"Auntie, I'm Zhao shensan. I mean Zhao shensan you see now. It's actually a dog thing. Do you know what a dog thing is? You don't know. Ha, I tell you, a dog thing is such a thing that when you see a boss, it wags its tail and when you see a competitor, it bares its teeth!

Ha ha ha! Auntie, it's very funny. I tell you, good people are buried in the unit, and no one knows for a lifetime, but once you become a dog, you can develop immediately. Really, really, believe it or not, anyway, I believe it, ha ha ha! The winners of our unit are all dogs! Of course, if you don't like dogs, you can call us dog people. Auntie, guess what? Fortunately, you are not in the company. Otherwise, if you want to be outstanding, you have to become such a dog. Only in this way can you conform to the trend of the company and stand out as a leader. "

Zhao shensan began to speak incoherently. In fact, these words are a kind of complex accumulated in his heart after he had to be alienated as a pure intellectual for so many years, a kind of nostalgia for the belief that he had been stuck to for many years but could not stick to, a very tragic but helpless nostalgia. It's easy to open his heart at the moment And it came out like a flood.

Lingyan saw that Zhao shensan's eyes were blurred and his pupils were wandering. Although he didn't speak incoherently, every word was filled with a kind of inexplicable indignation. He was afraid that he would hurt his body if he said too much, so he quickly sighed to stop him and said, "come on, silly child, man is man, dog is dog. What kind of" Dog Man "is strange. Drink some hot tea to have a rest. These words are very strange I'm afraid I'll go! "

Zhao shensan, however, stubbornly shook his head and said, "you have never been an official. You don't understand. Generally speaking, dogs and people are two different things. But in the specific situation of the unit," he "is able to integrate dogs and people successfully.

Moreover, although the awakened unit people can become "dog people", but the dog people are also divided into three, six, nine and so on. The inferior "Dog Man" is a kind of person who has no virtue and talent. He is stupid but unwilling to leave. All day long, he sees every opportunity around the leader, and his intention to climb up is written on his face. Besides, dogs are just as bad as human beings. They wag their tails in front of them, flatter them and show their teeth behind them. Even if they wag their tails off, they are nothing more than villains who are looked down upon by others. When big people are in a good mood, let them eat, drink and take advantage of them. They will never be appreciated and promoted by big people. "

Spirit smoke see Zhao shensan at the moment also don't know is confused or clear, say he is clear, say these words are unheard of strange talk, say he is confused, say again orderly, even just choking and intermittent all have no, it's like people who hold for a long time easy to meet the right Lyric opportunity, is in the performance of general.

"The average" Dog Man "is much smarter. At least they know how to cover their own desires, and they have some personal abilities. Even if they are just middle-class dogs, they can be divided into high and low-level dogs. They are a little better than the low-level ones, but the most advanced ones are not up to the high-level ones. Therefore, the number of people at this level is the largest, which can be divided into several categories: those with "mediocre talent and morality", those with "talent without morality", and those with "virtue without talent".

At the same time, they are able to complete their work and flatter the leaders. They are not able to see through it at a glance. These middle-level "dog people" occupy most of the middle-level leadership positions in the unit. When they get to this position, they will be very contented and happy, and will begin to show the "dog people" who can show their teeth in this position, so as to suppress and repel those who are inferior to them.

In order to protect their hard won position, when they encounter competition opportunities, they can even secretly kill their friends who are usually close as brothers. They just want to be able to get rich. This kind of person's ability is so little, but it has the most protective color, and it's also more difficult to identify, so it's the most vulnerable to be hurt by them when they mix in the unit. But because of their essential qualities, it is impossible for these people to stand out if they want to be outstanding. "

With the continuous pouring out, Zhao shensan's thinking became more and more active. These theories that he had never sorted out and summarized were as abundant as a reservoir that had been accumulated for a long time. Now that the gate has been opened, they are pouring out like flowing water. They are coming freely.

Lingyan's mouth was slightly open. It was obvious that he had been deeply attracted by Zhao shensan's theory. He no longer paid attention to whether his mood was normal, let alone to stop him. He looked at him in amazement, and even subconsciously asked, "what's the performance of a high-level" Dog Man "?

