The boat was already in the water, but the boat was still in the water.

"Quick, start the boat, let's go a little further!" The reporter said, pressing the shutter frantically to record everything in front of him.

At the same time, the perspective returned to Mu Ying. Sam looked a little overwhelmed. No, she just wanted to come here to play a copy. Now, how come pve has become pvp?

Soon, a man came to the front of all the soldiers. Unlike the others, he did not have a thick coat or layers of warm clothes. Instead, he only wore a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. He looked up at the silver mecha in the sky and said solemnly, "Who are you? What is your purpose...?"

While speaking, this man was even ready for battle. He bent down slightly and arched his body. The azure light gathered in his palm, forming a circular pattern, which seemed to be some kind of magic.

And the hundreds of soldiers behind this man also raised their white staffs and pointed them at Mu Ying in the sky.

In this world, before 2015, Great Britain had been in a state of gradual decline, but everything changed after the dimensional crack appeared.

When other countries were still at a loss about the sudden appearance of the dimensional crack, the first dimensional crack in Great Britain directly turned the queen, who was supposed to be the country's 'mascot', into a 'transformer', a blonde, small-chested little loli with extremely strong magical attainments.

Naturally, the queen began to study magic, began to promote magic, and began to consolidate power. Great Britain underwent a huge change in just one year, from a constitutional monarchy to a monarchical dictatorship.

After that, the queen attacked other countries that had left the Commonwealth.

While other countries were still suffering from the impact of the dimensional rift, Great Britain had even gained a lot of benefits from it. In addition, although Great Britain was weak, it was also an old power. Among the former Commonwealth countries, only India was slightly stronger, and the national strength of other countries was very average.

So it didn't take much effort for Great Britain to complete this almost impossible feat. She recovered all the colonies she had lost, formed the "Imperial Federation", and almost reproduced the glory of the sun never setting.

If it were normal, other powers would definitely stop this, but at that time, White Eagle was in civil war, the European Union was also busy with the fusion, a certain Sakura country was fighting with Godzilla, and Bear Country and Dragon Country were also overwhelmed because of their large land area and many dimensional cracks.

Looking back on this history at this time, you can feel how outrageous the luck of the country of Great Britain is. After the establishment of the Imperial Federation, the queen even set her sights on White Eagle. She attacked White Eagle again on the grounds of "unifying the English circle", but unlike the previous soft persimmon, White Eagle is a hard bone.

And at this time, the European Union and Dragon Country also freed up their hands a little and provided some help to White Eagle.

The ending naturally ended with the failure of Great Britain, and this incident also ended the civil war of White Eagle ahead of schedule, which was one of the fuses for the original eight people of White Eagle to unite.

In general, Great Britain is definitely a powerful country now, but because of the actions of this queen, this country has a very bad international evaluation, even lower than White Eagle.

But... Mu Ying has nothing to do with whether this country has a good reputation! She looked at the soldiers in front of her. She was not a perverted killer. She had no grudges against them. She couldn't just go down and kill all of them, right?

Although these people seemed to be doing something bad, no matter how you think about it, it is definitely not a good thing to let a dimensional rift exist for so long, but this is not her business.

Isn't there a reporter nearby? Mu Ying had noticed it a long time ago, which means that what happened here will soon be heard by other big countries. Then let Dragon Country, White Eagle, and the European Union deal with it.

So for the question from the British man, Mu Ying wanted to say directly, 'I have no purpose. I am just an ordinary Kamen Rider passing by. I accidentally broke your glass. I am really sorry.'

But of course she wouldn't say that. Strictly speaking, it was not her fault. It was because the other party built a 'private facility' in a public place, so now

The best thing to do was to turn around and leave, and she did so.

However, perhaps because of her nervousness, just as Mu Ying raised her head and was about to continue flying, the man on the ground raised his hand, and the magic circle in his palm began to rotate. At the same time, four blue beams filled with cold air shot out from the tops of the four stone pillars, and almost in the blink of an eye they flew to Mu Ying who was about to speed up.

This sudden attack naturally made her a little confused. Why did he attack her directly without saying anything?

She turned slightly, but only dodged one beam, and then was hit three times. However, in the end, it was only three times. Mu Ying felt like she was gently pushed by someone. This was because she was in the sky and was hit and floated back a little. If she was on the ground, she estimated that she would not have to retreat even half a step.

That's it?

However, since they had already started, she naturally couldn't just leave as if nothing had happened. She looked at the group of soldiers below, paused for a moment, and then a mechanical voice sounded, "I have no intention of being your enemy."

Then, the silver mecha in the air began to descend rapidly. When it was close to the ground, several flames burst out from its calves and back to slow down the speed of its descent, and then it landed steadily on the ground.

In fact, Mu Ying really wanted to dive down in a handsome posture, but the problem was that this was ice instead of land. If she fell directly, she might smash through the ice directly, and the moment she landed, her whole body would disappear directly, and she would dive in a second after landing. Just imagining it would be so embarrassing!

After landing, Sam's mechanical voice continued to sound, "But since you want to challenge me, then I will give you this opportunity."

As he spoke, raging flames ignited from Sam's body, and then the hundreds of soldiers in front of him fired their staffs at the same time. Sharp ice cones appeared out of thin air, and after locking onto the target at a speed comparable to that of a bullet, they shot towards Mu Ying in the form of a parabola.


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