The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 55 - A Real Live Chicken!

After killing off the Wind Apes, Xiao Wu was crying in her heart. The fact that her face still had shit on it really made her depressed. She quickly ran through the woods looking for a place to wash up. It took almost an entire day for Xiao Wu to find a small pond. Once she did, she did not even care if anyone was around as she stripped off her clothes and jumped into the water. She sank to the bottom of the pond and rubbed her face vigorously trying to get all the shit off her. Every time she rubbed she would swim a few feet away from the last position so that she would not be sitting in shitty water.  After almost thirty minutes of cleaning her face, only then did Xiao Wu wipe down the rest of her body before getting out of the water.

Once dried off she took out a new set of clothes from her ring and put them on. She then burnt the other set of clothes she previously had on. She looked at the ring on her finger as she cursed in her mind.

' You just wait, Floaty Lady, the day I am able to shove you into a pile of shit will come soon! '

After straightening herself out Xiao Wu paused and realized she had no idea what she should be doing next. Since she did not know she picked a direction and started walking once again. She walked for many more days until she found herself in an area with dead trees all around her. Not only were the trees dead but the ground itself was completely black. Xiao Wu still continued to walk forward as if nothing had changed. 

The farther she walked the hotter her surroundings got. Xiao Wu had not felt it at first but now she was feeling that the air was a bit stuffy. Xiao Wu looked around and off in the distance a little ways from where she was she saw a large protrusion coming out of the ground. Thinking it to be a good place to rest for the night. Xiao Wu headed straight towards it. It took almost twenty minutes to reach the protrusion. It should have been faster but Xiao Wu was walking very slowly. 

By the time she finally arrived Xiao Wu was surprised to see that the protrusion was actually a large cave that led deep into the ground. Xiao Wu slowly edged her way into the cave.  She saw that the angle going down was very steep. Almost to the point of being a vertical drop. Not only that but the air inside was ten times hotter than that of the outside. Somewhat curious as to what was down there, Xiao Wu carefully made her way over to the edge of the steep incline. She leaned over and peeked down. She could faintly see a bit of glowing light in the dark abyss below. Seeing that she could not see anything clearly Xiao Wu frowned as she went to turn around. 

Unfortunately, Xiao Wu turned to quickly and her foot that was at the edge of the steep incline slipped sending her tumbling down into the abyss! 


"What the fuċk is with this forest!? First I get slapped in the face with shit then I fall down a damn hole!"

After expressing her frustration, Xiao Wu then looked around her surroundings and was surprised to see that the whole place was lit up fairly brightly. It was also very hot though. Xiao Wu looked up at the steep incline and knew she was not going to be able to climb back up. The only thing she could do was walk down the only path that there was. Just like the caves and tunnels she had been in when she first arrived in this world the rock face of this tunnel was embedded with a glowing type rock. But instead of being blue like other rocks these ones were red and emitted heat. 

Xiao Wu continued walking what seemed to be hours before she came to a large open room. This room was the hottest so far. Because of the heat, Xiao Wu was already dripping in sweat and feeling somewhat dizzy. But her eyes went wide when she entered the room. In front of her was a large gigantic chicken! Xiao Wu's mouth started watering since she had not had chicken once since she came to this world. She thought that such a thing did not exist on this world. But now right in front of her was a real live chicken! Just thinking of all the ways she could cook this chicken was making her mouth water like crazy! Xiao Wu then started planning out each of her future meals. First, she would roast some, then grill some, then she would… Xiao Wu's thoughts were spinning in circles as the heat was getting to her. She no longer cared if it was cooked or not! She just wanted some chicken!

Completely putting the fact that this chicken was about one hundred times the size of her, Xiao Wu dashed forward at and instantly appeared next to the chicken's leg. Not caring about the red glowing feathers on the leg Xiao Wu opened her mouth and bit down with all her might!

"OWWWW!!!! Who dares to bite this celestial king!"

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