The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 250 - Lost Memory

"As she turned into a monster and I.."

"Anzai" Touka held his hand, his weak gaze fell on her teary ones, she was crying for his sake.

She shakes her head negatively.

"You don't have to say it"

His eyes trembled, he looked away.

"I will never be able to forgive myself... neither will I be able to move on"


The door slid shut, Touka then leaned against the door, with sad eyes.

"I will never be able to forgive myself... neither will I be able to move on"

Anzai's words rang in her head like a constant reminder, her lips pressed in a thin line.

She slapped her cheeks to snap out of it.

"Now is not the time to think of such" she scolds herself, Anzai just opened up to her about his past, which could only mean that he considered her feelings, but those words he said.

"I will never be able to forgive myself... neither will I be able to move on"

Made everything very clear.

Her eyes saddened more.


Anzai's weak gaze was on his hand, against the bed, his eyes trembled, he still couldn't get that day off his head, it was a constant reminder of a bad memory, he wanted so desperately to get rid of.


3 Years Ago

Black Storm Day

Anzai struggled to stand, he was in the midst of immense destruction, flames everything and the air gave out strange black dot dew like something polluted the area.

He coughed as he forces his body to stand.

"Ichika," he said weakly, standing slowly but he stumbled to the wall, leaning on it, taking a harsh breath, his body in immense pain.

The last thing he remembered was that he was in the living room, Ichika was in the kitchen upstairs and then suddenly everywhere vibrated and that was it, he couldn't remember anything after that but he was sure an explosion happened but he didn't know where it came from.

"Ichika," he said weakly making his way around the rubbles. But he knew whatever it was, it can't be good.

He walked towards a pile of rubbles recognizing the place, he separates them seeing a drawer, the contents remained but the rest destroyed, he forced it opened, grabbing his shotgun, and then cocking it, whatever the fuck is going on he has to be prepared, find his wife and get the hell of here.

"ICHIKA!!!!" he shouts on top of his lungs.


Suddenly he heard a sound, he turned.

"Ichika?", it still came from where their house once stood so it must be her.

He rushed towards the area making sure his guard was up, his body shook in pain and the head wound he sustained made him dizzy but he fought the feeling, he had to find her, which was of the utmost importance.

He came to a halt seeing the area covered in more flames and the smoke got worse.

He coughed.

"Ichika" he looked around but it was becoming harder to see.


He froze when he heard her voice, he quickly turned.


The smoke around lessen, but it was still harder to see, Anzai tried his best to see and then he did.

It was like the world stopped around him, everything ease to exist as he stared at what was before him, a distance away.

"Ichika", tears filled his eyes.

There she stood covered in the flames, tears in her eyes, her skin decomposing into something, her body covered entirely in black veins.

"Anzai-Kun," she said as her yellow eyes with tears landed on him.

"I..." she broke, she didn't understand what was happening, neither does she want it to be, because it felt like she was changing, turning into something against her will like something was taking over and suppressing her human side, something within her.

"Anzai-kun," she said his name but this time for a different, whatever this was or what was happening, she felt immense blood lust and urge to kill, and she didn't want to hurt Anzai.

"Please... run I don't wanna hurt you" she cried, it was taking over and fast.

"No... no... NO!", he dashes after her.

'Please don't come' she thought in panic and then everything went blank.

Anzai came to a halt when he heard a roar, his shaky eyes now on a creature, no longer his wife.

A creature unlike anything he had never seen stood on all fours, It was 5 feet tall with long legs, having sharp large claws. Hunched back like position, having meat-like skin which was reddish-brown, no eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no shape, vibrating like a humming sound. Mouth wide with shark-like teeth, sharp and deadly.

"Ichika?", he wasn't even sure of the name he called, he couldn't feel her nor could he recognize her anymore.

Tears filled his eyes, as he broke, what was happening.

The Kaiju roared launching at Anzai, his teeth clenched, his grip tightened against his gun.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH" he gave a loud sound as the tears continued to spill from his eyes and the fired bullet.

The bullet pierced the skin but that didn't stop it, his eyes widened in horror as the claw splashed through his chest, the force pushed him backward as he lands on the ground hard.

He coughed blood, his eyes against the skies, his body numb, he couldn't feel anything only pain.

'Is this it?' he thought with trembling eyes.

The Kaiju growled crawling against him, its dangerous canines close to his face, ready to rip it off.

"Ic..hi..ka" he drawled.

The Kaiju roared coming for his head but then suddenly like a bright light shinned like a gold light, he didn't know what happened next but then everything went blank.





There was this voice in his head he couldn't explain it, he slowly opened his eyes, he felt his body levitating like zero gravity.


He heard the voice again and then a bright light came in front of him, his eyes widen when he saw what was before him.

'You can't die yet... you can't die' his eyes trembled.

"You're..." his eyes wide.

'Hiro needs you, you can't die yet....'

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