, forcing a smile.

Kazuya shook her head negatively as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"No it's not!" she cried. She knew what will happen next and it broke her heart more, to see another of her friends die, this was a nightmare she desperately wished she could wake up from.

Koji turned his head to face Anzai who stood before them.

"Please General Anzai I have a request"

"What is it Koji?"

"In all my life I have never been brave to do anything, I always run from everything... so please" he raised his head, his eyes teary.

Anzai's eyes trembled, he knew what he was gonna say.

"Let me end this by myself"

"Koji!" Kazuya said with tears in her eyes.

"Very well then," Anzai said squatting in front of him.

He hand him his gun, he would give him the privilege if that's what he wants, he knew why he intend to do so, he didn't want either of them to feel guilty about taking his life when he haven't transformed yet.

Koji took it weakly, his body covered in black veins.

He turned to Kazuya, she still cried and sobbed.

"It's alright Kazuya-san, this way it won't be hard for you," he said with a weak smile.


"It was fun working with a brilliant woman like you, I'm glad I was your assistant, everyone depends on you Kazuya-san so live... so that you can meet Sergeant Tori and tell him everything you never could... please Kazuya-san live"

"Thank you Koji, for following an annoying woman like me" she dried her tears.

Koji's smile broadens.

"Farewell Koji, onto the next" Anzai said.

He nods.

Anzai helped Kazuya up as they turned walking away.

Kazuya broke more in tears covering her mouth, the tears streaming down hotly on her cheeks.

*Loud Gunshot*

She Instantly halts at the sound. She turned.

"Koji" she cried her heart out, Anzai holding unto her as she did.


A Few Minutes Later

Kazuya used a cloth to cover Koji's body.

"You intend to go after the Alpha alone," she asked rising to her feet.

"Yes, and I need all the help I can get... I want the bio-genetics to concentrate on securing level 15, that's where the last of humanity lies" Anzai said sternly.

Kazuya took a deep breath turning to Anzai, her eyes stern.

"What do you need?"

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