The 841st chapter is asking for votes!



A strange sound rang throughout the room, but this sound was no longer the original sound that was a little oozing, but...with a touch of different feeling.

Not only that, but there was also a pleading meow along with this clucking sound.

"It's really troublesome without a translation system." Xiu Yan waved his hand: "Let's go outside and talk."


A group of people looked at Xiuyan silently.

"What are you doing?" Xiu Yan looked at the motionless people inexplicably.

"That..." Shen Hai glanced at the stairs with a weird expression: "You...isn't it too bad for others to do this?"

Xiuyan looked up. At this time, Jia Yuzhi was firmly pressed to the ground, her limbs were pressed by eight little ghosts, and her head was pressed against the ground.

Yingcao squatted next to Kayako, with dandelions in her hands on her neck, ears, and armpits walking back and forth.

The other owner of this mansion was the other owner of this house, who made a begging meow next to him. That's not right, the main ghost Junxiong.

However, Tu Bi's body had completely blocked the child, so that he could only watch his mother suffer.

"This is to relieve grievances." Xiu Yan stretched his hands: "For so long a sad face, you see how happy she is smiling now."


Zhao Mingzhi had a perceptible expression on his face: "By the way, why are ghosts ticklish?"

"Maybe because the tickling is also a ghost?" Yu Wenjin gave such an explanation.

"Suddenly I feel that Gaya coconut is so miserable." Chu Yu also sighed from the side: "In other words, it is also a world-renowned ghost, now..."

"But I didn't kill it directly." A substitute sighed.

"Oh." Xiu Yan found that everyone's topic was directly biased, and simply said, "Yingcao, stop."

The dandelion in Yingcao's hand stopped, while Xiuyan walked towards Jia Yu.

"Give you a chance." Xiuyan looked at Jia Yuzhi's eyes.

This female ghost who had only hatred in her eyes turned out to be full of fear at this time!

It was the first time she met so many colleagues when she was so accustomed to being a ghost!

It's the first time I saw a ghost with a boss!

"Ask you something." Xiu Yan said: "If you cooperate, I will let you go."

"Gluck." Gayko's throat made such a sound.

Xiuyan looked at Yingcao: "What did she say?"

Yingcao shook his head: "I don't understand."

"Huh?" Xiu Yan was taken aback for a moment: "Why don't you understand?"

"I'm a monster of plants and trees." Yingcao said of course: "She is a ghost, we don't understand our language. Um...The Tomb Raider should understand."

Xiuyan glanced around and found that there was no tomb robber here, and simply threw out a blank ticket.

The Tomb Raider appears.

Xiuyan pointed at Kayako and looked at the Tomb Raider: "Can you understand what she said?"

The Tomb Raider was taken aback: "She didn't speak."


Xiuyan lowered his head, Jia Yuqi suddenly giggled after seeing the scary man's eyes!

The Tomb Raider listened for a long time, then nodded his head in an unbelievable manner: "Sure enough...I don't understand."

Xiu Yan straightened up suddenly: "You want to go to heaven, right?"

"No, no," The Tomb Raider hurriedly waved his hand: "Master, don't be angry, I...I'm just an ordinary Tomb Raider, she's a grievance, even a foreign language for ghosts!"

"God's **** foreign language!" Yu Wenjin stared at the back, "Xiu Yan's summoned creatures are poisonous!"

"Is this your focus?" Zhao Mingzhi's pupils shrunk slightly: "I remember that...whatever Bai Fu summons is random, right?"

No matter what the discussion later, Xiu Yan looked at the tomb robber and asked, "Do you know who understands?"

"En..." The Tomb Raider thought for a while, and then said timidly: "Maybe...Bone Girl understand, she has a deep resentment."

Xiu Yan nodded, and a blue symbol appeared in his hand. The charm flashed, and a woman in a kimono with a sharp back and a bone sword appeared in front of her.

"Master," the bone girl said respectfully.

Xiuyan pointed to Kayako and asked, "Can you understand her?"

The Bone Girl glanced at Kayako, her eyes suddenly full of interest. After taking a deep breath, she exclaimed, "This kind of smell..."

The red rose in Xiuyan's hand directly hit the bone woman's head: "I ask if you can understand."

The Bone Girl immediately covered her head, and then quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, hometown, hometown dialect!"

Shen Hai blinked his eyes next to him: "Is this a directional summon?"

"But that's just an ordinary blue talisman." Yu Wenjin pushed his glasses and whispered: "It's not like a spell for directed summoning."

Xiuyan heard the following discussion but didn't care.

There are things you deliberately conceal, but you can't conceal them, just let them guess.

Kayako continued to giggle, while Xiuyan turned to look at the bone girl.

The skeletal girl was sitting in jeopardy, her long white robe blocked her long white legs: "She said she knew she was wrong, and asked if you could let her son go first."

Xiuyan waved his hand, and the little ghosts turned into a white talisman and returned to his hand.

There were only four ghosts left. Yingcao Bone Girl Gaya Coconut and Junxiong.

"Sit down." Xiu Yan said.

Ever since, a scene that made the surrogate faceless appeared.

I saw that in the movie chasing you all over the world to kill, that even in the quest world of the surrogate, it can force the scalp of the surrogate to numb, that horrible Gaya coconut that can't be stopped anywhere is actually sorted out at this time The clothes hugged his son and sat in the corner shivering.

"Cocococo." Jia Yuzhi said.

The Bone Girl immediately translated: "She said that she really didn't know who you were. Even if she met someone similar to you before, she wasn't so good."

"Similar to me?" Xiuyan frowned: "What do you mean."

Behind Xiu Yan, Meng Hao touched Liu Hong: "Hey, don't Jia Yuqi just cluck twice? There is a problem with this translation."

Liu Hong's eyes stared: "Just you talk a lot!"

"Cococococo." Jia Yuqi said.

"Just like you, the person who suddenly appeared in the house."

In a word, the expressions of all the surrogates changed in one stroke!

How would the characters in the plot know these things?

Xiuyan also changed his color slightly, and said, "Tell me more concretely! What characteristics do you differ from us?"


"It's still a little different from you. For example, I am afraid when I see her. There are some people who are a little inexplicable, but some are just ordinary people. Those who are capable come sober, ordinary people I fainted."

"Novice mission!" Xiu Yan said instantly: "No, how can the novice mission be given to this kind of mission world? And..."

"And the novice mission in the Garden of Eden is only for newcomers." As a former instructor, Xueyin's face was completely gloomy: "There are only novice teaching missions for old people! But even newcomers on the novice teaching mission fainted when they entered the Garden of Eden. , Not the mission world!"

Everyone seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter, except...

Meng Hao scratched his head aside: "Mom...does a word mean so much?"

ps: Starting today, everyone has seen the selection activity. I looked at the rankings... Ma, I'm here on page eight! So... Ask for all kinds of tickets! ! Monthly ticket blade recommended ticket! Please don't be stingy! ! !

ps: Another one is that there is an "author" column on the selection page. Everyone has one vote a day. I just looked at myself...well, five votes...there was a sudden explosion.

ps: So, can you please give me some points on it too, at least it will look good....The single digits are embarrassing. The author column can be searched for the author's name!

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