Zhao shensan kept complaining like suffering from paranoia He said that at the moment, getting the agreement from Lingyan was more like beating chicken blood. He said with flying eyebrows: "aunt, you agree with me, right? I know that people like you can understand me.

Actually Hi, Honghong and I depend on you as a mother, so I'm not afraid of shame in front of you. I tell you, to put it bluntly, I, Honghong, and even Er Our father, Secretary Lu, to a certain extent, belongs to the "high dog people."

"Dead boy...""Smelly boy..."

"Oh, my God, what did you say, you silly boy? Oh, it's my fault that I shouldn't ask you. Shut up

Two low curses came from the next room, but they were all drowned in Lingyan's exclamation. The excited Zhao shensan naturally didn't hear them. He went on happily and said, "don't worry, auntie. If you listen to me, you won't think that I'm offending my father. In fact, those who are qualified to be high-ranking people are all dragons and phoenixes among people!"

Lingyan looked at the back of the curtain anxiously. When she saw a hand stretching out and swinging at her, she said helplessly: "silly child, be careful. If you are wrong, your aunt can't protect you. Do you understand "

this is already a very intimate reminder. Unfortunately, Zhao shensan could not understand that his desire to talk has reached a white hot situation. It's not necessary to let him say that he would suffocate him, so he ignored Lingyan's reminder and said to himself," Auntie, who do you think good people want to be dogs? We can become "high dog people" They all belong to the natural social animals. From the very beginning, they have the same spiritual power and quality as they need to be able to become peerless martial arts masters.

There is no doubt that all of us are of high overall quality, such as personal ability and knowledge cultivation. Just because of this, what we uphold when we first arrive at the unit is our good wish to be appreciated and promoted by the leaders relying on our personal ability. However, the ruthless reality and the prevailing game rules in the unit will soon wipe out our illusion cruelly. After the collapse of this belief and idea that most of us believed in from childhood, our pain and struggle are beyond your imagination and understanding. It's even time to beat the skin! "

At this point, Zhao shensan was in a low mood, and the two people listening next door looked at each other helplessly and sighed, as if they agreed with Zhao shensan's theory.

"Auntie, think about it. Since childhood, most of us believe in the success of learning, and believe that the capable are the king. However, when we entered the unit, we found that the most important way of promotion is to win the appreciation of the top leaders! Yes, you can be competent in the unit, you can be useless, but as long as this person says hello, you must be good.

On the contrary, even if all the work of the whole unit is done by you alone, as long as this person hates you, you will do it for nothing. Don't expect any Bole Qingtian to make the decision for you at all. The low and medium-sized dogs around that person will naturally complete the restriction and trampling action on you perfectly for that person, until you become a person in the rules of the game, or even a hapless person who can't develop except for cynicism! "

"Auntie, ever since I was literate, my father taught me to be a man of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust. I used to spurn the unhealthy tendencies and fight against the heart and the horn. After I entered the unit, I was not willing to degenerate into a" Dog Man "around me. However, my ability has been suppressed by the middle-class office director of "Dog Man". For three years, I have written countless big materials, but without exception, I have been given the name of office director. Our boss, director Zheng Yanhong, did not know that I was Zhao shensan in the education committee! "

"So, I reluctantly gave up my belief step by step, and became a mediocre person with incomparable pain. But I always insisted on what I should uphold as an intellectual and a person with conscience, and vowed that even if I was mediocre all my life, I could not allow myself to degenerate into a half human and half dog animal. That's all for my life!

However, I watched a lot of "dog people" who were inferior to me in both knowledge and ability climb up to my head, and then they could give orders to me, and I didn't even have the reason and courage to resist. You say, how can I balance "

" it's just like this in single family. When I get home, my wife talks about who was promoted and who was bought House, who bought a car, as if she married me and became the first person in the world.

I live in the house accompanied by her mother's family. Even if my parents want to visit my granddaughter, it depends on her mood. What dignity do you think I have in my life? In this way, compared with the cruel reality, the belief I have firmly believed for decades is more real and more textural "

in the end

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