The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 54 - A Shitty Experience

Currently, Wu Shuyu was running for her life! While Teang Yu was yelling at her.

"You stupid girl why the fuċk are you running! It's just a Wind Ape! Its only a rank three demonic beast!" 

"Fuck you, Floaty Lady! You said I was going to fight demonic beasts but this is bullshit! That fuċkign thing is throwing shit everywhere! You might not care because it will go right through you but I can't avoid it like that!!"

Following behind Xiao Wu was a grey Ape with a stocky build.

"Eeee… Eee.."

"Eeee… Eee… Your Sister! You dirty fuċkɨnġ ape!"

This was the first time in a long time that Xiao Wu had talked so much. In her past life, she used to talk a lot but since coming to this world and being treated like a princess her mentality had slowly regressed. But now after spending just a few days alone in the forest being forced to fight low rank demonic beast by Teng Yu. Her regressed mentality made a huge comeback!


"Eeee… Eeee..."

"Ah! That was close! That was a huge shit! What the fuċk do these guys eat!"

After almost being hit with a big pile of shit, Xiao Wu was forced to change course. She really wished this damn ape would just give up. But as she turned the corner her face paled because in front of her were three more Wind Apes!

"Rank three demonic beasts my ȧss! Floaty Lady that damn apes intelligence is god level! He forced me to come this way! This is all your fault! Instead of going deeper into the woods I should have found my way back to the sect! I could be having sėx right now and living an easy life!"

"What the hell happened to all your grandeur about wanting to grow strong for your loved ones!?"

"I'm already stupidly strong from what you tell me! So it wouldn't matter!"

"So what if your stupidly strong. Remember you do not know how to fight! Even if you are stupidly strong you were still having trouble with rank one demonic beast that you should only need to breath on to defeat! Remember how that horned rabbit almost took your ȧss vɨrġɨnɨtƴ with its horn!?" 

"That was a scary experience! Why do you have to bring up scary shit when I'm about to be  showered with feces!?"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

Multiple Wind Apes tossed out huge lumps of shit towards Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu someone who had not exercised in months was getting the work out of her life on this day. She twisted and turned her body contorting it in directions she had no idea she could even bend. All in order to avoid all the flying shit that was coming at her. After the shit stopped raining down Xiao Wu was huffing and puffing as she held her hands on her knees.

"That was close!"

"Wow! This is better training than I had planned for you. Your movements just now were amazing! Good job Xiao Wu!"

"I do not want your praise for avoiding a shower of shit!"

"Xiao Wu everything you are undergoing is precious training!"

"Precious my ȧss! You go jump in a pile of shit and tell me how much you love it!"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Shit! Time to run!"

Xiao Wu did not dawdle any longer as she shot off in a new direction. For some reason, Xiao Wu felt that the Wind Apes looked like they were all laughing at her. She did not know why she had this feeling but the damn big grins on their faces was a huge clue to this fact!

As she ran they threw shit. She dodged they threw more shit! Each time they were not actually aiming for her! It was more like they were just playing a game! Xiao Wu was really starting to get pissed!  But there was nothing she could do! She did not want to get any ape shit on her! Her pride just would not allow it! To make things even worse though was that as the Wind Apes chased her all the other demonic beast ran away! So she could not even use them as a means of escaping the damn apes! She could even see the fear and disgust in their eyes as the apes got close before running away!

"Damnit! Floaty Lady think of something!"

"Sorry Xiao Wu I need to go umm... take a bath right now so you are on your own for now. Do you best not to get any shit on the ring okay~! Bye Bye~"


Xiao Wu wanted to cry the demonic beast left her hanging and even the damn Floaty Lady left her hanging! 

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"

"Eeeee… Eeeee…"


Xiao Wu heard a new sound and thought that maybe the damn apes ran into a nemesis but when she turned her head all she saw was brown! 


" Son Of A Bitch! "

Xiao Wu's face was completely painted with shit. Xiao Wu lost it! She turned around her body flickered, disappearing form the Wind Apes sight. The apes were startled because the human who was running away suddenly disappeared. But before they could react, a huge tree trunk came sweeping towards them smashing into their bodies from above! They were not able to move in time and were smashed into the ground leaving a giant crater.

Xiao Wu walked over with brown shit still smeared on her face. She shouted out:





As she stomped on each one of their heads! It would have been fine if it had stopped there since the Apes were already dead but Xiao Wu felt her anger was not appeased as she continued to stomp on the last ape over and over again!

"Teach you to throw shit at me for hours on end! This is for getting shit on my face! This is for getting shit in my mouth! And this is…."

Xiao Wu continued to make up random reasons to keep stomping on the dead ape. After she finally felt her anger subside Xiao Wu let out a long sigh.

"What a shitty experience!"

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