The first time, the second time.

"It's time to end this boring puzzle game."

"DHGDR-Flowing Fire and Flying Embers!"

While speaking, the thrusters behind Sam and the thrusters at the joints of his right hand all ran at maximum power, increasing the speed to the limit of the current state in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

One after another, the extremely hard metal walls were pierced and melted into molten iron. In just a few seconds, she crossed a distance of thousands of meters and divided the entire "amusement park" into two.


After a short period of time, Mu Ying headed north and finally came to the extreme north of the planet. It didn't take much effort to find the dimensional crack hanging above the sky.

Finally, there was no trouble this time. After a slight dizziness just after approaching, Mu Ying found herself in a completely new place.

Well, this is indeed a dimensional crack of the different space type.

Mu Ying looked around and found that she was in a completely enclosed square metal room. There was a square door on each wall of the room, even on the ceiling and the ground.

Except for the six doors, the whole room was clean and there was nothing... Well, there were actually five people lying on the ground. They were three men and two women. They all looked like they had just woken up from a coma. They looked around in confusion or looked at Mu Ying in horror.

At this time, a cyber-style electronic music sounded, "Haha, welcome to my [Amusement Park]! Here, you will experience many interesting mini-games... and contribute a lot of happiness to me!"

"Believe me, this process may be a little difficult and a little painful, but these are temporary! As long as you can survive to the end, you can get the super gift I carefully prepared for you!"

"It's bad..." When Mu Ying heard this, she thought it was not good in her heart. The reason was very simple. She entered the dimensional rift to kill a lot and brush the completion of the "fierce battle", and this seemed to be a decryption-style alien space, that is, there would be a high probability that there would not be many monsters here.

And what made Mu Ying more confused was that when she looked at the five people around her, she clearly remembered that there was no one else near the dimensional rift in the North Pole, so what happened to these people?

Are they real people? Or did this alien space automatically generate several NPC teammates for her?

While she was thinking, the cyber electronic music continued, "Next, I hereby announce the first game, the game of luck!"

"All six doors in this room will be open for 300 seconds. You can choose any one you want, but remember, only one of the six doors is a way out! Come on, this is a dice throwing game, let's see how lucky you are!"

"Of course, you may also use some stupid methods, six doors, six people, let one person go to explore the way, if he (she) can survive, you can go together, if he (she) dies, you can also avoid the ending of the group annihilation and continue the second attempt!"

"In the worst case, there can be a survivor, right?"


After the rules were explained, accompanied by a few beeps, the six doors that were originally closed were all opened. At the same time, a groove was opened on the wall in front of the few people, and a countdown appeared.

It has to be said that this is a very vicious game, especially after adding this time limit. Under normal circumstances, the six people participating in the "game" will soon fall into infighting.

And the fact is indeed so. The three boys around Mu Ying have already cast their eyes on the other two girls who are a little weaker, and these two girls have cast their eyes on Mu Ying who looks the strongest.

The mediocre want to bully the weak, and the weak want to cling to the strongest.

At this time, a boy also looked at Mu Ying, and he said tentatively, "Well... we are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, brother, your armor looks pretty strong, otherwise..."

However, before this man finished speaking, Mu Ying walked straight to the door closest to her.

She didn't think of following the rules of the game. People have tempers. The dimensional crack in the Arctic Ocean just now was different from what she imagined. It was the [Attachment] type, and now the dimensional crack in the Arctic is different from the space.

room type, but there are still no monsters.

She just wants to brush up the points, just want to kill some monsters, why is it so hard?

Mu Ying's mood now is like being woken up by a phone call just after falling asleep, so annoying! A little angry!

Sam, she pouted her lips, and two small dimples appeared on her cheeks.

And just about five seconds after she walked into the door in front of her, suddenly, the whole room was lit up with green warning lights, and several steel pipes appeared in the place where she just came in, directly sealing the entrance.

"Hua La La -"

Dark green raindrops fell from the roof, and the cyber electronic music sounded, "Wow, what a pity, I drew the most unfortunate and dangerous door right at the beginning! It's so pitiful, I hope your companions don't piss their pants after hearing your screams when you were soaked in sulfuric acid rain."

Pee your pants? Of course not. The five people in the room at the beginning were all stunned and looked at the silver mecha walking in the sulfuric acid. They saw that the other party walked slowly to the end of the sulfuric acid room and silently raised his right hand.


A simple straight punch directly smashed through the metal wall, and the whole arm was halfway in, and then... She grabbed the other end of the wall and pulled it lightly, and suddenly, a large piece of the whole wall was torn off.




Ignoring the exclamations of those behind her, in order to avoid accidental injuries from the aftermath, Mu Ying followed the same method and punched through another room, and then used the move [Flowing Fire Flying Embers], and then, it was the scene at the beginning.

One metal room after another was swept past in Mu Ying's sight, until the end, she even rushed directly into a pile of soil, and it seemed that she had left the scope of the amusement park.

Then, she clearly felt that everything around her was becoming blurred.

Obviously, she had literally beaten through this ‘copy’ in less than two minutes.

“Alas…” Mu Ying sighed helplessly in Samne, estimating that time might not be enough, so she had to choose to return. After a while, on the beach of Borkum Island, a silver-haired girl swam back to the shore. She twisted her hair and sighed as she walked towards the dressing room.

However, this trip was not without gain. Mu Ying glanced at the system and found that the completion rate of the fierce battle had increased by about 1%.


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