The British soldiers were fighting in the field.

There is no doubt that the British soldiers in this place can be regarded as fighting at home. They are good at using ice magic, and this icy environment is just right for them to perform well.

But looking at Mu Ying, from the flames burning on her body, it can be seen that she should be good at fighting with fire. No matter how you think about it, Britain should have the advantage.

But... the leader of the more than 100 soldiers, the male in thin clothes, the British general named [Aaron McReynolds], frowned at this time, with an ominous premonition.

And as the saying goes, what you worry about will happen, with the red flames gushing on Sam, forming an X shape on his chest, the temperature around him also rose rapidly.

Even the ice cones fired by more than a hundred soldiers could not get close to the target. They melted completely more than ten meters away from the silver-white mecha, turned into a pool of clear water, and then evaporated into a puff of smoke in a few seconds.

You should know that these magic ice cones are not ordinary ice cubes. The internal temperature is at least below minus 150 degrees Celsius, and its hardness is far beyond that of steel. The most terrifying thing is that at this temperature, just a touch will cause severe frostbite, and even the degree of cessation must be stopped.

This is a weapon far more outrageous than bullets. It is fast and can lock heads. Ordinary people will almost die if they touch it. Even an evolver with excellent physical fitness will quickly lose combat effectiveness after being hit, and will lose a layer of skin if not dead.

But such an attack can't even get close to the enemy.

[DHGDR-Secondary Burning]!

Looking at the data displayed in Sam's helmet, Mu Ying directly entered the secondary combustion state to increase her temperature. Then, she slowly raised her left leg, and a burst of flames suddenly erupted at the knee joint. Under this thrust, she stepped heavily on the ground.


An explosive roar broke out at her location, and then a scene that violated the laws of nature appeared. The flames spread rapidly around her feet and burned on the ice.

In almost a blink of an eye, it was still ice and snow here, but the next second, the entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire. Looking around, all you can see is boiling flames.

Aaron felt like he was at the scene of a fire. Drops of sweat the size of beans appeared on his forehead. He didn't know whether it was because of the heat or because he was shocked by this scene.

He was wearing thin clothes, and the other soldiers were sweating profusely. They could stand steadily at this time. It can be said that these people have strong willpower.

Under this high temperature, the ice under everyone's feet and the surrounding icebergs all melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, what happened!?" The reporter was originally urging the sailor to break the ice and continue to approach the battlefield, but the next second, a raging fire ignited.

There was no need to break the ice now, but he had no way to move forward, because the reporter clearly saw that the sea in front of him was burning.

"No way?" The reporter's lips trembled slightly. He could hardly believe the scene in front of him, and even wondered if he was hallucinating.

How could a big fire burn on the ice! ?

But the high temperature and the scorching air around him reminded him that all this was real, "Oh my God..."

The perspective returned to Mu Ying. Although the other party took the initiative, she still had no intention of killing these soldiers, otherwise everyone here would be burned to charcoal in an instant with that kick just now.

And what she just did was simply, literally "igniting the glacier", nothing more.

With several clear "plop" sounds, several soldiers fell directly because the ice under their feet melted, and others became shaky because the thickness of the ice became lower.

Even if Mu Ying did not attack these people head-on, she just slightly changed the environment, and these soldiers almost lost their combat effectiveness.

Aaron was naturally very clear about this, but he did not have time to worry about his men. He suppressed all the surprise in his heart. Although the enemy's strength was a little beyond his expectations, he would not surrender.

The next second, Aaron began to run wildly in the direction of Mu Ying. Even if the surrounding ice melted completely, he would not

Relationship, every step he took, a new ice surface would form under his feet, just like Mu Ying entered the secondary combustion state, releasing heat continuously, and a lot of cold air also emanated from Aaron.

However, the difference between the two is that after entering the secondary combustion state, these high temperatures are automatically emitted because the engine power is increased, but Aaron is constantly consuming the magic power in his body and actively emitting cold air to isolate this high temperature and avoid being burned.

During the attack, Aaron took out two sword handles from his body, and after pressing some buttons, the silver-white sword body shot out from them.

Dense magic symbols filled various positions of these two weapons, indicating their extraordinary identities.

When he was about five meters away from Mu Ying, with the inertia of this sprint, Aaron's long sword in his right hand stabbed forward like a meteor at a lightning speed.

The silver track passed through the air, and the shining sword blade was like a life-taking death sickle, approaching Mu Ying's neck.

This attack was fast and fierce, but under Sam's scan and Mu Ying's own strong dynamic vision, it seemed so slow and clear. She raised her right hand, used her wrist as a shield, and accurately avoided the stab.

But before she could make any other moves, Aaron's second attack came. The sharp blade of his left hand drew a graceful arc and stabbed her right hand joint at a very tricky angle.

Mu Ying hesitated for a moment and raised her left hand to block his way.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang"

The sound of metal collision was like a symphony, resounding rhythmically in this battlefield.

Aaron's attack was like a storm, one after another. Even if Mu Ying blocked the previous attacks, Aaron could change his moves and continue to attack in almost an instant, which made Mu Ying realize one thing.

That is, the gap in combat experience between the two sides was too big. She could always block perfectly because she could "slow down" the enemy's movements and had plenty of time to react.

Then the next second, Mu Ying suddenly reacted, why should she defend?

When a normal person sees another person rushing towards him aggressively, the first instinct is definitely to dodge and defend, and this instinct is actually a reflection of her lack of combat experience.


ps: I wish everyone a smooth lottery today, and Liuying is not crooked~

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