Chapter 842 Gene Lock

"Maybe the rules are different?" Yu Wenjin said, looking at the other substitutes.

The substitutes of the twelve natural disaster camps suddenly walked out with a look of bad luck.

No way, people don’t want you to know some things, where can you stay there forever?

Although it is a team, the ghost knows whether a team can do it.

They don't want to take this risk.

Watching these substitutes leave, Yu Wenjin continued: "If the rule of this place is that the old man and the newcomer work together..."

"Then there is hardly any newcomer's early days." Chuyu next to him said: "It is a super dangerous mission. The newcomer and the old are entangled. In such an environment, whether the newcomer can get the survival point is a problem."

"In fact, you can see a little clue from the main **** space." Shen Hai interface: "If the old man and the new man are not separated, it means continuous exploitation."

"I think the focus should be on the characters in the plot?" Zhao Mingzhi looked at Jia Yuzhi: "As a character in the plot, how does she know these differences? Shouldn't the surrogate entering the mission world be equivalent to directly restarting the mission world? ?"


"She said she didn't understand what we meant by you."

"Timeline." Xiuyan asked: "What are you going through every time those people come?"


"Normal life."

"In other words..." Xiu Yan meditated: "In this main **** space, can the mission world be reused?"

"Perhaps it was fully utilized without clearing the customs?" Xueyin was on the side interface: "Only after being cleared will it be reset?"


A group of people discussed it, but no matter what they were talking about, everyone was full of disgust at this task mode.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. In such a comparison, everyone's sense of the Garden of Eden has been greatly changed.

I used to think that the name Garden of Eden was full of malice, but now... they seem to understand the meaning of the Garden of Eden.

Xiuyan thought for a while, and then asked, "So, is there anything special about those people?"


"She said that some ordinary people seem to suddenly become very powerful, avoiding one or two attacks from her, but then those people will fall into a state of dying."

"Strengthening?" everyone couldn't help exclaiming.


"She said that she had heard people say that those capable people said something about ‘gene lock’."

Xiu Yan looked at Yu Wenjin.

Yu Wenjin shook her head: "Don't look at me, I've never seen, no, I haven't even heard of the reinforcement mode. But... it sounds like this is not reinforcement, but a one that appears in the mission world. Kind of ability?"

"Innate ability?" Chu Yu said, "Isn't this an ability that can be awakened in the mission world?"

"It should be about the same." Xiuyan nodded. He glanced at the mission of his watch, and then at Kayako: "We only have two ways to leave this place, either kill you or make you a Buddha. . But I know another way, which is to follow us. Which one do you choose?"

Kayako's body stiffened, and she lowered her head to look at Junxiong in her arms.

A trace of puzzlement flashed across the bone girl's face. She was about to translate, but Xiu Yan stretched out her hand to interrupt her.

"Do you want to become a Buddha? Or at least let your child go."

Kayako nodded.

"I understand." Xiuyan stood up and let go of the road: "Xueyin, please save them."

Xueyin pursed her mouth and saw that she took a step forward and lifted her staff, vomiting softly in her mouth: "God said, all things end in death, what they did before death is the end, and after death, the consciousness is rebirth. Anyone who is reborn , All have reasons for being forgiven. Those who have suffered a great deal, suffered a thousand sins, and tasted all kinds of suffering are qualified to walk with God."

A burst of light fell from the sky, and fell on Jia Yu and Junxiong's bodies.

In this ray of light, the bodies of the two ghosts began to turn into dots of light and dissipated.

The feeling of tearing came again.


The faces of everyone who returned to the Garden of Eden became serious.

More than a dozen surrogates from the natural disaster camp didn't say anything at all when they saw this posture, and all walked into their rooms very interestingly.

At the same time, a voice appeared in everyone's mind.

"Reincarnation Xiuyan performed well and is now judged to be the captain of the Zhongzhou team."


"There really is a captain."

A group of people brushed it and looked at Xiuyan.

Xiu Yan looked at his hands, his face full of entanglement.

"What's wrong?" Xueyin found something strange.

"I was chosen as the captain."

"We know."

"Obtained the captain's permission." Xiu Yan frowned: "I can know what the next mission world is, and I can also check some things in the main **** space. Most importantly... I heard the prompt to open the gene lock. But I was told that Gene Lock could not be found." At this point, Xiu Yan looked at everyone with a gloomy expression: "But I don't even know what Gene Lock is."

Everyone looked at each other.

"No, go ask that." Yu Wenhuai pointed to the ball of light.

Xiuyan nodded, and then connected to the main god.

After selecting the gene lock, the corresponding explanation will appear.

After reading it, Xiuyan chose to revisit their enhancements. In an instant, several battleships appeared in front of Xiuyan.

"It's really there!" Looking at these enhancements, Xiu Yan muttered to himself: "An s-level branch plot, 200,000 survival points, survival points are good to say, what is this branch plot? So far... It seems that the highest one is only a c-grade?"

Although I don't know what this is, at least Xiuyan still knows a few things.

That is, the things inside can be taken out! It's not that it couldn't be brought out like the original terrorist college.

In a sense, the functions of this main **** space have been preserved more than those of terrorist colleges.

Xiuyan withdrew from the link, and then looked at everyone and said: "Understood, gene lock is the potential of human beings, and it is a kind of ability to sleep in human genes. After turning it on, users will instantly gain powerful combat power. Gene lock is divided into many stages, but there is a common feature, that is, it will put a great burden on the body after use! There is even a high probability of death. Of course, whether it can be opened or not depends on people." Xiuyan laughed at this point. Got up: "Familiar?"

Everyone looked at each other, then silently nodded, and said in unison: "Special enhancement!"

"Or the data incarnation body with special reinforcement." Xiuyan replied: "I probably know what the phrase can't find the gene lock means...because from this place, my body, or the body of the surrogate, is already the same. What they perceive is different! Especially avatar!"

"Just cursing that we are not human." Meng Hao muttered.

ps: Come, come, one hundred blades, one hundred monthly tickets, how about adding one for one thousand recommendations? ? ?

ps: This afternoon...300 recommends dozens of blade monthly passes...I feel that you are not willing to give it to me if you don't open it! Although the ‘work value’ is related to subscriptions, it’s normal for someone else to recommend a place...but the demon guy is 100,000...I have less than 10,000...It’s very tangled!

ps: By the way, a wave of transactions: Queen’s new book "Erogant Painter Shurachang"

Introduction: Baihe, a man who has traversed in a daze for an unknown number of times, the hero who rescued mankind in the War of the Witch, but because of the curse of the Witch, became an ergonomic painter for everyone.

In order not to be affected by the curse and become a puppet of desire, he draws a book if he has nothing to do. Now that the book is all drawn, it seems to be justifiable to exchange some money for a better life, right?

"So, this is the reason why you drew Toshizaki Kakuzo's book?"

"Uh...she is my wife, I think I will forgive me."

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