The sky was full of surprise, but the scenery behind it was still bright.

Not to mention the reporters below, even Mu Ying herself was stunned for a moment.

She was clearly flying straight towards the dimensional crack in the sky, but soon after she took off from underwater, she felt like she had hit something.

Then, the blue sky, the towering icebergs, and the calm ice surface all disappeared completely, as if a huge curtain had been taken down, and the scenery behind the curtain appeared in front of her.

The first thing that came into view was four extremely huge square stone pillars, with a side length of at least ten meters and a height of one hundred meters.

Moreover, Mu Ying could clearly see that the stone pillar was engraved with dense symbols and words. Although there were many symbols, they looked very neat and full of symmetrical beauty.

"Is this... a magic with a concealing effect!?" the reporter below murmured.

This reporter was actually a White Eagle, and the country of White Eagle was very magical. There was everything in it, including magic.

Although this person was very green in White Eagle, otherwise he would not have been forced to freeze in the Arctic Ocean, but he was a professional reporter after all, and he still had some vision.

"These four pillars are the cornerstone and the eye of the magic circle. They cover up the entire area?"

As a person who has been observing the dimensional crack in the Arctic Ocean for a long time, this reporter has the most say. Since he came here, this dimensional crack has never changed. He used to think that this dimensional crack was special, but now it seems that this is entirely because everything he has seen in the past few years is fake, and they are all images created by magic.

"That is to say, the range of influence of this magic is not only extremely large, but also extremely long-lasting and concealed!"

As for the range of influence, you can see at a glance that the world in the eyes of this reporter seems to be collapsing. The special effects of the shattered magic circle even extend all the way to the end of his vision, until he can't see it. You can imagine how large the range of this magic circle is.

As for the duration, three years! He has been observing this dimensional crack for at least three years, so the duration of this magic will naturally be longer!

As for concealment, in three years, all other countries in the world have not discovered the abnormality here. Doesn't this prove something in itself?

And the most important thing is that this concealment magic is definitely not the effect of the dimensional crack itself, but a man-made product, and the only country in the world that can do this is only one country.

"Great Britain..." the reporter muttered to himself, "Yes, when the dimensional crack appeared in the Arctic Ocean, they were the first to send people to check the situation because they were the closest. I think they built this huge magic at that time?"

"But... why...?"

This is what Mu Ying is wondering about now. After she broke this "concealing magic", she clearly saw that in the middle of the four huge stone pillars, there was an extremely flat ice surface. On this ice surface were houses made of ice. They were neatly arranged and looked like a small town.

In the middle of this ice town, there was a diamond-shaped ice block the size of an adult. It was suspended about one meter above the ground. The white cold air visible to the naked eye emanated from this ice block, drifted around, and was then absorbed by the nearby black device that looked like a trumpet and engraved with dense symbols.

It seems that this ice town, and even the entire concealing magic, was built for this diamond-shaped ice block, and this diamond-shaped ice block is probably the real product of the dimensional crack in the sky.

"Attachment..." Mu Ying suddenly thought of these two words. To be precise, it is [Dimensional Crack·Attachment]. This is also a type of dimensional crack. Its general effect is that this type of dimensional crack will release an unknown wave and spread downward, eventually affecting some items and giving them certain effects.

For example, the thing named [Surprise Wooden Box], which is actually called [One-sixth Dice], is the product of this type of dimensional crack.

It may have been an ordinary dice, or a piece of wood. Under the influence of the dimensional crack, it turned into a fist-sized wooden block with a clown pattern.

In other words, an item may look completely different before and after being affected. Of course, the two will not be the same.

The difference is too outrageous. [Surprise Wooden Box] It may be a dice or a piece of wood, but it is definitely not a bottle of vinegar.

In a sense, this can be regarded as the mildest type of dimensional crack. It will not affect living things, but only transform dead things. The solution is also very simple. You only need to enter the range of the dimensional crack, find this item and take it out, and the dimensional crack will disappear soon.

While thinking, Mu Ying looked at the front. At first, she thought it was a dimensional crack of the different space type. It has always existed because it did not capture the target, but now it seems that this is clearly an attached type of dimensional crack, and it is artificially kept to exist, and the affected items have not been taken away.

Because of Mu Ying's forced intrusion, the people in this place naturally found something strange. Soon, soldiers wearing thick clothes came out of the ice houses. They looked up at the "uninvited guests" in the sky and showed solemn expressions.

For no other reason, the strong concealment mentioned above is not just to create a false phantom around here, it is actually a kind of magic of spatial nature.

Its effect is to "cut out" the area where the magic is effective and create a false phantom here as a substitute.

In other words, even if someone really walks into this area and comes to the bottom of the dimensional crack, they can't see these igloos or this diamond-shaped ice block, because the two are essentially in two spaces.

This spatial magic is actually not very advanced. It is like a thin piece of paper. If you know the exact information and are prepared, it is not difficult to break it, but the problem is that the figure in the sky does not seem to be prepared. Just passing by, he "smeared" this magic by the way!


ps: The title and cover of the book are almost done, and I am very grateful to [Luochen Buzhan] for his help. Love you, love you~

ps2: The types of dimensional cracks that have appeared so far are curtain, birth, different space, and attachment

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